“I’ve been told that I’ll be sleeping on the couch if I so much as mention kicking you out of my own house.” He watch his father fork up his pasta. “I can’t kick my own son out.”
“No you can’t” His mother said.
“It breaks my heart Angelo that your mother has to cook and clean for her son. I told her it’s either me or you.”
“Vinny stop making him feel bad.”
“I ‘ve been told mom she didn’t have to do that.”
“And I no longer will be cooking and cleaning for you.”
“Ma you’re not going to be his maid ?”
“Shut up Constance.”
“Ok, that’s fine.” Angelo said.
“Oh it gets better, I wish they brought me one.”Nicole put in.
He looked from her to his smiling mother. He drank his whole glass of wine.”
“What do you wish you had Nicole ?”
“Me and your father paid for a maid service for you.” His mother was beaming from ear to ear, he felt sick.
“You really didn’t have to do that Ma.”
“Yes we did.” His mother said.“Consider it an early birthday gift.”
“Who’s daughter is she mom ?”
“Whatever are you talking about, I found one of the best maid services in the city for you.”
“Mom please can I tell him the name of the service. Please ! Please !” Connie put in.
“I don’t need a maid ?” He said looking at his mother.
“It’s called The French Maid. And it’s paid for. And she’s coming tomorrow. Mi Capise.”
“Capisco besissimo mama. I understand.
Cella look at her husband who raised his glass in salute. She had to stick to the plan her son was no fool she had shut the girls up .
“Doesn’t it sound like and escort service ?” Nicole laughed.
“Nicole , keep quiet. Come help me with dessert girls.”
He knew it was some type of set up. When all four women had disappeared into the kitchen he turned to his father .
“You know this is a set up.” His father ignored him and continued to eat he looked over at his brother in laws who refused to even give eye contact. A devilish smile spread across his father’s face
“Dad help me.” He spoke low.
“Angelo my boy I had a beautiful dream last night…” He watched his father as he took a sip of his wine. “I saw you with this beautiful angle, no pun intended… she had these wings like the Victoria Secret model, the only thing she is she wore this French maid dress you know the black and white thing with the apron. It was real short . Well anyways you two came into the house, you had a baby in your arms and you presented to me…it had on an Eagle Jersey that said Little Vinny .”
His brother in laws broke into laughter. “This is not funny you guys .” He pointed to them. “So your saying mom is still playing matchmaker ?”
“Know I said I had a dream about you and a girl with a baby. And that’s all I’m saying cause here they come.”
Angelo looked at the Binochi women coming out of the kitchen everyone of them was in on it. They all had wicked witch smiles. He drank his whole glass of wine.
Francesca was heading home early from the office she had made plans to hang out with her girlfriends tonight they were going out eat and drink and have fun it was their regular ritual she needed a Jolly Rancher about now it had been a long week. Marcella Binochi was becoming a nuance. She had called everyday since there meeting talking about her son who was away on business . It was apparent the man knew what his mother was up too ..because she had already been working for them a month and had yet to see the infamous Angelo Binochi.. As she maneuvered through the heavy traffic she listened to.Riahanna siging “Where have you been all my life.”The music was interrupted by a phone call. The name flashing on the screen in the dash no other than Mrs Binochi She answered..”.Hello.”
“Hello dear this is Cella.”.
“ What can I do for you Mrs. Binochi ?” Not that she wanted to do anything but get a Jolly Rancher..
“I was wondering if you could do me an itsbitsy favor ?”
She knew that any favor for Cella was going to be a big one .. and if she didn’t agree Cella would be on the horn to Gianna ..
“Angelo is getting into night and I wanted to know if you could possible stop past and make him dinner. ?”
”Mrs Binochi it’s Friday afternoon and I’m officially off…”
“Please Fran it would mean so much to me…for you to do this ..Really I would do it but I’m visiting my sister in Jersey ..Angelo just called and told me he was coming home from California, this evening .. I just want to make sure he has a homemade meal to come home too…” The woman was good she knew how to manipulate …trying to sound so pitiful. She would bet anything that Cella Binochi was sitting at home with her husband.
“Ok Mrs Binochi”
“Darling call me Cella , I owe you Francesca …you are such a sweetheart..oh by the way you can’t go wrong if you cook chicken parmesan, he loves it. You know what.they sayaaaaa. The way to a man’s heart is his stomach” Francesca swore she heard a man snickering in the background.
“ Fran, everything should be their already. Thanks again dear, ooh got go my sister’s calling..” She didn’t hear any sister calling ..It was clearly s a set up if ever there was. She was determined to stay a step ahead of Mrs Binochi. That’s why she was ordering from Maggio’s and leaving it for Angelo”s dinner. She put in the order, It would be ready by the time she got off the express way..