« Because I feel like I’ve been conned. »
Francesca looked at the older woman who laughed at my remark and to Francesca’s ears the laugh sounded a little like the wicked witch of the west which caused a slight chill to go up her spin as she agreed to take on the job. Now she wasn’t one to believe in spells but if she wasn’t mistaken one had been cast in this office because she had said yes to the matchmaking momma witch or con artist.
« Two hours later she had half a note book on Angelo Binochi and his mother refused to give up a picture . »When you see him you’ll know why he gets what he wants from women. «
« Mrs. Binochi I’m providing a service remember cooking and cleaning. »
« Of course you are. »
Mrs. Binochi stood and instead of shaking her hand gave her a hug and was gone. Maybe she was an armature when dealing with the likes of Giana and Cella.
Angelo sat in his car outside his parents home. The driveway was full which meant everyone was here, his three sisters their spouses and children. That meant once he step foot through the doors of his parents home the women would go into attack mode trying to set him with their friends, friends daughters, sisters cousins anything female that could possibly lead to a match. He couldn’t take it today. His day had been long. He could hear his mother now as soon as he stepped through the door. “Angelo when are you going to bring a girl home. I need a grandson. You’re not going to have that body and looks forever. Look at your father.” And she always said it in one breath. Of course none of the men would stand up in his defense he was all alone when it came to the Binochi women and their meddling. The husbands where no help and his father just laughed and would say. “ Cella I got this way because you’re cooking.”
Everyone in the Binochi house now believed that all the males would come from him since all his sisters had produced girls. Connie and Ignacio had Tabitha and little Cella, Italia and Carlo had Natalia and Nicole and Marcus just had Victoria. Even his own father had turned on him. “When will we have another Binochi male Angelo …What will happen to my legacy. My brother has five grandsons , count my fingers ANGELO…Bento has FIVE SONS and your both are the same age. What’s going on Angelo find a damn wife or get some girl pregnant before I die so I can hold my grandson in my arms”.
“ET TU, BRUTE.” He said to his father at their last gather which had been to watch the Eagles play the Raiders. Who knew that his father was taking the lost so hard . So low and behold the Et Brute didn’t go over very well. “Even you Brutus this shit Angelo take your Raider loving ass out of my house and don’t come back unless you a get some girl pregnant with my grandson. I want a fucking grandson . Hear me boy.” Everyone was shocked himself included.
That had been the drunken Vinny Binochi after the Eagles lost to Raiders, his team, he had actually been kicked him out his family home and told not to come back until he had a son . His sisters and brother in laws broke into laughter. His mother sat quietly saying nothing. Which was unusual ? Then he remembered he said don’t come back unless you have a son. That had been the last family get together.
Then his mother calls this morning to remind him to come for dinner she had a surprise for him. A surprise from Cella could only mean one thing for him she found some girl to hook him up with. Why hadn’t one of his sisters’s given birth to a boy ? Because there too damn selfish. That’s why. They couldn’t even do that right.
Now he didn’t have the energy to go into the house. Maybe he should just go home and call it a night makeup an excuse a meeting. He was just about to call the house from his cell phone when he saw the curtains move then the door opened of course it was loud mouth Connie. “ANGELO COME ON IN THE HOUSE. EVERYONE IS HUNGRY AND YOU’VE BEEN SITTING OUT HERE FOR TWENTY MINUTES NOW NO ONE CARES IF YOU DON’T HAVE A GIRL PREGNANT WITH A BINOCHI BOY IN HER BELLY.”
Connie was a constant pain in his ass he couldn’t help but roll down his window and respond. Of course she always had to have the last word.
“YOU CAN TALK IN HERE AND YOUR YELL LIKE THAT WHEN YOUR ON THE PHONE ? YOUR LYING ANGELO.” He watched her go back in the house leaving the door open.
He got out the car slamming the door. He loved his sisters he would kill for them but he hated being the only boy and the baby.
Walking into the house he was greeted by Nicole she was holding his niece. Her husband standing beside her holding a doll wrapped in a blue blanket. I guess they thought it was funny and it was but he wouldn’t admit it to them. “So glad you could join us.” She said. Me and Marcus thought you could use this.” Marcus was laughing uncontrollably. He walked past him.
“Angelo the dolls for you it’s a boy.”
“ That’s real cute.” He pointed at the doll. “Fuck you two.”
“Don’t be like that Angelo”
“Whatever Nicky.” He flagged her.
“Give your niece a kiss.” She held the baby out to him. Dad’s in the cave with the guys and mom’s in the kitchen with Talia and Connie. “
He took his niece in his arms kissed her niece forehead and headed for the kitchen. The little bundle smiling up at him. At least she was one half Binochi woman he could trust for now. The others god save his soul. . “Hey mom.” He entered the kitchen kissing his mother cheek.
Looking over at his sisters Connie and Italia sitting smiling wickedly. They knew something he could feel it.
“Angelo, why where you hiding in the car ?” His mother turned looking at him. “Your father had too much to drink last dinner he didn’t mean what he said.”
He couldn’t lie to his mother so he opted for the truth. “Can we not talk about me finding a wife and settling down tonight, I’ve had a busy day and I’m not for it.” He rocked the baby.
“Ok whatever you say, but remember you’re not going to have that body and looks forever. Just look at your father.” She smile and held a spoon out for him to taste. “See you’re a natural at fathering, look at your niece she knows it too.” He looked down at the sleeping baby he took back his words he couldn’t even trust a half Binochi woman.
Everyone was acting strange. Something was definitely up he could feel it . Not one conversation about him getting married or heirs, this was a first and it was scaring the hell out of him. He couldn’t even enjoy his Alfredo. A thirty year old man, frightened of his family He was president and CEO Binochi Tools ran it like a fine tuned car without a problem he employed thousands but his family had him spooked . Aliens had to have taken the over the Binochi dinner .“Ok where is the real Binochi’s “ His father gave him a sideways smile.