"Baby let me be your motivation! Huh huh huhhh huhhhh! !! Motivation !! " Chidera sang while she danced infront of her mirror in her room. .
"Hmmm motivation !!" She had her hands above her head, eyes glued to the mirror , waist rolling from side to side, bosom front and back, belly tucked in, back out as she did the Shakira dance but only slower ...
She was wearing her nightie , and nothing else , the sweat dripping from her only made her nightie to cling to her body. she was all sweat, and little clothing and dancing the seductress dance
She was on fire..
She liked being on fire. .practicing her moves infront of the mirror, knowing where to touch and how to move, when to bite her lips and roll her eyes , when to turn her head to the side and when to rub her inner thighs and moan, closing her eyes for effect.
Yes, she liked being in prefect fire for her audience. For the men. And the boys, Ofcourse! It was pertinent to be on her A-game.
"Hmm baby let me be your motivation " she continued to sing n-sync with the song coming through her headset.
"Chidera , Chidera what are you doing ? Open the door!!" Someone fiddles with the door knob detracting her from her epic moves..
"Chidera !!!"
The banging started.
With a frown Chidera stops the music, grabs a small towel to wipe her face , she unlocks the door and flings it open
"What are you doing locking yourself inside eh Chidera ??"
"Exercise mama, what happened ?"
''Nothing. I just wanted to tell you my visitor has come, so you have to go out." Her mother told her
"Hmmm, has the one with the fat head gone already?" She folds her arms over her bosom
"Don't insult my guests Chidera "
"I am not, I am just stating the obvious " she rolls her eyes
"I am not joking,.it's those people who you insult that is buying you headset and whatnot. Now, have your bath and go out. When you come back better pack your bags , you know holiday is over, "
"Yes mama" she yawns
Atleast she was glad for that. A place where she gets to rule her little world .
She watches as her mother walks away , she rolls her eyes and slams the door shut.
They could wait another 10 minutes couldn't they?
Chidera wasn't from the usual home setting. She never knew her father, didn't care to know anymore after she had asked her mother one day
"He was a solder , relocated from the north down to the east for a training. He was a nice man, always carried me on his bike and we went dancing in town . It was a brief relationship and by the time I was pregnant he was on his next woman, didn't want to have anything to do with me.
I was leaving with my parents " her mother said, her voice filled with emotion
" But they were jobless and trying to cater for 5 kids and me getting knocked up wasn't a blessing. It was a curse , and they couldn't possibly add an extra mouth to the already sinking ship so... I had to fend for myself. They didn't want to have anything to do with me anyways, saying I was going to corrupt my siblings and 'Out' was the only option.
So I took the next bus and left town, made friends with the girls on the streets, tried aborting you but you wouldn't leave my tummy. . So , I kept you. But the streets became my life, it made me survive ...and the men, were easy on a pregnant chick. By the time you were 3 years old, I got back to the streets because I had to feed you and me, and that's how you are able to get the little nice things you do have now, go to school and be somebody.
But promise me, to do right. Don't follow in my footsteps, I need you to be better than me Chidera, .this life doesn't pay. I was naive and stupid and did alot of things which I regret but I don't regret you Chidera, but promise me to stay away from the evil social vices of the world, away from bad friends and boys and sex, the wild life and strong drinks. Let me take care of you as I have. I am not proud of this life but I am already deep in it and we need to survive one way or the other and you need a better life for you..but you my girl, you my girl would be my miracle, my silver lining coming out beautiful, pure and chaste, you my girl would be my biggest pride so you are going to make mummy proud yes??" Her mother had looked at her while holding onto a glass of scotch and drinking it
She was drunk again, and whenever she got drunk she always tends to delve out wisdom, talk about things and tell her to never follow her footsteps.
Chidera had no plans on following her footsteps , getting knocked up and ending up like her.
Chidera likes to explore, the act of sex fascinates her.