Chapter 10
Good reading
-oh well did you call him é ?
he asks me.
- yes, but she can't be reached, seeing you at such hours isn't safe for a girl. I said
-ah b é b é tamite what's good to do there ? Motakh I couldn't reach her tamite.
Wa listen go to the Total station, you ask for mother D è me, I think she is still there from there she will surely tell you. He told me.
okay thank you Abdoul really, my mother is really worried. thank you
-You're welcome
So I went to the nearby station, I asked for M è re D è me and indeed she was there , she's a long- distance saleswoman lol .
- Salam m è re nanga def? I greeted
-diam rek d ô me mangui fi
- do I ask after Zahra ... Yes Zahra Bodian. I tell him immediately oh
-ah Zahara migui fi, she's back , are you her boyfriend ? Is that it?
-euuuh... I stammered embarrassed and not knowing what to say, because there it was that she was expecting a Yes from me.
-ah manchalah manchalah come I'll take you to her house, then we took a very dark alley thioo , how can we live here beeeurkkkk, there was dirt everywhere too. Da khawa roukk é too.
5min later we arrived in front of a house and she headed towards a bedroom and I followed her.
Knock Knock ...
-Zahara... Zahara fatima....
-Name m è re D è me I'm coming , she answers.
-ioe don't keep us waiting fi there's your fiancé who came to see you hehehe she said with a smile.
Dama sakh tite Mane betrothed diam ? The girl will be more revered nak because of that woman .
Rek she opened the door immediately .
-mother of me.... Wanted to start Zahra when she sees me and gives me a murderous look, if she could devour me at this moment , I think she would have done it without hesitation .
-Zahra approaches moh, ngay melni kouko ragal ni. Said the lady
-wa m è re D è me it's good I can talk to him thank you.
-lane thank you just forget that I left my goods there to accompany him tamite yombna deh . And you saw how good it smells, you won the jackpot deh .
-mother of me it's good I'm going....
-no Zahra is waiting I give her this; I had 50mil on me and I gave it to her, she was very happy.
-ah manchalah young, Zahra mi, I knew that kind rek ngay am. A good husband. Kou maneu diokh e nak manchalah. ... She to speak speak speak. .... And then Zahra even for what you put yourself away from him, come on over there .
She pulled him and brought him to my side, and put his put on mine, thiooo m è re bi sadik neu .
- here is to ni leu kay in time as couples. She said again
Zahra creates nak a forced smile .
Then under the orders of the ferocious mother Deme , Zahra ushered me into her room ... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . Waleu massacre bi.
- Waaa Heeee I almost forgot di. Mother cried D è me outside before saying again : don't give me a baby now deh khar l é ine khewmi ... Then the woman left.
I was now in this room . Shuuuutttt she was spirited from the row , everything is a mess . There was a tiny bed on the floor, her unpacked suitcase, a cup of coffee ... I was watching when she told me.
- it's good there you wanted me what wesh? Surely you don't think you're coming all the way to my home to insult me, aren't you tired of it? she said angry
- But Zahra... I wanted. talk
- but Zahra nothing the wakh. You will quickly get out of my house and get the hell out of here. You know what I hate you with all my might. Does she spit on me again
- I will not leave here until you listen to me . I say close too
-haha (sarcastic laugh) walae you're going to get out of here and I'm the one who will get you out of here willingly or by force. She says
Before coming to push me, t é thiaxanoul deh.
She could n't even get me to move, if it was in another situation I would have laughed so much but here you can see that she hates me and it's me who caused everything cel to .
Without more I took them in my arms and hugged him very tightly against me. I don't know it was a reflex
She was struggling but was no way out, because I tightened my embrace more .
At one point she finally got the hang of it and burst into tears.
I felt sorry now . _ _
-What could I have offered you, she's crying.
-shuuuuuuutttt don't speak yet calm down. And then treat me by all the names of birds that sing to you. Hit me with all your might if it makes you feel better.
She had cried a lot and it touched me . And it was all my fault. Mane even I do not understand why I spoke of his fraternal.