Annabel Carter moaned as Cole thrust deeply into her core, the feeling was like nothing in this world. She closed her eyes and let out another, great moan in ecstasy.
She grabbed Cole tightly as he gradually increased his strokes in rapid succession, which brought so much excitement to both of them.
When Cole groaned and started thrusting Annable harder and deeper, Annable knew what was on the way, she wrapped both arms around him in a firm grip. This is either now or never.
Cole noticed what Annable was about to do, and pushed her away in a hurry despite how engrossed he had been in their lovemaking.
Annabel watched as Cole spilled his seed on the floor. Tears welled in her eyes, this had been the way it always ended for the past five years She had been married to Cole yet his family blamed her for not being able to produce an heir.
"What? What did you expect? That I would pour my seed in there? '' Cole said, pointing at Annabel's lower body part.
"If you ever think I would allow you to carry my child, then you must be dreaming because you know why I married you in the first place. There is only one woman, who is worthy to give birth to my kids, and that is Charlotte, not you" Cole said harshly and walked into the bathroom.
Annabel felt a pang of pain in her soft tender heart. She has done nothing but love Cole with all her heart. She has to abandon college just because of this marriage, if not she was determined to make her life meaningful and enroll in online classes she wouldn't have been a university graduate, but what did she get in return? humiliation and rejection.
She had allowed Cole to use her as a sex object because she always prayed that one day he would drop his seed inside her and she would watch it grow into a beautiful bundle of joy, but that day never seemed to come even in their five years of marriage, he away makes sure that he spilled everything on the floor, leaving her dejected and miserable.
"Why do you always make love to me since you hate me this much?" Annabel challenged Cole when he came back to the room.
"Did you say Lovemaking? Ha ha ha Annable you must have thought highly of yourself, I come close to your filthy body just to have pressure.
To quench my sexual thirst when Charlotte is not around. You are nothing but a miserable toy in my hands. Which I always picked up when I needed it" Cole's thick voice struck Annable's ear like thunder, it blasted into her poor heart and wracked it into pieces.
" Don't expect anything more from me or the Yates family". Cole said and turned his back on her facing the other side of the bed and slept off.
A solitary tear trickled down Annabel's cheek. As she watched Cole sleep peacefully without caring about her disturbed heart.
Two months later, Annabel felt so sick that she couldn't get up early from bed. Scarlett walked into her room unannounced and flung out the quilt she was using to swaddle her body.
"What are you trying to pretend about this time around? Yesterday was your stomach, and today is going to be what? Since you can't give the Yates family an heir, you better come out and do the only thing you know how to do best, which is cooking and cleaning the house." Scarlett yelled. Tugging Annabel out of the bed.
"Mother, please I am not strong enough to do anything. Please let me be, I am feeling so weak right now" Annabel pleaded.
"Weak? Did you say weak? Annabel, what could have drained your strength that you can't prepare something for the family to eat? You haven't been able to get pregnant, and you refuse to give this family an heir, so what exactly could have taken all your strength?" Scarlett mocked.
"You better get yourself out of that bed right now and get to the kitchen. Didn't I tell you that Charlotte will be coming today? So get your lazy bones out of this room and go to the kitchen.
You have to prepare different dishes as we expect many guests in the house today.
So don't let me descend on you" Scarlett yelled and dragged Annabel out of the bed when she saw that Annabel was not making any move to get down from the Davenport and hauled her out of the room.
Finally, Annabel entered the kitchen to prepare a huge meal that would entertain all the Yates family and their guests. It was the end of the month so all the Yates family members were expected to be there.
As usual, Annabel is expected to prepare the meal alone.
Two years after her marriage, Scarlett had driven all the domestic workers away. Since Annabel couldn't birth any child, there is no need to keep the domestic workers, she has to be useful in the Yates family and hence do all chores.
Despite her illness, Annabel took the apron from the hook and put it on, and she commenced to the chopped board to get all her ingredients ready for the meal. Immediately Annabel sliced off the back of the garlic bulb, Her stomach rumbled, and she quickly gripped it with her left hand.
After a while, she felt better and moved back to her chores. The moment she picked up the garlic the second time, her stomach was so queasy that she rushed out of the kitchen into the only toilet that was close by and started to throw up.
Meanwhile, Scarlett was at the entrance of the kitchen when Annabel shoved her aside and moved to the toilet. She gets furious and moves after her. She met Annabel in the toilet where she was still vomiting and pulled her up. Coincidentally Annabel hunched over her and spewed up on her face.