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• Eva's POV •
As I explained earlier, things with my parents did not go down well. Turns out I'm grounded for two weeks.
Anyway, after the argument and scolding I had to endure was over, I retreated back to my room. Not knowing what to do, I decided to check Netflix and watch a couple of reruns of The Vampire Dairies, after all, there's nothing a bit of Damon Salvatore can't cure.
As soon as my computer screen lit up, I felt my phone buzz in the pocket of my shorts. I opened it to find Tyler calling. Shit. My phone was on silent and I'm pretty sure this wasn't the first time he was calling since I had felt it buzz multiple times before and decided to ignore it. Gosh. I keep putting my phone on silent and forgetting its on silent! This is bad Eva!
I pick up the call hastily.
"What the fuck?! This is like the 13th time I'm calling you!" I heard a very angry Tyler scream.
"Sorry, I put my phone on silent and forgot." I tell him sheepishly.
"God, Eva. Just don't do this again, anyway, what are you doing?"
"Nothing much. Just scrolling through Netflix."
"Really? So are you now officially a loner? Because only loners stay home on a Sunday night watching Netflix."
"Alrighty then, what are you up to?"
"Scrolling Netflix."
This made me laugh.
"Okay loner, so why'd you call?" I asked.
"I was wondering if I could come by your house today....or maybe you could come by mine."
Oh right. He doesn't know that my parents came home early.
"I would love to babe, but no can do. My parents came home early to surprise me and found out that their perfect daughter stayed the night at someone else's place and grounded her for two weeks." I lament with a sigh.
I could literally feel the disappointment in his voice.
"Don't worry babe, I'll sneak out, just not tonight cause it's the first day of me being grounded and my parents are gonna watch me extra carefully today." I inform him.
"Okay then, maybe I can sneak in to your bedroom tonight?" He asked, hope filling his voice.
"I don't think so desperado. I promise I'll sneak out tomorrow night." I say, chuckling a little.
My room was on the second floor of my house and it had a huge window on the corner so I could climb onto the roof and jump down, thus making it easy for me to sneak out.
"Hey, I am not the least bit desperate, and tomorrow sounds good." He says, defensively.
"Okay then, bye." I said as I hung up.
It wasn't really late, about three in the afternoon. I had already eaten lunch, so I decided to carry out my initial plan of watching reruns of TVD on Netflix.
After watching Damon Salvatore in all his sexiness for about five hours, yes, I am a TVD addict, I finally decided to check my twitter.
After checking my twitter mentions and tweeting absolutely random things for about an hour, I thought it was time I stopped using my laptop. Gosh, it was addicting.
It was around nine at night by the time I had finished putting away my computer and I decided to clean up my room a little since I wasn't on the least bit tired.
By ten my room was sparkling and my mum called me for dinner.
I ran down the stairs to the dinning room and sat on my usual chair. My mum had made noodles. The noodles she made tasted heavenly except for the excess vegetables that she always included hoping that I would start eating healthy. Psshh, yeah.
After dinner, I went back to my room and sat on my comfy bed. Turns out cleaning my room actually exhausted me. I grabbed my orange earphones from the table and plugged them into my ipod. I pressed shuffle and Counting Stars by One Republic . This song brings back so many memories.
Listening to the beautiful melody, I fell asleep.
My peaceful sleep was interrupted by someone playing with my hair. I opened my eyes to find myself starring at beautiful brown orbs that looked like pools of melted chocolate...I could get lost in his eyes forever.
"How was your sleep, babe?" Tyler said in his usual calm and collected one.
I pretended to not notice that I just caught him playing with my hair and watching me sleep like a total creep.
Wait a second, how did he even get into my room?!
"How did you manage to get into my room?" I voice my thoughts.
"I climbed through your window. It's huge and you carelessly forgot to lock it before sleeping." Tyler explains.
"So since you're a professional stalker and you have successfully broken into my house, when are you planning on killing me?" I asked playfully.
"In about five minutes. I need to manipulate you to come with me to a dark and lonely place first." He quips back.
"Okay then, serial killer, how do you plan on manipulating me?" I retaliated.
"Like this." He replied.
Before I could make sense of things, his lips were on mine and I found myself kissing back. Gosh, my body responds to him like its been programmed to.
After about three rounds of sex with Mr. Hot Stuff, I finally found myself drifting off again.
I don't know how long I slept, but I awoke to a sharp noise coming from the kitchen that sounded dangerously like clattering of dishes. Shit. Mum was up.
As flashbacks of the night gone by came back to me, I checked to see if Tyler was still in my bed.
Fortunately, he was not. He must have sneaked out in the middle of the night.
I don't know whether I should be happy about that or sad. Probably happy because the door to my room is open, which means that mum probably came here while I was sleeping and if she'd seen Tyler on my bed, she'd have flipped.
But then again, sneaking out just after we'd had sex was also cheap.
Gosh! I am so over thinking this. Why the fuck do I even care?
Okay, so I'm really satisfied with the length of this chapter considering its from my phone and I'm still prohibited to full access of my electronics, also it's my longest chapter yet.
Hopefully you guys liked it too! :)
Huge thanks to all of you lovely people who are sticking with me through the up-downs of the timings of the updates.
Next Update: Sunday
Love, Aisha