How was brother in law like? Prakriti asked playfully teasing her after she had returned to her room
'I am a playboy and I WILL NEVER CHANGE' these words were replayed in her mind as soon as she thought about 'how he was like'
Interesting! she said lost in her thoughts
Really? Prakriti said trying to tease her more
Yeah.. he was different than what I had expected him to be like. She said.
You know you're saying the right things with wrong expressions. Is there anything weird? asked Prakriti genuinely worried about her
Naah! don't worry. It's fine. Maybe I'm just tired. you go out I need to sleep a bit. 'She said and pushed her sister out of the room and locked herself in her room.
after bolting down the door behind her she turned and rested her back and head on the door. lifting her head up covering it with her palms.
Idiot, Duffer, Psycho, Moron, Bastard, Monkey, Donkey... She wanted to curse him with more words but she really did not know any words more than these words so that she could continue.
'I, Akshita Narayan wants to sleep with him? like seriously? ' she thought. she walked in anger to her bed and sat on it with a thud. 'I am enchanted by his handsome face and hot body! ? that Bastard! what the hell does he think of himself? ' and she punched her teddy bear kept on her bed.
Akki? it was her mom knocked on her door.
ah.. yes mom! she asked
can we have a chat with you? her mom asked
she unlocked the door and her mom dad came inside and got seated on her bed.
so, did you liked him? her mother asked
no! Akshita replied immediately
why? he's a doctor. He works as a neurosurgeon in Heartwood hospital in Mumbai. what's your reason for refusing him immediately like this.? her mom panicked hearing her say 'no' to him immediately.
Mom! just look at you. why did you even asked me if you don't want to hear me say no to him. if you like him so much then marry me to him. what's the point of asking me. anyway it's just a formality to you guys to 'know my opinion' . actually you are going to marry me only to a person of your own choice you don't really bother if I like him or not! she was furious.
just look at you! How long are we gonna keep you with us. you're all grown up now. this family, it's really a perfect match we're not going to get a doctor guy or with an even better job. in our cast again even if we waited sometime more okay? her father said.
hufff... she sighed deeply.
You know dad mom, I don't care who you marry me to. my opinion is not really important for anyone to know because if my will would have been so important to you guys you wouldn't have tried to marry me off in the first place. she said