“Mark my words Cella ..a hungry man is liable to do anything..”
She was absolutely breath taking . Angelo watched the beautiful woman who stood before him wearing his very favorite tee shirt . He had to laugh to himself. This definitely had not been what he was expecting when he walked through the door. It was no way this whole thing couldn’t have been staged. The beautiful maid prancing around practically naked in his apartment pretending to have cooked. This had Cella Binochi production written all over it. This woman probably didn’t even know how to boil water… not that she would have to worry about cooking most of her work was probably done in the bed room with that body and her looks.
« I’m sorry Mr Binochi..I kinda got carried away by the music. » Francesca said as she turned off the Bose.
« Please call me Angelo, and it’s perfectly alright I enjoyed every moment of your dance. She couldn’t help but blushed he had just seen all the goodies. This situation was just so unprofessional. How could she be so careless. « You know that tee shirt looks awfully familiar.. » He pointed. Francesca watch him look at her and then at the shirt. She wanted to literally sink into the floor. It was obviously by the twitch of his lips that he was trying to suppress his laughter It seemed to her that he was taking pleasure out of her discomfort in being caught in her ummaidly state. She on the other hand could not find the humor in this .. She felt like someone had just pulled a rug from under her because she was not prepared for Angelo Binochi to look like this with his black wavy hair, baby blue eyes and dimples. Cella had never mentioned that her son was this fine. She had been hoodwinked . This fox couldn’t possibly have any trouble finding a woman. Not a chance. With his looks he could be gay and women would still chase after him. This whole situation was unbelievable and it was Cella and Giannas fault, … She couln’t wait to get mother on the phone. Pulling on the ends of the shirt she walked behind the counter «
Angelo couldn’t help but admire her long shapley legs and sexy feet with her pink nails as she tried to hide from his site.
« Is this for me ? He pointed at the containers. « I love Maggio’s . »
« Yes this is your dinner. » She smiled sweetly.
« I’m starving, would you like to join me ? » He walked to a cabinet and pulled out two plates.
« No I’m not hungry. » Here she was practically naked standing in her clients kitchen,wanting to run her fingers through his wavy black hair….and he was asking her if she’s hungry. How crazy was this.
Angelo took off his suit jacket loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. He was intrigued with this dark hair beauty. She was very interesting. « So do maids usually dance in their clients homes dressed in their clients tee shirts. »
« No I can explain..I spilled juice and then ..i was cleaning up and I put …. » He held up a hand..
« « You warm up the food, I get the wine. »
She did as told, when had she Francesca Maria Moretti become so compliant with a stranger ..she took the containers over to the microwave and put them in. Looking down at her bare feet. She once again realized her state of undress, this was not her. « I think I need to get my dress, I need a little more of barrier between us. » She pointed.
« Do you need any help ? » He asked.
« No, I can handle this. » He watched as she ran off to the laundry room. » His mother was on the money with this one but he wasn’t getting caught up in her matchmaking games. He had a right to decided when he was ready to settle down and it was not now. Hearing his phone ring he looked at the screen and answered. » Hey ,Dad…yeah I’m home, I’m about to eat..chicken pamersan from Maggio’s… Yeah I have company no one imparticular. His dad knew who was here that’s why he was calling…Your hungry too ? Mom’s not cooking tonight ? She’s doing to many other things to cook… I bet she is. No I didn’t say anything. Angelo eyed the phone. Dad,why is mom yelling…(muffled yelling) ..Dad what's going on? Mom went in the kitchen to cook . You had to show her whose boss. I got you ok later dad.. » Angelo laughed as he clicked off. His father probably threatened to expose mother.
Francesca slammed the laundry room door and locked it. How was she going to do the job effectively when Angelo was very tempting. Taking a deep breath she needed to get herself in check before she went back out there and ended up doing something she shouldn’t. She had to stay focused having sex with a client was no good. Ten minutes later, with her dress and pumps on she felt more in control as she walked back into the kitchen. « I’m back. »She announced. Angelo gave wolf whistle as he stood holding the seat for her. He watched as she crossed her long sexy legs and her dress rode up her thighs. He had to get his mind out the gutter at least for now.
« You feel better ? »
« Yes’ but…I really think I should leave. »
« Why ? » He looked at her questionably.
« There are quite a few reason. First being you’re my client, »
« So , we’re having a business dinner .It’s only me and you I won’t bite unless you ask me too. « He smiled.
« That’s what I’m afraid of. » She watched as he went to get a bottle of wine. « I hope you like pinot. » She nodded her approval as he poured two glasses and handed her one. She accepted. « This is too matchmaking mothers. » He said as they clinked glasses drank.
« So you’re really my maid. » He sat across from her after making them both plates .
« Yes and No. »
« You care to elaborate. » He asked captivated by her sherry brown eyes.
« Well, I own French Maid. » She took a sip of her wine.
« So why is the owner working as a maid. »
« Because your mother is very good at getting her way, and my mother happens to be her friend. »
« So my mother convinced you too be my maid..to hook us up and you agreed. » Francesca took another sip of wine this is where she had to choose her words carefully.
. »Um yeah so to speak. »
« So am I to believe you are so desperate to find a man that you have too have you mother set you up. »
« No..No I have no trouble getting dates.. »
« How am I to believe that if you agree to something like this. »