Chapter 7
Good reading
Note my approach, usually Ndiaya (my supposed girlfriend) couldn't resist this , but this tchee girl is seriously weird .
-Biram stop , what do you want to do, she asks me
Me: ah nothing, bah nothing at all, I would like you to visit my room and if possible you bring me back my meal here.
She: ah okay, letting go of me.
She was like embarrassed lol , I always have that effect on girls and it didn't take long .
- okay, no worries, I'll bring it to you right away. She said leaving the room
This time I take off my tank top and stand in front of the window waiting for my dear secretary .
A few minutes later she comes back with the tray. But like the clumsiness she has , she knocks everything down just at the sight of my bare chest.
So follow her strong
But all the same , she has made me revered now , she has soiled my room...
-ZAHRA ... I shouted without doing it on purpose
- sorry Mr , sorry I did n't do it on purpose .
- Don't worry, just go call me Mariama , she's going to clean me up , I'm not hungry anymore. I said
I can really see that she was sorry , but that 's over .
I put on a coat and then went out after Mariama cleaned up all this, I'm going to take the opportunity to go get mina.
I left without even warning the Zahra there .
First went to Ndiaya's apartment. She would even like to pass me this evening and I was ok , it had been a while.
Arrived at school I already appreciate mina who comes out with her big forehead there
-Hi, she said to me as she got into the car.
-Hi young girl, say you're happy with your smile or your smile
- well what is forbidden to be in a good mood leguii shii bayima
Then mou concentrate wou on his call
Children now with WhatsApp is something else.
Rek started these vocals . I don't even know kagn la commence vocal elle sakh tchee . The girl becomes again as before she opens up to people. And that makes me happy.
-tchee watal, my brother in person nak niaf way...
She said in her vocal before sending it to I don't know who
Me: hey heyyy Amina who are you talking to and what did your brother do? Tell me
She: wa Biram, is it you who bought Zahra a phone ?
Me: yes why?
Her: heinnn amazing, khamo sakkh lo def. Thank you way
Me: wow you're sick laughing..
Then she says nothing and continues with her vocals
I didn't hear what Zahra was answering her but when she answers her I actually understand
tamite beau n'a deh, ioe mi I can't wait to get home tay I'm going to spend the night in your room must nga Tegal ma lepeuu... Said Amina in her vocal
But don't tell me she's talking to that same Abdoul about this morning.
Wow where do you know him from? A lot of questions are turning in my head , serious he is even who for him.
I have to have a clear heart, Amina is my partner, she'll tell me everything
- Hey Amina, is Abdoul talking to you about? Even _ _
-eihh what am I worrying about
Ki rew did. Nak
rek I think it was him we were with this morning, I just want to see the picture nothing more
- here he is , I think he's her boyfriend
-How is it ? No no I don't believe him, he's the CEO of LAB
-How is it ? No no I don't believe him, he's the CEO of LAB
-HUN bah I tell you that if my sister insisted.
I was confused, could this Abdoul be interested in this girl , why do they find her first?
First was Ben legui Abdoul hunnn. No taste _
I do n't even have Zahra 's number , I'll look on her CV later .
Arrived at the house, mina leaves directly in the room with Zahra and me who was hungry now I was there all alone in the living room, I ask Mariama to make me something to eat while waiting for Ndiaya .
Around 8 p.m. I heard the doorbell ringing and it was she who had just arrived. A bomb I tell you this girl thiooo.
mom comes back anyway she does n't like it
mom comes back anyway she does n't like it.
In short, before entering my room, there is Zahra who goes out with Mina and launches a salam to Ndiaya before going down. Amina nak da melni kouko diepiii, ah girls!
Around 10 p.m. I was going to accompany her when I found Mum who had just returned.
- mum, are you home ?
- yes my son
Ndiaya: good evening tata how are you?
-well and you?
Ndiaya: sava alhamdoulilah mangui si diam
Then I accompanied her home, she wanted me to spend the night but I was not in the mood for that .
I came home and still find mom at the Salon
- my teudeu go? It 's getting late already
- ioe mi ngani do changed . Hum teudina beu toom inchallah
Hayy I know she still talks about my relationship with Ndiaya, she never liked it and you know what da melni I made your friend jealous. Lol Mane I only have bombs.
I was going to bed when I heard them chatting aaah she forgot that there's work tomorrow Mouy top Amina hum ha wa baxna rek.
The next morning
I do my usual ritual, go down to have my breakfast.
Today mom I decide to bring Zahra back by car
wow what!! I am a nice
I greet mum and Zahra who had already woke up and dressed like this _
Today mom I decide to bring Zahra back by car, what!! I 'm a nice guy , hi mum and Zahra who had already woke up and dressed like this
Hum she is classy this morning niaff.
- hi Zahra
- hello Biram
- already ready ? _ _ _
-yes yes already _
hurry before the taxi arrives, tell me, mother
I was going to speak when Zahra answered him
- But he's not going to come this morning, I didn't call him , there's someone else coming to take me
Who? What how is it someone ? Moko tay nak, I was going to offer to bring her back but there at hum it's dead.
- Oh, he's your friend? Asked my mother
-Yes my
-Great he's not like borom bop bou reuy bi Di Diay star. Said my mother , I know she was referring to me but I do n't answer . Mother bi she provokes me too much
Tint tinnnnnnnnt......
-ma I'm going he's there at . Zahra said getting up to leave.
-bye my daughter and tell him to come in next time I want to know him said mum
-ok okay
-in my turn, I wish mom a good day and go out to see the person who came to pick her up and guess who it was ??????????