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Chapter 9 - Don't swallow


I would have sworn I heard the door closing. But maybe I only dreamed of it. I barely slept last night, actually, I only fell asleep that it was early morning already, that's why I overslept, and I guess that's also why my phone was practically blowing off with calls from my employer, the owner of the ice cream parlor, I work there all day on Sundays.

The first thing I saw when opening my eyes was the teddy bear Tom gave me for our first Valentine's Day together. It was cheap, but he won it for me at the claw machine when that day we went to the movies, so to me it was way more valuable than any expensive thingy.

You see, our first Valentine's Day was cheap in every sense, because we barely had a penny, and were able to sneak in to see the movie only because there was a friend of his working there and he let us in without paying.

All we did that day was see a movie and then walk around, grabbing a hot dog when we were hungry, then we found that claw machine, and Tom dug in his pockets, where he still had a couple of dollars, and insisted on grabbing something for me, as a gift, at least one, for our first Valentine's Day.

The thing is, he worked throughout all high school, many little jobs that served him to save money for us, I worked a little too, just because I didn't want it to be only on his shoulders, but since Tom turned 18, our lovely parents had the very kind idea of charging him for every month he stayed in that house, which means he had to pay rent, along with bills and our groceries, and that obviously drained out all he had, because, you know, it's not like his little jobs paid off that much.

Sure, he'd just started working for a mechanic, and his friend also told him he was able to get him a job there at the theatres, but it remains, we were kinda broke right then, also because my job consisted of helping the old lady that lived across from us cleaning up her house, and it's not like she paid me that much either, though a week later I started working as cashier at a supermarket.

It was one of the cutest days we had, though. Because it didn't matter that we couldn't do much, we were together, and that was enough.

God, that has always been the very basis of our story. We were together. That was all we needed, and that was all that gave us the strength to keep going, despite our shitty family. Now it's all gone.

I took a deep breath and wiped away the residual tears, then slowly sat up on bed, carefully placing the teddy bear beside my pillow, smiling at it. It's a relief that I at least have these sorts of things to keep the memory of him.

Although there are also pictures and a couple of videos: we were barely able to spare enough to get two phones when he graduated from high school, so that we could communicate in some way and he'd know when did he need to come pick me up earlier or so, therefore we didn't have the latest models, just two Nokia 3310 each, you know, the indestructible phone, but Tom bought also one of those old disposable cameras, for us to capture our moments, therefore there is a whole album of photos of us, and when he got his Smartphone – a very kind Christmas present from his employer, the mechanic, just a couple of months before the tragedy – we started filling that too with pictures and videos and ... everything.

Because every single free moment he had, Tom spent it with me, and he always made sure I enjoyed myself. That phone, I keep it securely hidden with the rest of his things, and I scroll through it sometimes, just to relive some memories, for how painful it is. It's pure luck I was able to retrieve it, and only because he'd tucked it in my backpack that night that we fled.

Taking one more deep breath, I decided today I'd force myself to be my usual self, at least around the guys, just not to worry them. Sitting up, I stretched a little, and when my eyes landed on my nightstand, I was startled to notice a tray full with mouthwatering goodies.

Who put that there? One of the guys, of course, but which – why do I even wonder? Among three, only one of them cooks, and well enough to prepare such things. I couldn't help but smile. I wonder what caused it, but it was a very kind thought.

I grabbed the tray, and placed it onto my lap, staring at all those goodies, my stomach growling only at that. Peanut butter chocolate trifle in a glass, Nutella stuffed waffles, Nutella stuffed French toasts with strawberry slices, and a very cute cappuccino with a gingerbread cookie-man in it. It wasn't just mouthwatering, it all looked adorable.2

I wonder, is the author of all this the same William Foster I know? Because it can't be. This is not him. Not the him I know. Then again, Byron cooks very poorly, Al would burn the kitchen down, therefore this could only be Will's work.

I savored everything in delight, my taste buds screaming overjoyed, but before I could get to the cappuccino, I noticed a small white bag on the side, and white bags only call for ... cookies! I love cookies! Chocolate chip cookies especially.

These were hot cocoa cookies, though. And they were heavenly. My ... why does he even study software engineering? Will could be a freaking chef! They would have to invent new ways of grading because he's just too good.

Oh. I nearly spit my cookie while giggling when I realized that only a couple of nights ago I thought the same about his skills in bed ... well, it is true that he is awesomely awesome in that department ... it's the one thing that keeps me from wanting to murder him when he goes all jerkface on me, which is pretty much all the time.

I decided I'd save the cookies for my long day of work – if I still have a job, that is – and turned to the cappuccino. I'd been delightedly sipping it when there was a knock on my door. Grinning for some reason, I shouted gleefully: "Come in!"

I don't know if I expected Will, but I was just slightly disappointed to see Al instead. Nothing against him, I just wanted to thank Will for the awesome breakfast. Then again, why would he come here? I bet he wouldn't even want me to know he did this for me.

"Hey, there ..." Al greeted with a wide smile.

"Good morning." I greeted back, holding the cappuccino cup with both my hands, close to my face. Al came to sit on bed across from me, wondering if there was anything left for him, and when he launched for the cookies, I slapped his hand off, making him pout like a cute puppy being scolded. "Those are mine." I stated with a grin, then sticking my tongue out to him.

"Where's Will?" I asked, putting down the empty cup.

Al smirked, focused on my lips. "Off to somewhere. Library perhaps. Is there anything you needed from him that I could provide?"

"What's he doing at the library on a Sunday?" When Al didn't respond to my question, I snapped my fingers in his line of sight, and he seemed to get back to himself.

"Sorry, Becks, but you can't expect me to focus when you've got ..." He gestured towards my mouth, I reached for it, guessing it had been the cappuccino, but Al prevented me, sliding the tray off my lap and onto the floor to come closer and, in one sensual lick, wipe away the froth off my mouth.

I smirked, knowing what game was he playing. "Done?" I asked once he pulled back.

He grinned mischievously, his eyes darting to my lips as he licked his. "Not just yet." He leaned in, and captured my lips in his, a small hungering kiss that hid something weird I couldn't exactly pinpoint just yet.

His tongue skillfully skimmed over my bottom lip to have me part it, I resisted a little, gaining a light nip on it, but I still resisted, till I decided to comply with his need to exchange saliva on a Sunday morning, and parted my lips, so that his tongue could slip in and start dominating mine ... ha! He wished! Not gonna happen.

I gave him just a moment, then I took control of the kiss, aggressively, till Al pulled back, cursing, his ears a little pink. "You didn't seem so eager to kiss me last night." I teased with a small grin he mirrored, coming closer, enough to close the gap between us.

"Your lips didn't look as inviting as the rest last night." He responded, going to place his hand up on my thigh.

I smirked, leaving my face barely a few inches away from his, our noses grazing each other. "No repeat, Mr. Barrow, sorry." I mentioned.

He licked his lips, bringing his hand higher up my thigh, as much as his lips grazed mine. "You sure about that?"

Sneakily, but not that subtly, Al let his hand raise up till he was able to touch one of my ass cheeks, all the while his lips were still grazing mine, and by the look he was giving me, he was definitely in for a remake of last night. I might have been, too, but ... I don't know, the breakfast had me too full to think of anything, although ... I did have time to tease him a little bit.

I leaned in, letting his hand rub my butt how much he wanted while with the other he pulled me closer, I caught his bottom lip in mine, sucked on it a little, with my eyes half closed, but, when he was about to pull me onto his lap, I smirked, announcing in a sensual tone: "I gotta head to work."

The only response I got was him – whose eyes were as half closed as mine – groaning in my mouth and kissing me for real, hastily grabbing my hips to pull me onto his lap, having me straddle him. I couldn't help giggling, though. "I take it as you like being ridden." I teased.

Al smirked against my lips, kissing me once more. "If it's you, I'll be a fucking horse all day and night, babe."

I smirked, biting his lip harshly, enough to have him feel a tiny bit of pain, but he only growled inside my mouth, didn't complain. I guess he likes it rough. I wouldn't be surprised. I felt his hands slipping inside my panties, but all I did was rub myself against him, to tease, and that was enough to have him groan loudly, but I didn't go much further: once I had him wrapped around my little finger, expecting to have won, I quickly got off him and reached my phone, to get a hold of my boss and be sure I still have a job.

I could feel Al's piercing gaze as I paced my room while waiting for my boss to pick up her phone, and I turned to him, sticking out my tongue,

"Tease", he mouthed, but I ignored him.

It didn't take long to talk to my boss, she gave me a good telling-off for being so late, of course, but said that if I made it to being there in 20 minutes, I'd still have my job. Lucky thing the place is close, and I can easily walk to it.

Ignoring Al still sitting on my bed, lustfully taking me in, I opened my wardrobe to get my clothes and change at the speed of light, I heard him standing up, but was too busy rummaging through my closet to care, till I was startled to feel his arms around my waist and his lips behind my neck.

"You drive me insane, Becks." He mentioned, moving my hair to the other side to pepper kisses on my right shoulder. "I've been needing to have you since you got here in those white shorts almost two months ago." He nibbled on my earlobe. "And I know that Will's the official fuck buddy, but hey, I'm not gonna complain if you use me, too."5

I smirked, without moving. "What happened to that queen of your bed thing?" I asked, biting my bottom lip.

Al's grip on me tightened, and he brought me closer to him, to sensually whisper in my ear: "We can provide to that whenever you want, babe." I can't deny I did feel eager. Al startled me by slipping his hand inside my panties once more, this time on the front. "But meanwhile, I can take care of your needs on my own." He mentioned sensually in my ear as he started rubbing my clit.

I protested a little, mostly only because I had to get to work, but in the end I just let myself go and, when his fingers slipped inside, I just rode them right there and then, seeing to do him a favor by rubbing myself against his crotch also, only more aroused by his moans mixed with mine, till I released myself on those fingers and stayed limp, feeling a bit tired already.

Al didn't leave my panties, but he did mention he needed some more help to get rid of his morning problem. I had to be at work in 15 minutes, I informed him, but he only bargained that he'd drive me wherever I needed to go, if only ... I turned around, and dropped to my knees, unraveling the mystery wonders hidden by his boxer briefs. In the back of my mind, I couldn't help wondering ... two out of three roommates are so well furnished, is the third one up to them?

The thought didn't quite go away, neither as I wrapped my hand around Al's hard shaft, and maybe it wasn't really kind of me, but I can't deny that, while it was Al's manhood that I slipped into my mouth slowly, in the back of my mind mixed images of real life me doing the same to Will and dreamland me doing it to Byron made me wetter. I guess I'm ready. To take them all, I mean.

Al moaned delightedly, grabbing a handful of my hair, pulling at it even, cursing, calling my name as I sucked the living daylights out of him. I did look up to meet his eyes, as I do with Will, but Al was too busy having his head shot back while moaning wildly, now and then jerking his hips to meet my mouth.

I counted on my skills to be quick and let it last no more than five minutes, but maybe I was even too good, because barely half of the time had passed that Al was already groaning as he warned me he was close. Wow, I'm that great of a blower?

Al gripped my hair tighter when I didn't quit sucking, and when I started playing with his balls, he cursed louder, pulling at my hair, actually hurting me a little, but not enough to have me whimper. "Fuck, Becks, I'm gonna come!"

I smirked, not quitting my job as I mentioned: "That's exactly what I want, honey."

That had him only moan more desperately, especially as I slowed down my pace. Once he was finally able to formulate a coherent phrase, despite his moans, all that Al uttered was: "Don't swallow."

Didn't guys like it when you do that? I mean, Will likes it. Hell, Jerkface damn likes it when I make a show of my throat bobbing as I swallow his hot seed. It has his icy blue eyes turn darker than the darkest night. Usually what follows is him being a beast and throwing me onto his bed to eat me out. You have no idea what that nerd can do with his tongue.

I didn't quit sucking, I actually enjoyed it, can't deny it, but Al pulled at my hair and took himself out of my mouth, giving me only a split second to realize what were his intentions, before he swiftly stroke his cock and erupted on my face. I remained still. Taking in the moment.

I could feel the sticky liquid all over my face. He came all over my fucking face. Without a fucking warning. I would have been mad. Hadn't it felt so nice.

Despite the goofy grin on his face, Al quickly reached my nightstand to grab a tissue, I stretched my hand to grab it, but he surprised me, kneeling down to my level, and cleaning my face on his own.

Once he was done, I stared into his green eyes, the goofy grin still there, and once more he surprised me, this time by grabbing the back of my neck and assaulting my lips as if he'd been on short for too long.

When he pulled back, I didn't retain myself from asking: "Did you just kiss the same lips where your cum just was a minute ago?"1

He grinned impishly. "I guess so."

"How devious is that?"

"I don't know. I've been told I taste pretty good."

I rolled my eyes. Just how cocky can this guy be? But still adorable in his ways. He leaped to his feet, and helped me up as well. His eyes roamed my half naked body, then came back to my eyes, weirdly enough, his hands well still grasping mine.

"I guess we don't have time to go through, right?" Al mentioned, a bit disappointed.

I smirked, slipping my hands out of his grasp to go a mere inch from his face and, once cupped his cheeks, give him a deep, lascivious kiss that left him speechless. "We're gonna catch up, honey, don't worry." I mentioned.

Then took advantage of his baffled look to sway my way out of the room and into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. Tonight's going to be fun. Especially because I'm pretty sure Will's gonna be home too ...

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