Nana took it and took a look at it. It was indeed Annabel's signature. Annabel was the one who helped her out in all her transactions so she knew her signature very well.
Nana looked at Annabel in disappointment and then to Scarlett who was now smiling triumphantly. She looked back at the paper in her hands the second time. She pulled her brow together and tore the paper into pieces.
"How smart of you Scarlett, you think I will not find out the truth? I wasn't so blind that I couldn't distinguish a forged signature from the original one. You better think of something satisfactorily next time." Nana spat out in anger.
At this point, Scarlett became frightened, she thought that Nana would be deceived, but she never reckoned that Nana would find out the truth so soon.
"Now you listen to me Cole, you can only have one wife in this house and that woman is Annabel, I will not accept any other woman in her place," Nana said and walked toward the stair, however, Scarlett gave Cole a thrust, and he ran to Nana and grip her hand.
"Please Nana, I am sorry that I have upset you, but please don't send Charlotte away with my child, Let her at least live in this house and give birth to your great grandchild" Cole pleaded.
Nana was speechless, how could Cole put her into such a difficult situation? It's not unheard of for men to keep mistresses, but bringing them home is still strange to Nana, However When she realizes that, that child is the only heir that the Yates family was waiting for she consents.
"I will allow her to stay because of the child, I mean we can't afford to let Yate's blood be born outside this home, but Charlotte must promise not to cause any trouble for Annabel in this house"
Hearing this, Charlotte smiled and quickly ran to Nana and fell on her legs.
"Thank you so much, Nana, for accepting me in your home, I promise that I will not cause any problem to anyone not even Annable" she promised looking at Annabel who was still shocked at Nana's decision. To Charlotte, it's better to be considered a live-in mistress than to stay away from the Yates Family at least she was the one carrying their heir.
Right there, Annabel wanted nothing more than the divorce, but it's too late now, Nana has the final say in her matters. She was the one who brought her to Yate's family when her mother died and so she kept her cool.
Once Nana went in, Scarlett let out a sigh of relief, she smiled at Charlotte and then returned to the table alright everyone let's continue with our meals. However, many have lost their interest in the food, some condemn Scarlett for what she did while others support her.
However, it was only Auntie Eunice who was the first to speak out against Scarlett with boldness.
"You are such a shameless woman, Scarlett, How could you treat Annabel like this? I am so disappointed in you. I am out of here," she said and went out of the house.
She has been to the family house on several occasions to witness Annabel's selfless services to everyone in the family, she can't watch her being treated with so much animosity by Scarlett, that would be wickedness on her part.
"Let her go, she will soon come back to her senses and apologize for speaking wrongly of you Scarlet," Ethel said. And others supported her. Even those who secretly condemned Scarlett's actions. Soon everyone started eating as if nothing happened.
Annabel, who was still shocked until now, dragged her legs to her room with a broken heart.
After the guest left, Cole took Charlotte to his room. He saw Annabel lying on the bed and tapped on her shoulder. She turned and faced him.
"Get up, I have something to tell you," Cole said.
Annabel got up from the bed, she stood a few inches away from her husband who wrapped his hand around his mistress.
"I want you to move into the guest room. Starting from this night. Charlotte and I will have to sleep here in this room. You know my closeness to her will be good for the baby." He announced in a way that would hurt Annabel. Charlotte smiled and kissed him.
Staring at him, Annabel felt disgusted,
"How did I love this man for so long?" she thought.
"Cole, I will not step my foot out of this room, until you divorce me, but if you don't then, it is not my fault anymore," Annabel said coldly. She was so calm that Charlotte got provoked, but she tried hard to control her anger.
There is no way she was going to leave her bed for that whore and Charlotte knows that.
"Cole, don't fight with Annabel, I don't want Nana to get upset because of me. You know I promise her that I will not look for Annabel's troubles"
"I am leaving you just because of Charlotte, if not I would have forced you out of here," Cole said furiously. He reasoned that if she pushed Annabel out of the room by force, Nana would certainly throw Charlotte out of the house, so he kept quiet. But his anger was still visible in his face.
Charlotte looked at Cole and rubbed his shoulders.
"Cole dear, stop being angry with Annabel she was right I am supposed to be in the guest room. Annabel, I am sorry for banging into your home, If only you had a baby for Cole, I wouldn't have allowed him to touch me" she said innocently using that sugary voice that always draws Cole to her arms.
Her large brown eyes landed on Annabel, she gently touched Annabel on the shoulder.
Annabel was so angry that she shoved her hand away, but then Charlotte knew that that was coming and so she let herself land on the floor.
"Ouch, My waist" she screeched.