« Like you don’t believe a word I’m saying. »
« I don’t. »
« My own daughter thinks that I would lie to her. You make me feel so unloved. »
« Whatever. This just better not be another sorority sister of yours with an unattached son. »
« Noooo. Of course not. Just meet with Marcella. I’m telling you Francesca. Cella really has this boy spoiled. She really needs our services. She can’t sleep for worrying about how he will survive without her. »
« Really, tell her to get a sleeping pill and cut the apron straps . »
« I wish you had a brother. I would have spoiled him. »
« Put it out your mind those days are over. You have me and this is it. »
« You never know stranger things have happened. »
« Stop ! Perish the thought. You, and Daddy expecting. That’s just a wired and very icky. »
« Please, ppppf If I wait for you to settle down and start a family I’ll be in an Urn on your mantle piece. »
« No, the bookshelf in the dining room. »
« You don’t have a bookshelf in the dining room. »
« I know. » Francesca smiled.
« See how you treat me after I’ve sacrificed my time to help you out here. »
« You take an hour and half lunch break and talk to your friends all day on the phone. »
« But do I get the job done. »
« Yes, you do. »
« And remember I look great doing it. So now on that note, you have to prepare for you two o’clock meeting. »
« So who is my two o’clock ? »
« Marcella Binochi of course. »
Francesca watched her mother rise quickly from her seat and head out the office
Without a backward glance. « You, are so wrong. » She shouted, looking down at her
Watch she had exactly ten minutes to prepare for the match-making momma.
Marcella did her research on French Maid which sound more like an undercover name for an escort service but in fact was a legit and highly recommended maid service. It was considered one of the best in the city and the owner dependable and beautiful. Not that she didn’t believe her sorority sister when she said she had a daughter that would be the perfect match for Angelo. She still had to do her own investigating and true to word Giana’s daughter was perfect. It had been like a god send when she had used that social network to find old friends and Giana’s name had popped up. And the fact that her daughter was successful in her own right made it even better. So of course they had come up with an elaborate plan to get their kids together it was crazy and might have a few kinks in it but stranger things had happen and since she wasn’t having any luck with Angelo any other way this seemed the best alternative, two stubborn children and two determined mothers.
Gia smiled and greeted her with a hug as she announced her arrival through a intercom than led her in. « Make it work Cella. » Gia whispered after she made the introductions and left.
« Hi Mrs. Binochi, Francesca stood walking around the desk she took the hand offered.
Cella’s mind began to process all the possibilities once she laid eyes on Francesca. The woman before her was very beautiful, nice height, beautiful smile, and long shapely legs. Her hand shake was firm and no nonsense she was perfect physically. Taking the seat she offered in front of the stylish glass desk. Cella took stock of her surroundings. The office of the young woman was classy not overly furnished simple with two black leather chairs a couch a couple beautiful abstract paintings a nice view of the city skyline. Organized nothing was out of place even the fresh flowers on the desk didn't dare to wilt. Nice. She definitely would work. Good teeth and great posture. Her son would definitely sleep with her but does she have what it takes to make him settle down. Marcella mind was working fast. Her pitch had to be just right.
« Darling, I’m in desperate need my son Angelo is incapable of taking care of himself. He’s my spoiled baby boy you know us Italian mamas anyway I just can’t do it anymore my husband wants me totally to himself. «
Francesca couldn’t help but smile. She knew a matchmaking momma when she saw one and Cella was well dressed one, wearing a similar suite to the one her mother was wearing. She had to wonder if they had discussed what to wear on the phone the night before. Sitting back she took a good look at Mrs. Binochi she was a very attractive woman with Strawberry blond hair that framed her face in a mass of loose curls just like her mother she wore her age well. And if the two of them thought she was slow she had news for them she hadn’t missed the little wink and head node as her mother left the office.
She could smell setup all over this ; her mother and Cella were in cahoots she knew that for sure. Putting on her best poker face she wanted see how the two she devils where going to play there hand. So putting on her sweetest smile she gave Mrs. Binochi her undivided attention as she explained why her son Angelo needed her services.
« Alright so your son needs a maid male or female, which would you prefer ? »
« You ! I prefer you. «
« Me, I don’t do field work any longer unless it’s absolutely necessary. »
« It has to be you. »
Francesca arched a dark eyebrow at Marcella
« Why me ? »
« Well he’s a terrible womanizer, I don’t want any young impressionable girls as his maid. «
« Okay, so you want a man then. »
« Oh. No. »She shook her head in disagreement. « No men he would flip. »
« Mrs.Binochi. I don’t think I’m going to be able to help you. »
« Francesca darling, I want you. You’re perfect. » Francesca felt a chill. Mrs. Binochi’s blue eyes seemed to sparkle and a devilish smile spread across her face. Too big of a smile. One she recognized one similar to her mother’s. A sinisterly evil smile that said you are going to do my bidding my pretty. « I’m desperate Francesca I won’t be able to sleep at night if it’s not you who takes care of my Angelo. »
« Cella I’m not a baby sitter. »
« Okay Francesca. I see I can’t pull the wool over your eyes. » Francesca could actually see the change as Mrs. Binochi tried another approach. Oho ..The woman was good. « Francesca I hate to be blunt but here it is. I need you to seduce my son,break his heart and show him that he can’t keep using woman and discarding them like underwear. »
« Excuse me ? »Francesca had to admit she hadn’t seen this one coming. This mama was a pro.
« Your mother said you would be perfect because you have no intention of ever getting married. She said your set on being an Old Maid. »
« My mother called me a what ? « Francesca held up her hand to quiet the woman in front of her. She couldn’t believe her mother had said such a thing. She had plenty of dates in fact she had one tonight she just didn’t believe in marriage because she hadn’t found the right man. Why couldn’t she enjoy sex without commitment ? This wasn’t the seventies. If she didn’t want to settle down she didn’t have too. Her best friend Lauren was the nun so to speak. Now she was irritated.
« I’m not an Old Maid. I date. I just haven’t found that special someone. »She explained. Francesca watched the smile spread wider across the woman’s face as she took her hands in hers in a motherly gesture.
« Francesca darling it takes time..It’s not easy finding a good man in this day and time. Back in the day we older girls went to college, found jobs then husbands. Now days you girls are all about careers, even after you have it all you still don’t have a man. »
Had Mrs. Binochi just been insulted ? I was sure she had. This woman had politely insulting me with a smile on her face.
« Look darling you’re a modern woman .Your perfect for my Angelo. Sorry I mean for this special job. »Mrs. Binochi wasn’t a witch she was a con artist who was up front with her scam.
« Are you trying to hoodwinked me ? » I asked.
« Dear of course not. You have been chosen to take care of a difficult task that takes an exceptionally special person to handle i. »
« Mrs. Binoch you’re a con artist ? »The woman actually was laughing.
« Of course not Francesca. » She smiled at me. « Why would you say such a thing ? » Francesca watched the innocent look spread across the woman’s face.