Word for today.. "Be You''!
Unapologetic, amazingly and confidently you.
Without fear, without limitations. Just be you.
Despite your scars, despite your mistakes, despite the circles underneath your eyes ,.Be you!
With and without the joy, with and without the love, with and without the gains , with and without it all, be you.
Whether you are a size 12 or a size 18, whether you have the hourglass or the okay-look, whether you are on the covers of Forbes magazine or just the screensaver of your phone,..just be you!
Be beautiful in your own skin, be amazing in your achievements , be awesome in your personality , be sure in your stance , be courageous in your works, be happy in your smiles .. be you!
Be confident, be beautiful, be amazing..just be unapologetically and amazingly you.
The world is big enough for everyone to shine, so you just pick your center stage and then sparkle?!!!.
Go bedazzle them. ... don't forget to be you!!?
Love..ItchyFingers, Stephanie Egberike