"Yesterday, a word committed suicide. It was found hanging from the end of a dead tongue."
The caresses that Justin gives me on my back calm me little by little. I'm in pain mentally but especially mentally. I can't take it anymore. Stop dying.
- I've had it up to here. I complained.
His arms around me comfort me so much. Why am I not his soul mate? It would have been so much easier.
- It will pass. he whispers to me.
- It's not going to pass Justin. I say more strongly. As long as these psychopaths keep me here, nothing will work.
- Calm yourself.
- For what ? Why do I have to let myself be taken by him? Because he's a man? I don't want to go through all this anymore. I should never have come here.
I pull away from him and lie down. He cannot understand. He is free. I'm the one going through all this.
I spend the rest of the day in bed. Justin brought me back my meals several times, which I didn't eat. I do not want to eat. I don't want to do anything anymore.
I wake up in bed surrounded by Damien's arms. I get up straight away. How dare he come back? It's still dark outside. Did I dream? I walk into the bathroom and stare at my reflection. My hair is disheveled and my eyes are all puffy. No, it wasn't a dream. Unfortunately.
How does he manage to sleep next to me as if nothing had happened? It's not normal. I had never seen a man as sick as him before.
I refuse to continue sleeping next to him! I walk into the bedroom and throw my pillow on the floor. I go into the dressing room and take one of his vests. It will be my cover. I lie down on the ground and stare at the stars through the window. I hope he will understand the message.
I slowly open my eyes and turn to my right. Where is Rose? I listen to his heartbeats which are close to me. I get up quickly to find her. Bypassing the bed, I find her lying on the floor sleeping.
What is she doing on the floor? This girl is going to end up killing me! I take her in my arms and lay her on the bed. I take off my vest which served as a blanket and cover him. I remove the few rebellious locks that trailed on his forehead.
I take a few seconds to realize that his puffy eyes are my fault. She must have cried all day. It was I who put it when such a state. A feeling of regret washed over me. It had been a long time since I had felt regret.
And obviously that's why she slept on the floor. I go into the bathroom and wash my face with cold water. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I am a watch. I always destroy everything in my path. I need to take a cold shower here. It is not my fault. I was raised to destroy everything. The icy water flowing down my body reminds me of the phrase that my grandfather kept repeating to me.
“If you destroy everything in your path, your path will be easier to cross. »
Before, I did not understand the meaning of this sentence but time taught it to me. I applied it and I am the strongest. No one comes close to me. If I don't destroy everything, they won't destroy.
Once out, I get dressed and go for a walk in the forest. I see children playing together. Reminds me of my brother and me. Too obscure memories that I prefer to keep away from me.
After spending the day sorting out my pack issues with Brad, I decide to head home. It's still early but I want to go home. Once inside, I see Rose laughing with Justin. She gets up and pinches his cheeks, grimacing. I groan and the two turn their heads in my direction. Rose sits next to him and stares at the floor. When I ordered Justin to let her out of her room, I thought I had done well. But no, apparently.
- Justin in my office! I got angry. And you, you don't move from here.
Justin immediately comes up to my office. Why are they so close? I had asked him to watch her not to have fun! I go upstairs and slam the door.
- What was this circus? I asked furiously.
- I was cheering him up. That's all.
- I asked you to watch her and not play clown for her!
- I wouldn't have to if you didn't put her in such a state.
If Justin wouldn't have been my childhood friend, he'll be dead by now. And he knows it. Even if he has more right to give his opinion than anyone else, he still has limits.
- It's not your job to cheer him up! If anyone should do it, it's me! I am his soul mate!
- Do you really believe what you say? He asks me annoyed. She doesn't even want to hear from you.
- He is right. Brad intervenes who has just returned. It is not by mistreating her that she will be yours.
- She's already mine. Whether she likes it or not.
- But if you want to have a real relationship with her, stop all that.
- She's looking for me too. I replied calmly.
- You have to learn to control yourself Damien, if you don't want to lose her.
The thought of losing her scares me. I still need her. It is thanks to her that I will be even more powerful. And now that I've finally found her, I can't afford to lose her.
- Anyway, she won't be able to escape, I whispered.
- But his mental state? She is not well.
- As long as she's here, it's not my problem.
- And how are you going to create the link if she doesn't even want to hear your name?
I don't know. I pour myself a glass of Whiskey and lean against the window. He is right. The most important thing is to create this link. And so far it's gone badly. I sigh. Why did it all have to be so hard?
- I tell you, I have a bad time right now. She is not doing well at all emotionally.
- You don't even know her enough to know if she's good or not. If so, that's his character.
- You don't have to know it to understand it, Damien. Add Brad. It is obvious.
They are not wrong. I see it too but admitting it will put the blame on me. And even if it's my fault, I don't want to think about it. I can't even take care of my soul mate. It is at this moment that a noise of mirror bursting is heard. We take a look with Brad and Justin before running out of the office. I drop my glass in the meantime but I don't care. When I see Rose's unconscious body with a pool of blood around it, I walk down the stairs two at a time.