Chapter 3
Good reading
-Zahra he is my son Biram is the eldest . Said mom to introduce me to this girl whose reason for her presence in our house I don't know.
- enchanted Biram said this girl as if she hadn't seen me this morning. And after the dirt she put in my office this morning...and there she thinks she can do anything. Khamoul sakh bopam
-Zahra what's your last name? I was asking this time
-Bodian she said simply
-and what are you looking for in my house, I asked once again
- BIRAM..! mum cried
-It's okay ma'am, it's nothing. Said that girl
-Biram Niang is my satisfied guest now,... In fact there is a bully who fired him on his first day of work, is that normal, people now do what they want to see that the demand for employment is always growing. They allow themselves to dismiss employees as they wish. Said my mother in anger
-uuuuh but but my imagine that she didn't do her job properly, it's also normal that we fire her, did you ask her what could she have done to get her ? fired. Was I asking this famous Zahra?
-Zahra does n't answer , I knew your mother very well and I know that she educated you well , you would never have done anything that would have caused harm . And pay no attention to my son degu nga. He's always like that , always on the defensive .
- Thank you Madam, can I withdraw from the table. she asked
- but no, you eat first, there's no way you'll go to bed without eating... and tomorrow don't forget you start working and you know he's a workaholic, you'll have to lugging all day ...
- but wait what? Mom what does she work where ? Never ! Man it doesn't work like that at MOBE and you know it. No long arm she passes the interview like everyone else with Barry. I said
-Barry Mane??? Non moukkou cleaning service. Zahra will work with you, she will be your secretary ....
I know he will be venerated after what his mother Mrs. Niang has just told him shiii Mane ki why safouma , he still thinks he is superior to everyone khamoul sakh bopam .
Him: heeeee Zahara I don't know what... I don't know what you're up to but it won't work, the MOBE mom out of the question that you work there
-sonston, forget that I have the same share of the business as you, I might as well take them back... Said his mother
Him: But Ma...
- it's over I tell you she will go with you tomorrow and that's it. Bari nga shihiii torop ish. Says the mom
Walae I was embarrassed , I would have liked not to create so many problems . This lady has done so much for me. And yet I hadn't said that I didn't have people now, I was with my brother who worked for him as a mechanic, it was he who managed to pay my studies until my first year in license before he left to take the canoes for Spain and since then no news . He left without telling me, he's all I have left.
Anyway the lady I met her this morning when I was sitting alone in a public place, she was going to the nearby supermarket when she stopped on me and called me ' ' Rokhi " That was the name of my late mother .
-Rokhy is it you? she asked me
-Sorry ma'am , you must have gotten the wrong people .
Her: Rokhy it's you weur nala fi beu sonou
Me: ma'am, my name is Zahra
Her: ah Zahra fatima
- Rokhy Sy is that your mother ? Call her, I want to see her, she says smiling.
-yes yes indeed but she died _
She: Allahu Akbar Rokhy??
Me: yes madam my mom I say sad I don't want to remember I want to forget everything. I could n't even tell her the circumstances of her death. It 's very hard .
She spoke to me , I told her everything because she was nice and indeed she was one of my mother's best friends, they lost sight of each other since then.
She also asked me what I was doing there. I tell her about my first day of work and it was after she had me brought to her house, I was not going to refuse also I had no tamite money and I had very I was hungry and that's when she dragged me to the mall , she bought me a lot of clothes and promised to take care of me because she said that mom had done a lot for her and it it's a way to give her back the device, she had cried a lot too
But to my greatest surprise I saw that the house was none other than that of this pretentious Biram . Well I know him, we all know him, he is famous and all the girls fall for him shippp with his big head there . Safouma Dara.
End flashback
After Biram had left the table worshiped as not possible
But we had dinner with mina and mum . She asked me to call her mum like the others.
Finished me and mina got rid of then went to bed because she told me that his big brother tended to wake up early that he was not going to wait for us.
I wished him good night
Went to my room, yes they even gave me a room. In short
I pray Gu é e after bedtime
Tomorrow is another day
Early in the morning I took my bath, pray fadjr then got ready to go to have breakfast
-salam mom nanga def? I say to greet their mother
-salam Zahra did you sleep well? Sit down and have your breakfast quickly before my son arrives you will be leaving soon oh
-Okay Mina do you know? I greeted
-yes I'm well. Does she answer me
As soon as I sit down at the table I see Biram going down the stairs always classy, he dresses too well manchalah with his oulala perfume!
He just launches a collective salam gives his mother a kiss and takes the direction of the exit.
- Mina, let's go! Does he say
-khayy Biram you don't take your breakfast?
Him: not hungry
Mum: but wait for Zahra...
Mina she ran as if she knew he wasn't going to wait for anyone, after she got in he started the car yet I was there I was going to open the door but puufff diepina ko sakh
Sorry for the mistakes _