Okay, so this is super short and I'm super sorry for that, but I just couldn't write anymore!!! Also realllly sorry that it was so late!! :(
Enjoy anyways, though!
And of course, you know the drill.....don't forget to vote, fan and comment! :)
• Eva's POV •
I woke up to a blinding light engulfing the entire room.
"Ugh!" I groaned loudly. I heard clattering of dishes downstairs.
Crap. I totally forgot that Tyler was still at home. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I must look like crap right now. Oh my god.
I ran to the washroom, brushed my teeth, freshened up and then proceeded to run downstairs.
"Hey." I said, awkwardly. I honestly don't even know why I'm so awkward...its not like anything actually happened last night!
"Hi." He said, even more awkwardly.
"So, do you like your coffee black or creamy?" He asked.
"Very creamy." I replied.
I sat on the bar stool jobless, looking around the room. After a while, he sat next to me and handed me my coffee. I sipped it carefully.
"So, do you like your coffee?" He asked, making small talk.
"Not really, I usually take mine with a little more awkward silence." I say, laughing.
He joined in too, and just like that, the weirdness disappeared.
"So don't you have to be home or something?" I asked him curiously. I swear I didn't see him calling his mum or dad to notify them yesterday.
"Nah, not really, my parents are out for the month. I have the house all to myself."
We lazed around a bit after that, since we had both woken up late, we decided to just bunk school today. We didn't exactly have Saturday school, but apparently this Saturday they were making us go for some stupid ceremony or some shit.
Eh. What's the worst that could happen? Get suspended maybe? Been there, done that.
• Tyler's POV •
Eva and me were just chilling on the couch watching some random comedy movies and all I could think about was that kiss.
My whole body was on fire yesterday, when she kissed me. I've never felt like that before in my life and honestly, it scared me to no end. I'm pretty sure it wasn't love though. Probably just a very strong version of lust.
Either way, this chick was different.
"So....are you gonna stay here the entire day?" A sweet musical voice said.
"Well I sure feel welcome here." I said playfully.
That reminded me, I really should get going. I left James all alone last night, although I doubt he was home last night himself...probably banging some random chick.
"Actually, I should get going now, seeing as you have things to attend to and I also have some work left at the house."
"Sure. You can come by anytime though." She said as she shot me a flirtatious smile.
Oh god. It's too early in the morning to get my charm on.
"You don't have to." She said.
Holy crap did I think that out loud?!
"Yes." She replied, giggling a bit.
God, I need to start keeping my thoughts to myself.
With that in mind, I waved goodbye to her and headed out the door.