I am Biram 27 years old, handsome Senegalese man 221
I have all the girls at my feet, normal too, I'm irresistible, I'm...
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Mohamed Biram Niang 27 years old , Senegalese
Son of Fatou Seydi and Ibrahima Niang. I have a 17-year-old little sister Amina, she is everything to me, it's my life.
I am the CEO of the MOBE company in Dakar. And owner of several restaurants in Senegal .
I live with my mom and my little sister, they are my loves
We live in Almadies
My dad baaah j..j.... I don't even want to talk about him, he's never around either.
He lives his life with his new family and we live ours here and life goes on
My alarm clock rings! It's 6 o'clock in the morning I wake up , take my shower, today I don't have the head to pray, anyway I do n't know where I put the prayer mat even me and I don't have enough time I have to get ready to go to work. And for that I always have to be elegant and on top . I am not just anyone. I put on my new outfit that I just bought, an outfit specially made for me . Everything is perfect at home, I put on my favorite watch , put on perfume and now everything was ok I was just perfect. It is already at 7:15 . I go down and already see Amina who is ready
_hey little sister I say with a smile
I was in a good mood this morning
_we say hello. Does she answer me
_lol I know hello little Amina, oddly you're never in a good mood in the morning lol I say to annoy her
mother scolded me
_wa Ma tche é e I just greeted her nothing more I say to defend myself
_that 's it yeah hello kay. Answered Amina _
This girl Aka yambar. In the morning mom she makes no effort, unlike me she could even take my pajamas to go to school , class zero . But since this me who is dropping her off now, there is no question that she dresses no matter how I even buy clothes for her .
_wa hurry up it 's almost time the CEO should never be late . I say with pride
_lol let's go, so you're starting to blow yourselves like that um it 's not over... Mom bye see you tonight ciao! tell you she
_ impolite go! You're just jealous of your brother, I understand lol... I'm doing well tonight . Kisses
The way to school was not even far, it was 5 minutes from the house. I drop her off then take the road to MBE. It 's almost 8 o'clock and I always like to be there before 8 o'clock. I rush with my new Range rover.
Arrived at the office I already see Anna at the reception , always the first one there
_hello Mr. Niang. She said to me with a soft voice as soon as I walked through the door
_ Yes hello Anna. I say with an indifferent tone .
She smiled at me with all her teeth haaaa women! A simple hello rek gnou kheum. Because usually I do n't answer I just wave my hand or nod . But now is his lucky day.
Arrived at the 4th floor I enter my office. I was looking at the files my secretary had filed yesterday before I fired her.
And yeah I fired her because she's getting too heady now . ' Cause I just kissed that she already thinks she 's my girlfriend or don't know what ish. Good riddance and it's always my mother who tires me with secretaries .
In short , I was there with her files still, I see that she hadn't done a damn thing; she was just good in bed but other than that nada , I have to do the job myself before my 10 o'clock appointment.
Around 10 o'clock..
I hear a knock on the door and it was my buddy Ben who was in HR services.
-man ioe it's rush hour Fall is here with his team . Said Ben
_bah what am the boss isn't it neign wait I'm coming I say calm
-You're not serious, just get busy, don't forget that it's a contract that will bring us a lot, hum wa baxna . he said
- well let's go it's good I'm finished
After the meeting which lasted 2 hours...
I was there in my office quietly waiting for Ben who was to give me a report on the meeting with the employees on the first floor .
When I see someone come into my office without even knocking on the door.
-.... uuuhh sorry . , . I didn't know you were there . She says
- but are you singled out for coming in like that , with your bucket of dirty water there too ... I say very pissed off .
I can't stand dirt and moreover I have to make myself respected here. And no employ clean my desk as long as I'm there for no one
- sniff.. sorry Mr .... I... Will she start
you 're fired never set foot here again you idiot .
-owww oww ndank but Biram what have you ... she didn't know you were there , she just started today I think, I've just been told, said Ben just arrived .
Before I can finish my sentence there's this crazy besides being stupid who spilled the whole bucket of dirty water in my office, it ruined my new shoes which cost me a fortune. And there I was more than revered , to top it off she ran to me supposedly to clean my shoes...
- Zahra is that right ? Asked Ben?
- yes Mr..'sniff is...sniff Zahra... She said on the verge of tears
-go clean the other room it's right next to said Ben
- Well, you didn't understand me or what. I say she get the hell out of here and quickly I say
-it's ok, I'm leaving, Idiot you , she said to me, drying her tears and running towards the exit, leaving her buckets in my office .
I hope you will like this new story of Biram and Zahra
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