Its been a month since she had been back to school, everything was great. Awesome infact!
She had her girls fanning around her, carrying her books, fixing her lunch and breakfast in the school cafeteria, she had money coming in from the lecturer she was presently doing , a few from the boys who had a few zeros to their father's name.
She was basically living the life of a queen in school. And she wondered how great it would be when she gets into the university.
There was absolutely no one who compares to her in the whole school or could dust her in anyway. Which was a good thing, she got all the attention of her dogs.Which was what she called the boys.
But then one day, after leaving class even though she had just gone because it was compulsory, she had sat down on the pavement waiting for a Junior to get her water.
Then she saw her. She remembered her. She was a junior who was always shy and quiet.
As a senior they usually went into junior's classes or hostel either to check for something important or frivolous as ...Nothing!
Whenever she had walked into their class she was always quiet , and shy, carrying a small note book with her or constantly seen under a shed, by the corner of the class room or in the cafeteria bent and writing , always writing.
She remembered her because when she had walked into their class and everyone had gotten up to greet her ..she hadn't. She didn't realise what was going on around her, she was lost in her book and writing God knows what. And because she didn't like to be disrespected nor ignored she had stoned her a ball of squeezed paper to get the girl's attention, then made her pick pin after she got her attention for disrespecting a senior and not greeting her.
Ofcourse the junior girl protested but Chidera wouldn't have it, she had obeyed.
Chidera made her sing first "I am a toad oh! I am a toad oh! I am a rotten banana, senior thank you !!!" Her voice rang through the hall
Pleased and after a couple of laughs , Chidera decides to let her go as soon as she had served her punishment, the girl returns back to her book almost immediately
"Stupid Nerd!" Chidera had said to her walking out of the class with other seniors. And over time just because she felt like she kept teasing the girl every single time she went to her class..
The perks of being a senior; you get to do shit to others and don't get punished for it. But she just loved to pick on her..for no reason.
Maybe because she never fought back or just obeyed or because she looked naive , stupid and innocent.
The girl was one of the tallest in her class, abit too skinny for a girl with slightly big eyes. chidera had seen her on the field too, she was one of the few girls who joined the sports team.
"Tomboy. Stick girl" she had said to her when she walked past her one day, hitting her book to fall off her hands.
It was fun. She enjoyed it. For a while then forgot all about the girl when she wasn't getting as little as a rebellious fight from her.
And then they went on break..
But who she was seeing here was much much much different. When the girl passed her , head up, straight faced she had wondered if she was a new student. But then she followed her, just to get acquainted because she didn't like what she was seeing.
There in her hands , she carried that same dark green book..more like a journal or a note pad. Her fancy pink pen with the ribbons , and then when she met up two girls at the entrance of the cathedral and they squealed in shocked delight calling her name.
Chidera's mouth literally dropped to the ground.
Gone was the tomboy-ness. Gone was the stick girl look.Gone was the awkwardness. She wasn't just a girl who has turned from plain Jane to an ''okay Jane''. She was beauty by everything beautiful. And it wasn't something Chidera liked.
Standing there watching her hug her friends and laughing , watching her firm perky twin towers smiling from her uniform. .
Watching how her hourglass shaped put hers in shame. Watching how her tush responded with every movement made Chidera stagger in shock.
No this wasn't happening. She had seen other girls who had blossomed over the holidays ..
Some too round,Some too fat.Some..eww!Some..okay..hmm.Some...well, okay.
But,this girl made her heart cut. This girl made her feel small all of a sudden. This girl made her beauty and her body look like second best.
This girl had no right to look this good. This beautiful. .this her!
It took only a couple of minutes and Chidera had never felt threatened by another girl in her life before until now. Until her. Until Chidinma!
It was to painfully obvious for her not to notice the changes in Chidinma that no one would ever miss.
Chidinma was a nobody a few months ago.. but all that may change. The fact that she could or would probably be the new eye candy in school just by the way she looked was already depressing.
She just blew up ..feeling every area that were previously hidden or flat. But that wasn't what was upsetting Chidera. Every girl had breast and butt and some were lucky to have shapes and others where as straight as a pole but..manageable.But, Chidinma looked like someone who was especially shaped and carved from the land of beauty..by the gods.
Coming back from the long holiday to school. She could barely recognise her.She had to do a double take like.