excuse me? said Akshita irritated at her sarcastic voice. Yuvika turned to her.
What? oh I'm so sorry! did you not know that? asked Yuvika acting all bitchy
first up.. I'm not as innocent as you to get scammed by some sort of pervert like this. she said eyeing down Rehan with anger in her eyes and second I'm not his 'prey' or anything so just watch your mouth said Akshita
oh really? then tell me what exactly are you doing here having lunch with him in such a romantic aura around you.. I don't think that's something just acquaintances do. said Yuvika crossing her hands across her chest.
you're right miss, I'm not his acquaintance, colleague, friend or anything but I'm his fiancee. said Akshita with a warm smile.
Yuvika was looking like she could not bear with it anymore.
Rehan was a silent watcher until then.
and now if you excuse us.. you're really spoiling our date here said Akshita getting back at the food with the spoon in her hand.
Yuvika was dumbstruck. She looked as if she could not believe that Rehan is really gonna marry Akshita.
do... you.. I mean.. are you sure that you are his fiancee maybe he is just fooling you with his words? said Yuvika.
no.. I'm quiet sure about that. said Akshita.
Ho.. How? asked Yuvika stammering.
because as far as marriage is concerned it involves two different families, and for me it is there also, we're just coming from a jewelery shopping for our engagement.. for which, all the stuff we purchased was paid by his side.. so, I can assure you for sure that I'm marrying him. and even if he is trying to scam me you don't need to be bothered about it. that's my concern so, can you just go back to your husband please and not ruin our lunch date before I call the manager here and ask him to throw you out of here? said Akshita in a calm but with a slight anger in her tone.
Yuvika went back to her seat without saying a word.
It was quiet for a while.
so, how do you think I performed? asked Akshita after two to three bites.
Rehan chuckled. Geez.. you know I thought that you would be scared off from her and then it will all become a mess but you were really great out there. said Rehan.
see? I told you.. you don't need to worry about me. I can be a tool to get rid of your exes, scare off your present and also I can become your sister or something in front of your future girlfriends.. so, you literally got nothing to be afraid of and you can marry me with this assurance that I'm always gonna be your partner in crime. Akshita said with joy.
For that very moment it was suddenly as if Rehan could not take his eyes off her.