~Nothing looks so much like unhappiness as the solution~
My body trembles despite my brain telling me to hold my head up. How to camouflage his fear in front of a big black wolf who doesn't seem happy to see me? Suddenly, two other wolves appear behind him.
A simple human facing 3 big wolves. Would I be lucky enough to make it out alive? No. Will he torture me in wolf form? Bite me ? Oh my God ! I think I'm going to pass out eventually.
My eyes do not leave those of my soul mate. I had never seen a wolf with such deep blue eyes before. The wolf to his right growls, bringing me back to reality. Remembering that I'm in a bad situation.
Damien turns his head and growls at him, making me jump. He continues to stare at me. I'm sure he's wondering how to torture me. I don't want to think about it. What got into me? I should have stayed inside.
He gestures for me to get up. I nod and lean on my shaking hands to get up. No sudden gesture. I turn around and walk towards the house, closely followed by 3 gigantic wolves. I don't turn around once, lest one of them decides to pounce on me.
I'm being escorted to my prison by 3 wolves. Because yes, that's who I am. A common prisoner. I must have done something wrong during my childhood for the cosmos to take revenge so fiercely.
Arrived in front of the house, I remain standing staring at this unknown place which serves as my prison. A growl forces me to go inside.
I run inside and climb the stairs two by two. I go back to my room and lock the door. I don't know what will follow. I prefer to stay locked up here, safe from Damien. I walk nervously from left to right. Fear runs through my veins.
I stop moving when someone knocks on the door. I fix it. My heartbeat echoes in my head. I didn't expect him to knock on the door. Could this be the calm before the storm?
- Rose, please open the door.
I calm down a bit when I hear this voice, which isn't Damien's. She's not that serious.
- Who is it ?
- Justin, he informs me, I'm Damien's beta.
I let out a sigh of relief. My fear doesn't go away, but knowing he's not there is reassuring. At least, for now.
- How do you know if Damien is not with you? I asked suspiciously.
- If he had been there, he wouldn't have waited for you to open the door and would have already smashed him.
He scores a point.
- How would I know it's not a trap?
- You can not.
Something in the way he speaks inspires confidence in me. I slowly turn the key and open the door. He is alone. I still glance down the hallway to make sure the psychopath isn't there.
He goes into the room and laughs when he sees me lock up.
- The key will be of no use to you, he informs me. If Damien wants to go home, he will.
- Stop laughing. It's not funny.
- You're on your guard as if your life depended on it, he mocks.
- So isn't she?
He stops laughing and looks at me carefully.
- It's the case.
That is what I thought.
- You have to get down, he explains to me.
- I don't want to, I refused, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
- He is already furious, I would avoid adding oil to the fire.
I go down the stairs one by one to make the most of my last moments of life. I take this opportunity to relive certain moments in my head. Like the last memories I have of my mother or our moments with Julia.
Damien is waiting for me standing, leaning against the fireplace. His gaze is focused on the flames. He looks calm from behind, however, I know he isn't.
A few people are sitting on the chair. I recognize the other beta. I meet the gaze of a beautiful blonde. She smiled at me wickedly before giving me a makeover from head to toe.
- I warned you, start the alpha without looking back.
I was about to retaliate, but it was useless. No way am I apologizing, so I tell him:
- I... you're not going to be able to keep me prisoner forever.
He turns around suddenly and scrutinizes me with his green eyes that seem black so much they are filled with hatred. I also notice that he is holding a glass in his hand which contains an orange liquid. Whiskey, I guess.
- Pardon ?
- I said you couldn't keep me prisoner forever, I repeated calmly.
I see his anger growing. The glass seems to want to explode under the tension. This time, I'm sure. He will torture me.
Keep calm Rose. Stay calm.
- If I want to, I can. You saw clearly that it was impossible for you to escape from here. And too bad for you princess, I intend to keep you.
His tone is calm, but I feel he could scream at any moment. He can't kidnap me and lock me up anymore. I am not his object. He's no better than me because he's a man!
- Now go up to the bedroom, he orders coldly.
- No. I went down and I'm not going back up all those stairs.
Either way, I'm going to die. What's the use of obeying him?
- UP!
- NO !
I hear the blonde mutter a "she didn't dare?" ". I know she said it on purpose. Which worked very well. Damien drops his glass which falls to the floor and ends up shattered.
Suddenly, my back hits a wall. He just slammed me against the wall. His hand wraps around my throat. Anxiety seizes me. He doesn't serve it enough for me to run out of air, but enough to let me know he can.
He ends up letting me go. Lest he do it again, I turn around and climb the stairs, declaring myself defeated.
I go into the bedroom. When I was planning to sit on the bed, Damien comes in suddenly, slamming the door. I lean back as he comes dangerously close.
- Next time, I won't be lenient.
I force myself to stand up to him, avoiding looking away.
He goes into the bathroom. When I hear the water running, I let out a few tears. I want to go home. I prefer my mother-in-law to him. What could I have done to get there?
I lie on the left side of the bed, as far as possible from the bathroom and the beast it contains. I pray that I wake up at home, in my old room with the annoying voice of my mother-in-law.
When I wake up, I feel a weight on my stomach. I turn around and face Damien who is sleeping. How dare he sleep with me after threatening me? What kind of psychopath am I dealing with?
It's surprising how harmless he seems when he's asleep. With his messy hair and slightly parted lips, he's not scary at all anymore. Where is the man who wanted to strangle me?
Unable to bear to be in his presence, I get up and head for the door. I pull on the handle, but it doesn't open. I pull harder, but again, it stays closed.
- Don't get tired for nothing, it's key.
I turn around. He is still sleeping.
- Where are the keys ? I tried.
Of course he doesn't answer. It was predictable. I try another way:
- Can you open it?
- No.
- Why is it locked?
- You can't get out of here.
- And why this ? I asked crossing my arms.
He sighs deeply as he gets up. I do not move when he comes to stand in front of me. His hand rests on my jaw. I refrain from yelling at him to let me go. He slowly turns my face, as if inspecting something.
Not wanting to endure his touch any longer, I turn my head.
- It will be your punishment, he explains to me coldly.
- My punishment? I repeated incredulously. It is you who hold me prisoner and it is I who am punished?
- Don't cross my limits next time. I am kind in choosing to lock you up here, it will help you to think things through. But know that I won't be so nice next time.
- But I have claustrophobia! I exclaimed.
- The room is big enough, and there is a balcony if you need some air.
I feel that I am helpless in the face of this situation, this man. And that's why I feel an anger rising in me. Desperate anger.
- You can't lock me up here! You're the animal, I'm telling you! I end up shouting.
- Be careful who you talk to. I may be half animal, but of the two of us, you're the one locked up.
He takes the key out of his pocket and leaves the room without adding anything. The sound of the lock echoes in my head. He definitely locked me up.
I am in shock. I try to persuade myself to remain optimistic. He didn't torture me, that's already it. However, this is too much. I am not an object over which he has a right.
The hours pass. I'm bored to death. I'm still glad there's a TV in the room, even though I can't find anything to watch. He could have given me something to occupy myself with.
He wanted me to do some thinking. What am I supposed to reflect on? How do I get treated like an animal? Even animals don't deserve this.
I go out to the balcony and observe the forest. What is this psychopath doing right now?
I smile sadly, remembering our delusions with Julia. I laugh when I remember how she put my mother-in-law in her place when she asked her why she always hung out with me. My mother-in-law had turned white. I have to admit, I was good.
A flash of heat suddenly seizes me. I take puffs of air, but that doesn't help. I walk into the bedroom rubbing my neck. I have trouble breathing. All that is too much. I need to get out of this room. Leave this house.
I let myself fall along the bed, leaning against it. I find it increasingly difficult to breathe properly. A cold sweat runs down my back. I have to get out of here.
My head starts spinning, I try to get up and that's when I lose control.