She got up suddenly to leave, leaving Camelia on her ass and all red with shame. She simply couldn't believe it. She was red with fury that someone could pronounce such ignominies on her Dom. She could never let such a thing pass and it was out of the question for her to be friends with this girl, who spoke so badly of her Dom. She preferred to go back to her room and watch a series.
The next morning
She had barely woken up when she heard noises at her door. She got up to open the door, her head still in the clouds. What was her surprise to discover her Dom in sportswear in front of her door.
- Oh, it's you....
- Perhaps I should have sent you a message so as not to disembark in this way. I pick you up for a little exercise this morning. We haven't done it together for a while.
- We almost never did, she replied, a little flabbergasted.
- Well, get ready quickly and let's go.
Nothing in that little chat they just had sounded like a suggestion for Stella. She cursed him in her thoughts before going to wash her face and put on leggings and a bra. She didn't even know what those clothes were doing in her suitcase. She ends up putting on a pair of socks and shoes, before following her Dom with a sullen expression on her face. They went down to the hotel's gym, where very few people were present. Who could pity them, they must have been enjoying the swimming pool and the beaches while she was going to suffer here for long minutes, she told herself at the end of her life, trying to hide her flagrant lack of enthusiasm. They each split up on the machine that interested them. Even if sitting on her bike, Stella was doing the bare minimum. She preferred to look around and admire other people who were very invested in their efforts, especially men. Her attention as well as that of other women at his side were quickly captured by her Dom who, having just finished running on the treadmill, began to kick a sandbag. His strikes were chained without respite on the poor bag, his chest was dripping with sweat and his muscles stood out during the physical effort accomplished. Nothing better for everyone's eyes. We could have pitied the poor bag who was taking it in the face, it could only last a few moments before refocusing on his assailant. Even Stella, who was so often overcome with jealousy, had no problem sharing the young man visually with everyone. She could see that he didn't even realize all the attention he was causing around him. He was completely focused on his physical exercise and completely disregarded the rest. When he stopped, he spontaneously turned his head in her direction and the only thing she could do was look away and lower her head. He approached her, having retrieved his towel. He leaned on the bike on which she was comfortably installed.
- You work hard, I see.
- I don't feel very motivated.
- I noticed. Alright, let's get to why I brought you here. Eliott told me this morning that the day with his wife seemed to have ended moderately well. His wife didn't want to tell him more, but he preferred to tell me. Knowing him, I suspect he has some idea of what happened, but despite everything, it's still his wife. So, I would like to know what happened in detail.
She felt embarrassed, even if she said that the sport should not be the real reason for their morning moment together in this room. She would rather have thought that they would have spoken about the incident of the day of their arrival. But nothing, he didn't seem in any way decided to talk about it or rather he had to consider that the situation was closed. She then told him what happened during their absence. As she progressed in her story, she was surprised not to see the astonishment appear on his face. In the end, he seemed rather very calm.
- Aren't you surprised?
- Oh, so a bit, but not about Camelia’s comments. Eliott does not validate my sexual preferences either, but he has always respected them and knows that consent is a must in all my relationships. What his wife has trouble doing, one of the reasons why the atmosphere is uneasy between us. This despite her husband's best efforts to get us to agree. She has a habit of distilling her venom in front of each of my submissives she has had the chance to meet.
- But you should forbid her, it's not good what she does. But above all you should explain to her in detail that it is not like that....
- I stopped wanting to convince people of the merits of my relationships. We cannot force them to validate or understand. The only thing that matters to me is that the person I'm with and I are convinced of it. Which you totally seem to be, so yeah, I'm kinda surprised at your reaction. I would have loved to be there while you defended me strongly and put her in her place.
- Stop laughing, she drove me crazy, she said desperately seeing the childish behaviour of her Dom at the memory.
- More seriously, you prove to me each time that we are perhaps much more compatible than I thought. But above all that you believe in me, in my intentions and in the fact that I would never hurt you. It means a lot to me.
His eyes shone with an emotion she had never seen in him. He didn't have tears in his eyes, but you could see he was touched.
- Please, I couldn't let her do that. It's normal. We are two in this story don't forget it.
- Maybe we should celebrate? Tonight, over dinner and maybe end up in my room or yours.
- Is that a proposal or an order?
- You should now be able to make the distinction. Just a proposal, your choice will be mine.
She took a few moments to think, making her Dom wait.
- I'll politely decline then.
- What?!?!?!
- Do not allow yourself to be swayed by sentimentalism. I remind you that we are only strictly partners. Since this is a proposal, I'll decide what's good for me and for now it's not to get too used to you. I will only be yours when we are in full D/s relationship. The rest of the time, I'll do what's right for me. I think that was the little lesson you wanted to give me instead, she said before picking up her towel and leaving the bike, heading for her room.
She left her Dom completely on his ass, clearly not expecting such a response from her submissive. His smile never left him, despite having taken a rake the moment before. He smiled with a satisfaction he couldn't explain. Far from annoying or frustrating him, even if he was a little, he could see the caterpillar leaving its chrysalis and showing its wings perhaps for the first time. His butterfly looked more like a tigress, but he intended to dominate her, before losing control of their relationship. But for now, he was just very happy: Stella was becoming independent, strong, and confident. He couldn't lie to himself, he found it devilishly sexy....