2 months ago,
After breaking up with her Dom, Stella stayed with Diana and Esteban for 2 weeks, on their own initiative. He had declared her on paid leave, telling her to come back when she felt ready. She wondered if she shouldn't go away for good instead. But she wasn't sure she could find work so quickly and above all pay her so well, not forgetting her debt, which she hadn't finished paying. All of this information made her think, and she was depressed, despite Diana's best efforts to entertain her and make her smile. Esteban had moved into the office, leaving the bedroom to the girls. After 1 week, she was already too much. Esteban seemed to bottle up his displeasure to please his girlfriend, but she could see that she was preventing them from enjoying complete privacy. So, she had moved back home as soon as possible, despite Diana's insistence on making her stay. Esteban offered to come back whenever she wanted but she knew he was relieved to be able to get back to his usual rhythm of life. A week after her move, she was enjoying a calm that contrasted with the weeks rich in stress and adrenaline that she lived alongside her Dom. Her Dom's reaction to her statement had hurt her. She wasn't going to go astray; she had been crying for a long time. She decided to do one of the things Esteban had suggested to her: try to overcome her emotional dependence. It started by going back to its source, going back to her family, and trying to recontact the people who were close to her before being under Donald's harmful control.
Back in the present,
She had time during her 2 months to rest, get back on her feet, think about her life from new perspectives. She had tried to contact her family, but after abruptly disowning them and disappearing from the radar without giving them any further news, her father and mother needed time to consider a meeting. She couldn't blame them for that, she had to wait until they were ready and when they were, they would meet. She had spoken to her brother, who promised to speak to their parents on her behalf continually and let her know when they were ready. He seemed happy to hear her again after all these years and didn't seem to blame her too much. She had also contacted her sister, but she knew it was one of the discussions she dreaded the most, even the hardest. Contrary to her worst fears, the latter agreed to meet her. It must have been a good ten years since she had seen her little sister. Sitting in this café, she was waiting, when she saw her little sister's face appear, completely transformed over all these years: fluorescent pink hair, piercings, colourful makeup. One thing was sure, little Elisabeth, who followed her all the time, had changed a lot and had grown up.
- What do you want from me? No greeting, a frank and hard look as soon as she sat down in front of her. I don't have all day, so hurry up.
- Hello Beth, I'm glad to see you again.
- What do you want Marie-Abigaelle? Any other answer than that to my question and I'll leave immediately.
This first name, which she had abandoned a long time ago. No one called her that anymore, despite the fact that it was her first name.
- I missed you and wanted to hear from you.
His sister laughed without restraint, drawing the attention of the people around them.
- Since when do you like to play model sister? Since when do you remember you have a little sister? Give me a good laugh, you, and your good intentions. Like everyone in the family, you judged me, you didn't support me, and you felt that from the day I left home, I was no longer your little sister.
- But....
- Keep your false kindness. If today you want to see me, it's only to clear your conscience, to pass you off as nice, to feel a little good. Because in truth, you mean nothing to me today too. Big sister, has your possessive darling finally abandoned you?
- I'm not with him anymore.
- You want to know everything; you are simply pitiful, and you waste my time. Don't see us again, keep forgetting that I exist like you always have, she finally says, before leaving directly.
She had come home as best she could and had swallowed back her tears. She had opened the first bottle that was within reach before she began to drink and express her anger. An anger that quickly turned into tears and depression. Her sister was probably right, she hadn't done anything good in her life alone.... The only times she felt good were the ones she shared with her Dom and that, she also managed to ruin it. In her grief, she had decided to call the last person who mattered and whom she had not spoken to in years. She didn't even know if the person was going to pick up. Finally, a voice came from the device.
- Hello....
- Lilah, Lilah...
- Yes, I'm sorry, she said, starting to cry again. Surely you also don't want to talk to me. You don't want to see me again... I deserve it, I've been horrible to you more than anyone, I'm so sorry.
- Don't cry Stella, where are you?
- I'm sorry, forgive me...
In another place,
Scott was seated in an armchair facing Jacob. They must have had this tense discussion for more than two months, since the departure of his protegee, but they had only been able to meet today. He knew he had to talk about the involvement of his mentor and his submissive in the little outing of his and Esteban's. The girls weren't completely innocent, but the harm had to be shared fairly. They had already paid for their broken pots, he made sure that it was the same for everyone. Esteban did not find this approach useful, but he found it fundamental. His eldest in front of him, quite relaxed, seemed pleasantly surprised to see him arrive at his house like this.
- To what do I owe the honour of this pleasant visit Scott?
- You know very well, what makes me introduce myself to you this morning. We need to talk about the incident from last time and Becca's involvement. The girls admitted to us that your submissive had clearly behaved questionably during this incident.
- If they were lying?
- Do you really think that I would show up in front of you, if I only had a doubt? Please don't make our submissives look like liars. It's something I won't stand for.
"Very well," he finally said, seeing his colt get upset. Would you give me time to investigate on my side?
- Let's not play this game Jacob. We both know, very well, that you are already aware of the underside of this affair, and I would even dare to suggest that you also played a certain role in it. Becca would never have attempted such a manoeuvre, knowing that she risked incurring penalties if Esteban or I found out. If she knew how to be so daring it is because you led her there in one way or another.
- Let's imagine that it is the truth, what will be the continuation of the program? It seems to me that you both have settled things on your side in your own way.
- Yes indeed. But unlike Esteban, who decided to let it go, there's no way Becca would get away with it that easily.
- You can be sure that it will not be the case. I will take care of it personally.
Silence fell right after his answer. Scott didn't like Jacob's tone. He didn't know if it was a good idea to let him handle this. Jacob could be very cruel, even he had to recognize that over time. He was even stricter with Becca than with any of his former submissives. He didn't consider himself light-handed when it came to punishment, but what was going on between Jacob and Becca could sometimes be beyond his D/s tolerance. His mentor could abuse it, but without evidence, he couldn't and had no right to judge him or comment in this relationship, which Becca seemed to accept that way.
"Most importantly, I don't ever want you to test any of my girls in any way again," he said sharply.
- Understood as well. He raised his hands in peace. He didn't want to get angry with Scott, he was one of his best students and he esteemed him enormously. If that's all, I think the next time we see each other will be at the club.
He also agreed, it was time he went home to rest and return to his activities.
- One last thing, he said getting up from the seat. Stella never wants to see Becca again. She does not forgive him for what she has done.
- Has this little update sufficiently flattened the tensions or are you going to avoid me for a while? And should I tell Becca to stay away from you for a while too? He didn't answer at the time, seeming to think. I remind you that we don't get involved in quarrels between the girls usually. They deal with each other like grown-ups.
- No, I will not hold any grievances against her, in exchange for an apology. In our situation, a little distance is needed, I'm beginning to believe. I will also not intervene in the way in which the 2 will choose to settle this dispute. I just wanted to clarify the position that Stella shared with me.
This finally said, he went away promptly. Jacob stayed a few minutes at meditate on what Scott had just told him. He half-understood that something was wrong. But his foal wanted space and he would give it to him. But he was confident that he would come back to him. He was back in his office, with Sonia on his back, more pissed off than ever. She still didn't understand how he could have let Stella go. He tried to explain as best he could, but the words didn't seem to flow naturally. He had no indisputable excuses; he had been afraid of no longer sinking into a situation in which he was slowly and surely losing control. He wasn't ready for that and had preferred to close the doors before there was any turning back. After he left Esteban’s place, he knew that Stella might need a few more days to recover. But he hadn't told himself that she would suddenly stop coming to work and that he wouldn't hear from her for 2 months. He could have asked Esteban about him, but he didn't want to leave any opening for a possible return, he had to close this chapter of his life, but he was definitely having a hard time. But what's more, he wasn't sure he wanted to be teased by his friend, who was convinced that his decision was wrong. He had also had to put her on instant leave for an unknown period and explain her sudden absence to all his team, but especially Victor. Victor was one of those who got closest to Stella, but above all he valued her work and put sick pressure on him to either find a replacement quickly or bring her back. All these elements, which he had strictly not seen coming in this breakup, he continued to pay the piper even today. He was looking at the first files that Sonia brought him before the start of the interviews tomorrow. Victor had also decided to boycott this and leave it entirely to him. He had already used up some of his energy this morning talking with Jacob, he couldn't see himself putting up with unpleasant remarks all day. He had therefore locked himself in his office on the 4th floor so as not to explode in front of someone who might not have deserved it. He was reviewing the files that Sonia had just filed when his phone rang. He saw an unknown number but decided to pick up anyway. An unknown voice reached his ear, he barely listened to it for a few moments, before hanging up, grabbing his jacket, and storming out of his office. Sonia didn't understand what was going on when he asked her to cancel all his appointments and declare him absent, before heading like a rocket towards the elevator without any further explanation.
At the same time in another place,
Stella was lying on the bed, she had trouble remembering what had taken her there and especially how she had ended up there. She was previously in the kitchen and suddenly nothing. She heard noises coming from her kitchen. She decided to get up to see what was happening, but she collapsed on the ground, seized with violent headaches and her two arms hurt a lot. She heard footsteps approaching her room and suddenly the door opened revealing Lila. She couldn't get over seeing her in front of her.
- Frankly still in a deplorable state without me, she told him, laughing.
- What are you doing here?
- I came because you called me stupid, she reminded her, helping her up and getting back into bed.
- But....
- You thought I wouldn't come, that I probably wouldn't pick up after having let me down like a real piece of shit. I also thought I would make you suffer worse; I was so mad at you and hated you. But when I heard your voice, joy took over. What do you want, I'm too stupid to let my best friend down when she needs a little help?
- How did you get back?
- Do you remember your spare key that you thought you lost, years ago before we had a fight? Stella nodded silently. Well, I had kept it secret for situations like that. I also hoped inside that you didn't change the lock, otherwise I would have found myself very stupid with these keys. She couldn't say anything. She was way too shocked to see her girlfriend, her sister, Lila by her side despite everything that had happened all these years. She came without asking any questions, she came to help her. She would never forget it. Rest, I'll cook for you.
Lila came out of her room and let her rest. She closed the bedroom door and went back to cleaning while the meal was slowly cooking. She played the game, but she was still shocked at the state in which she found Stella when she arrived. She could never forget such a scene. She had found Stella lying on the ground, completely drunk, both arms scratched and bleeding. She had shards of glass in her hand from what appeared to be the remains of a bottle that seemed intentionally broken. The abrasions in her arms also contained glass. She picked her up and dragged her as best she could away from the mess in the kitchen. She removed the glass, cleaned her wounds and abrasions, and bandaged the injured parts, all in the greatest silence and calm before putting her to bed. She was still cleaning up the mess when the doorbell rang, and she went to open it. She bumped into a man with a very worried look, who introduced himself as the Scott she had spoken to on the phone. She let him in and told him Stella's location, despite a rather wary look. He headed for the bedroom after looking at the scene she was still tidying up but asking no questions. He was careful not to make any noise and not to disturb the household. Lila armed herself with a frying pan and followed him in silence just in case. He was kneeling beside the bed where Stella was sleeping soundly. His gaze calmed Lila's doubts, he was visibly pained and worried about the state of the woman in bed. He caressed Stella's face for long minutes and looked at her with so much interest that Lila decided to give them a few moments of privacy. He stayed there for a good thirty minutes, before coming out and they were talking. He left her his contact and asked her to let him know of any change or any need, before heading for the door.
- You want me to tell her that you came by? That you are going to come again?
- No, I don't prefer, I don't think it's a good thing that we see each other again. We have already separated, and it is better that it stays like that. Please don't tell her about my involvement, either today or the one in the future that we may have. Moreover, I see that she can count on you and that she is in good hands. Take care of her.
He left on these words. Lila found his words without real conviction, but above all with great sadness. Once in his car and on his way to the club, he called Esteban and Diana whom he informed of Stella's condition.