- I forbid you, she replied, confronting him with fiery eyes.
- Much better, he adds, visibly satisfied. He finished setting up the ropes and activated the suspension system. She felt herself leave the ground. But I'm the one who formulates the prohibitions and the first was not to use familiar terms, he said, moving around in search of a ball gag, which he putted on her. Penalty, we won't hear from you again until I decide otherwise.
He brought back a bowl of water with a hose. He acted in absolute calm and silence. Gwen was not reassured, but she had no will, to go against Scott's directives. He totally impressed her, but above all his gaze made her faint, not from love but from fear. She kept a sort of utopian hope that what was going to happen to her would be less harsh than her worst nightmares. She was trying as best she could to calm down. He approached her with an almost frightening calm.
- What a beautiful sight, he complimented her, sliding his fingers over her body, a small smirk. The remark made her blush. You are shaking? Are you scarred? The question seemed to Gwen more rhetorical than anything. He positioned himself behind her and whispered to her so that only she could hear. You may be completely right. He took her face, which she deliberately turned away, and made her look at the assembly in front of her. We will start by cleaning your interior, be wise so that I can finish quickly. She finally understood where he was coming from, and noises muffled by the gag seemed to show her lack of enthusiasm. He ignored them and let go of her face to focus on installing his little device. He applied a good coat of lube to the tip before quickly pushing it into the submissive's hole. It's going to come in, relax so we can get this over with quickly.
While the liquid flowed slowly from the pocket to the orifice of the submissive, Scott prepared the rest of the preparations, making sure to constantly keep an eye on her. He saw her body tremble as the enema progressed. Tears streamed down her face, but she did everything not to look in the direction of her Dom. She must have felt really humiliated, but that was just the beginning. He could hear the small moans of pain. He knew it wasn't the easiest part, it was painful especially the first few times.
- It may still be painful, endure it. He approached her to resume contact with her. He slid his fingers down her body again, trying to relax her but mostly distract her from the feeling in her stomach. You're probably wondering why someone you've only met once ends up doing this to you? She looked up at him, he seemed to have hit the nail on the head. Do you really think that in the current state of things your Dom could have done it?
He let her think about it, but he knew she would quickly conclude. He knelt in front of her, having access to all her privacy. He applied lubricant to his fingers and began to titillate her intimacy. The moans of pain gradually changed to groans of pleasure. Gwen, peony red, felt a certain humiliation as she felt herself taking pleasure not only during her enema, but also at the hand of another Dom. But her body was reacting and betraying her shamelessly. Once the pocket was empty, he removed the tip and replaced it with a small anal jewel, just enough to prevent the liquid from coming out.
- You're going to have to hold back for a while. He had stopped fingering her and the urge to liberate herself came back. What an aggressive look, he said mockingly. If you want something, you should totally change your approach. It's not the best attitude when you want to ask for something.
She seemed to weigh the pros and cons for a moment, but finally she gave in. She begged him with her eyes, her body shaking. But she could see that nothing would help, he wouldn't fail. He didn't seem even a bit touched. He chuckled lightly at her quick change of reaction. He didn't hesitate to humiliate her, but apart from that he remained cold and insensitive. Her body was hot, hot from the start of the pleasure he had given her.
- Your body seems to me more honest than yourself, my beauty. He removed the gag, before glancing at his brother. What do you want me to do for you?
- Release me so that I can relieve myself please. In another situation, she could have operated with her pride. But the feeling of discomfort was beginning to become unbearable. She could accept and humiliation. Please....
- I will accede to your request, you will be able to relieve yourself. But it will be up to you to do it on your own.
The answer made her flabbergasted. She couldn't do that, not here in front of everyone, and especially not in front of her Dom.
- I can't do this, please...
But her plea did not reach Scott. A smile settled on his face, and he moved to get something. The seconds passed and for Gwen, they seemed endless. He came back behind her with a sort of container, which he placed just between her legs. She didn't see him; she just heard metal’s sound hitting the ground.
- I positioned the god in you so that you can remove it on your own. I understand that you don't want to show off like this, in front of them, he whispered to her. It was at this moment that she noticed the departure of the public. But the favour ends there, I'll watch you enjoying the show, showing how miserable you can be. Think about it carefully and give me your answer.
When he finished making his proposal, he walked past her again and brought his lips closer to hers, so that their breaths collided. The sexual tension that he created between them was enough to bring down the last defence and reluctance of the submissive. She closed her eyes, letting more tears fall before accepting his offer. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared and didn't feel ashamed of what was about to happen. But on the other hand, a part of her was eager to know what was going to happen to her next and this feeling seemed strange to her. She pushed as best she could. The jewel left her anal flesh, as well as what was there.
- Don't look at me, please... No...
She begged him but inside she knew it wasn't much use. She closed her eyes as she freed herself but decided to open them again to find Scott's candid gaze. He hadn't looked away for a moment, and that surprised Gwen. When finished, he smiled at her before congratulating her and quickly cleaning up in silence. There was no judgment in his voice or in his gaze. Since the beginning of the session, she seemed to see for the first time a look, which was not mocking or full of contempt. He seemed proud of her. She blushed, feeling a faint sense of satisfaction. She felt good, she felt safe, and it was an incomprehensible feeling.