Lying on the bed, she wondered why she wanted to play this game? She lost regularly, she almost always lost. The lesson had been tough, but she was not to emerge weakened. She knew what she was getting into, she knew where she was heading. He never lied to her, but she had hopes, stupid hopes. She was paying for it now. In the dark, she promised herself not to let her heart get in the way of this relationship again. He said it would be purely physical and now she felt ready to experience it that way as well. She fell asleep, with this new motivation in mind.
The next day, around 10 a.m.
Stella was already prepared; she was even starting to get hungry. She didn't know if she should go eat without him or wait for him, she didn't even know if he was already awake or still asleep. A person knocked on her door, she got up spontaneously to open it. She, who thought she was falling on her Dom, was surprised to see one of the hotel employees at her door.
- Hello Madam, your friend who didn’t want to wake you up, asked us to come and see you around 10 am to make sure you wake up. He has already gone to work, he would like you to join him for lunch in the hotel restaurant, at your convenience of course. We brought a small snack which he ordered at the reception for your attention.
She let him enter her suite and leave the tray before leaving. Attention was tricky, but she shouldn't be mistaken. It was just part of his job, to take care of her. She ate some of the breakfast items that had just been brought to her. Enough not to be hungry, but not too much either to be able to eat this afternoon. When lunchtime approached, she went down to the hotel restaurant and took a table while she waited for her Dom. He arrived a few minutes later, a smile on his face. He gave her a kiss, before giving her a gigantic bouquet of white roses and another of red roses. She didn't really understand the intention behind this gesture.
- The flowers are for yesterday; I was quite indelicate with you. I am sorry for that. I could have been more flexible. My approach was quite harsh.
- I don't see what you need to apologize for, master. As you said yesterday, you expected me to never forget this lesson again. I can assure you that it will be. Her tone was cold, even icy. Our relationship is purely physical and will remain so.
Even he was blown away by what he saw in Stella's eyes. He didn't know if he was starting to regret it or finally it was a good thing. Only one thing was certain, that Stella was changing and toughening up and he had to keep control of her, or this sleeping storm would soon sweep him away.
- So, let's toast to the fact that we're on the same wavelength, he said with some bitterness. They were brought their drinks and they toasted. You can order, but Eliott and his wife are joining us soon.
- His wife?
- I must have forgotten to tell you, but yes, he's been married for a year now. His wife is superb, although special, you will have all the time to realize it.
He barely finished speaking when the 2 other actors of this lunch arrived. They kissed each other and officially introduced themselves to each other.
- It's been a long time since we've seen you, Scott. You should come and see us more often; we are always delighted to welcome you.
- With pleasure, Camelia, he replied, his face frozen.
The atmosphere was weird, as if the two were playing a cold war.
- How is your family? Your brother?
- They are fine, I haven't seen my father for a while, but I had the pleasure of seeing my brother a while ago.
You could feel the irony in his word miles away. Stella remembered at the same time, that her Dom had a brother. He hardly ever spoke of his family.
- Did you argue again? I thought the situation calmed down. A movement of Scott's head to confirm his fears. I met him in New York, in a restaurant when he came to dinner with his future wife.
Scott did not allow the surprise of his friend's revelation to filter through. He would probably have a good discussion with his brother, it will be afterwards. For the moment, he smiled and confirmed what his friend had just said. They had lunch in a pleasant atmosphere.
- Well, I think we'll let these two young women have fun and relax, while we go back to finish the work we're here for, Eliott declared, before kissing his wife and standing up.
Scott did the same, but he kissed delicately Stella on the forehead, before disappearing next to his friend. She smiled at Camelia, who ordered desserts. She ordered hers, and she waited for the arrival, in a very strange atmosphere. Camelia stared at her, visibly trying to probe her, or at least try to understand something. The silence that floated between them only increased the unease that Stella felt in this situation.
- I'm going to go cash Stella, Camelia said for the first time since the boys left. How did you meet Scott?
- We met by chance, at a time I needed it, she replied, with a small smile.
- I sees. He helped you in one of the difficult phases of your life. You must feel grateful. She confirmed with a nod. I would like to know if Scott forces you to stay by his side by force. By blackmail?
- I don't really understand where you are coming from?
- If you are in such a situation, we can do everything to help you get out of it. She moved closer and placed her hand on one of Stella's. We can get you out of here.
- What are you talking about? I really have a hard time understanding you.
- You don't have to pretend with me. I know about Scott's special little inclinations. I know what he enjoys practicing sexually and I obviously don't validate that. If he forces you to do anything, to submit to him in an almost animalistic and horrible way, I can help you out.
Stella couldn't get over Camelia’s words. In addition, her eyes showed how much she didn't give a damn. She was really serious. She thought all these ignoble things about her Dom. Her mouth suddenly turned bitter.
- Have you ever thought that all those who practiced with him did so voluntarily and in full awareness of the ins and outs?
- No, impossible, he must have fooled them or made them believe in illusions. How would a woman or a normal person accept being treated in such a demeaning way? To always obey another person? To let yourself be beaten just to satisfy him.
She was simply stunned by what the wife of her Dom's best friend had just proliferated. She didn't even know if he was aware of the woman's way of thinking in front of her. She felt sad for him, just to imagine this kind of regular judgment in his entourage that he considered close.
- I'm going to stop you right now; she told her while withdrawing her hand. I am with Scott of my own free will; I have chosen to follow him and be submissive to him for whatever reason. I chose to be his female dog, more crudely said, and I repeat that I chose it. If you believe that the people of our world are forced people, then you have understood absolutely nothing. I have and we always have a choice, he always left it to me, and he always took care of me. One last thing, I sincerely believe that people like us who assume our desires and live in tolerance and respect, are normal people, unlike you. So, take the time to inform yourself the next time before spitting your venom. I think I'm going to do without dessert, I'm not too hungry.