- What are you doing here ? He asks me aggressively.
- You're going to torture someone because you want to. I whispered.
- Yes and ?
- But... you can't do that. A person's life does not depend on your mood Damien. It''s inhuman.
- I never claimed to be human.
- I wouldn't let you. I warned him, looking him in the eye.
I don't know where this energy comes from but I don't intend to let it. I do not know how. But I can't let that happen. Damien's chest heaves faster and faster. He is furious that I stand up to him. But it's stronger than me.
- GET OUT! he howls at his betas.
I jump up and stare at the ground. Leaving Justin throws me a look pleading that I add nothing. Too bad for him. I will not be silent. He can't afford to do such a thing. I go inside and he closes the door. He leans against it and glares at me.
- You have no right to gamble with someone's life. Dare I say.
- You are going to learn to mind your own business!
- I thought being a soulmate was being one. Which means it concerns me too.
- So, do you remember that we are soul mates? Glad you got used to the idea that you belong to me.
- You have no right to torture someone! I repeated ignoring his remark.
- I can do whatever I want. He said approaching. And who's going to stop me?
- NO YOU CAN NOT ! I cried out.
I can't take it anymore that he thinks everything is permitted.
- I CAN'T ? he repeats. I WILL SHOW YOU IF I CAN OR NOT.
He grabs my arm and forces me to follow him. I almost have to run up the stairs to avoid falling. We enter the forest. I am scared. I don't know what to expect and it scares me. We arrive in front of an old wooden cabin. He opens the door and we go down the stairs. A horrible smell is felt giving me nausea. We arrive in a long corridor lit by lamps on the walls. There are lots of metal doors with holes in the middle. My fear increases more and more. What is this place.
- You'll see if I can or not.
He opens one of his doors and pushes me inside. My hand covers my mouth to keep me from screaming. Corpses, skeletons, blood. I recognize the bodies of women, of children. I understand better the reason for this smell.
The tears flow. Tell me it's a nightmare. It can't be true. He couldn't kill all those people.
- I can and I already have. He said calmly. So avoid getting involved in what does not concern you if you do not want to find yourself among them.
- There are children... I whispered with a broken voice.
- So don't think you're indispensable.
- You're a monster... I whispered while staring at the corpses.
He takes my arm and forces me out. I can't resist. All those people...I can imagine all the fear they must have felt. I glance over at Damien. How does he manage to act as if nothing had happened. As if he wasn't the murderer of all these people? I understand that I had to make a round trip to paradise. My mother warned me. So the massacres are these massacres? Someone has to stop it and that's me? Change it or die. Change it or die...
If he doesn't change, he will continue to kill. He is an unscrupulous predator. I have to stop this. And if I don't change, he'll end up killing me. But how am I supposed to do this?
Playing with the fries on my plate, I wonder how I should proceed. Damien is sitting right in front of me eating like nothing's wrong. How does he even manage to eat knowing that there are hundreds of corpses under his territory? After all he's done? I hear noises coming from the door and I ask him:
- You hear ?
- Yes.
He gets up and goes to open the door. I get up and join him. He turns around with a little white husky in his arms and goes to sit on the armchair.
- He's hurt. He informs me. Take the second first aid kit back to the kitchen. Second drawer on the left. The one in blue.
I do what he says and bring it to him. I believe this is a special kit for wolves considering the dog logo on it. I sit next to him and watch him do it.
- Don't worry. He said to the dog. I don't intend to leave you like this.
My gaze goes to Damien. And it is at this moment that I notice a small detail. As small as she is, I see a part of humanity in him. Maybe he's not who he claims to be after all? I see a part of him that does good around him. And I understand that it is this part that I need.
- He'll stay here until he heals.
He finishes and takes the dog in his arms. I'm so happy to have known this side of him that I kiss his cheek. He looks at me surprised at this gesture, just like me...