~ So many hands to transform this world, and so few eyes to contemplate it ~
I open my eyes with a sigh, my mother-in-law's high-pitched voice filling the house. Couldn't she shut up for once? I hate waking up like this.
After a long yawn, I finally get up reluctantly. I drag myself to the bathroom. I hate mornings. I wash up and get ready for school. I'm sure if I didn't have the dream of going to college to leave this house, I would have quit school by now.
I apply a little concealer and my mascara. I don't like to wear makeup, but it's better to be presentable. No one would want to see my dark circles.
I stand in front of my wardrobe. It might be time to do my laundry. I don't have much left to wear. I opt for my last black jeans and a white top. I grab my bag and leave the floor.
My father is sitting at the end of the table with this morning's paper in his hand, as always.
- You took your time, my mother-in-law gets angry leaning against the work plan, you have to learn to get up earlier and get ready faster. It's always the same cinema every morning.
I don't bother to answer and sit down in my place, facing my father. I spread the due chocolate on my bread and bite into it. I'm not in the mood to argue with her.
- The least we could have done was to apologize, she spits.
- I'll be late and not you, I reminded her quietly, and I'm never.
- You're going to stop being clever. Did you see that ? she asks my father, turning to him. It starts in the morning!
- What can I do if my daughter has no education?
I let out a sigh along with my bread. My eyes fix a point behind him to avoid crying. How to tell you that it was your role in fact?
I get up and leave, taking care to slam the door. The wind hits me in the face, forcing me to close the zipper of my jacket.
Every morning it's the same thing. My mother-in-law who finds a reason to criticize me and my father who agrees with her without even bothering to give her opinion.
Since my mother's death, nothing has been the same. My father remarried two months after his death to this awful woman. I never understood why she hated me so much. Maybe it's because I'm my father's only memory of my mother? I do not know. I only know that I'm waiting to go to university, far from here.
Arriving at school, I look for Julia with my eyes. It's no surprise that I find her in front of the bathroom door. A habit I never understood. She's always waiting for me near the toilet.
- Hi.
- Pink ! I want the truth !
- You are beautiful Julia, I laughed.
- No no. This time it's serious, is my makeup good?
I watch him carefully. Dark brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, a thick layer of mascara, a line of pencil under her eyes and beige lipstick. She's wearing a lot more makeup than usual, but it's not ugly. I will never understand why she makes such an effort every morning to come to school.
- Do you think it's a lot? she asks me in front of my silence.
- It's very beautiful, but...we're at school, not in a wedding.
- We do not care ! It's a holy day!
In front of my perplexed look, she explains to me:
- An alpha will arrive any minute.
I nod, it makes more sense. Each month, an alpha arrives accompanied by a few people from his pack to find his soul mate. Everyone prepares as if it were the event of the year. Which is absurd because no alpha has ever found a soul mate in our little town.
- You don't understand, she continues, seeing my jaded expression. It's not just any alpha. It's Alpha! No one comes close to him. He is the strongest and most cruel that exists. Imagine being his soul mate? It's just awesome!
- Would you like to be the soul mate of a cruel alpha? I asked incredulously.
- Yes, I love psychopaths too much!
I burst out laughing. This girl is crazy. There is no other possible explanation!
The bell rings and we head to class. Classes pass at a breathtaking slowness. I just stare at the forest through the window. I can't wait to go to college. To start living for real. I smile seeing myself becoming a great architect. It is my dearest dream.
Suddenly, the alarm that I hate so much goes off. I get up with a sigh. We all head out to the yard to line up. I chuckle as James pushes a girl to be closer to the door.
As usual, I'm heading towards the end. What I like the most during these visits? These are the despairing looks of the alphas.
- I feel that this time is the right one. Julia whispers against my ear.
- If you say so.
- Oh, my god, they are beautiful!
I turn my head towards the door. Two men enter the courtyard through the gate. One is blond and rather slender while the other has black hair and is wider. I watch them briefly until a third arrives and steps between them. The alpha.
I am surprised by so much beauty. Julia was right, it is breathtaking. An imposing build. His white shirt, unbuttoned at the top, reveals the muscles that hide behind the fabric. Well-groomed brown hair. An assured step. He sweats domination.
My gaze meets that of the beta with black hair, he gives me a broad smile. I look away and stare at my shoes. I have a bad feeling.
They whisper something that I don't understand before the alpha proceeds to examine each person one by one. I take a look at Julia arranging her cleavage. I smile shaking my head.
My gaze stays on my shoes. I hadn't noticed I had laced my shoelaces badly. This is what happens when you leave your house quickly.
I hear some girls begging him to look at them again. I hold back a laugh as I bend down to retie my shoelaces. These girls can't sink any lower.
When I finish my knot, I see men's shoes in front of me. Oh.
- Look at me, he orders in his deep voice.
I bite my lip as I stand up. It is only when I am completely upright that I allow myself to raise my head.
My whole body remains blocked, as if he had just pinned me to the ground. I had never seen such green eyes before. They are of a...magnificent intensity. Absolutely stunning. I feel like one step would be enough for me to fall into it and let myself be carried away by...
- oh my God.
Julia's voice brings me back to reality. I blink several times as I examine the alpha, puzzled. And when he pronounces these three words, I understand everything:
- You are mine.
Panicked, I turn my head towards Julia. She shrugs. It can't be true? I take a step back looking everywhere but him. Without realizing it, my legs start to run. I run straight until I reach the forest.
I stop for a moment to turn around and go in another direction. What an idea to go into the middle of the forest to escape from the wolves! But I see them coming and continue my race.
I run as much as my legs allow. My heart seems to be begging me to stop, but it's not possible! I can not stop !
I end up stopping a few minutes later. I lean forward against a tree, leaning on my knees and trying to calm my breathing. I believe I have sown them.
But when I open my eyes, his betas are leaning against the two trees opposite. I feel a presence behind me and it scares me. I dare not turn around.
- You're done ? he asks annoyed.
- I...I can't, I managed to articulate while staring at the tree in front of me, I can't come with you.
- It's a pity that no one asked your opinion in this case.
I turn around and face him. He crossed his arms and looks at me from his full height.
- You can't drag me back.
- And who's going to stop me?
He is right. Who will dare to say anything in front of this half-human man? Person.
Thinking I'm going to be a captive, not going to college, I refuse to cooperate. I can't give up on my dreams so easily!
- I have a family, I tried gently, I still go to school. I can't give up everything and come with you at the snap of a finger.
He nods. Ah, it's not so hard after all. He seems to understand. So I continue:
- This is my last year before college. I plan to go away from here. Could we maybe agree on the university? I would be willing to go to an establishment not far from your city. And then, I'm not always easy to live with.
He always stares at me without adding anything. I believe he will accept. He seems like a reasonable person. We do not even know each other. So why would he want me to go with them? Is it still absurd?
- If you're done, I can't wait to leave this village.
- Yes of course. I hastened to say happy.
- With you, he adds.
It would have been too good to be true.
- What if I refuse?
- It's not a problem, I have my methods.
- You can't force someone to come with you.
This time, it is he who sighs loudly. He takes a step forward and I step back. He can't force me! It is not possible ! It is out of the question that I go to an unknown place with this stranger.
- If I were you, I wouldn't piss him off. Recommend one of his betas behind me.
My heart beats faster. I look everywhere to find a way out, but where could I run away in a forest? And with three extra wolves? I'm cooked. I refuse to give in to this man who thinks he can do anything!
He walks over and grabs my arm. I struggle to get him to release me, but to no avail. He does not even move when receiving my blows. We are heading towards the end of the forest.
Helpless tears fill my eyes. I can't let it take me away from my world! Far from my dreams. Away from Julia!
- That's enough ! he roared, picking me up.
My crying increases when I find myself on his shoulder. I kick him on the back, screaming for him to let go. Struggling as much as I can. He has no right to do that!
Once in front of the school, he drops me on the ground and blocks me between the car and his powerful chest. I kick him screaming:
I feel a pain in my arm. Wanting to turn my head to see where such pain comes from, I meet Julia's gaze. His blue eyes look at me sadly. I read a "farewell" on his lips. No...
My head turns. I no longer see anything. Everything seems to move around me. My eyelids are getting heavier.
No, I don't want to give up everything I have left...