It's been a week of co-living with three guys already, and I shall say it's really not that bad. I mean, if I ignore Al's attempts at wooing me, which always makes me laugh, Will grunting and snarling every time he sees me, it's pretty nice.
One would think that me being a girl means I have the bathroom all to myself, but no ... because Al takes even more than I to get ready, so I ought to wake up before everyone else to be ready in time for work, but me being the sleepyhead I am, it's always a rush between me and Al to get to the bathroom first.
Well, it has been the first times, with him always hinting that "we might just spare some water and shower together", which I always ignored, then by Wednesday, because Al was taking longer than usual and I was going to be late, Byron kindly informed me I could use the smaller bathroom that is in his bedroom, so now that one I use to get ready in the morning, he wakes up long before me, so there's no problem of getting on each other's way.
So, this week has been pretty peaceful. Normally Al is almost never at home at night, when he is, he watches movies with me and Byron, always seeing to flirt in some way, but I never budge, even though, he is really hot and resisting, after three years of abstinence, and with me having never been that good of a girl, it's not always easy.
Sometimes I just feel like picking up on his offer and swinging by his room that is across from mine, but then I realize that the times that he's alone in his bed are practically ... none. And while I can't deny I've always been intrigued by threesomes, I am not at all keen on trying with Al and whatever bimbo he takes home.
Byron is the only earnestly kind one with me. Will clearly doesn't like me and sees to make me know that by, like I said, always grunting and snarling at me those few times he sees me, Al is kind, yes, but for second purposes, I mean, even a plain chick like me can see that if he's that kind with me it's only because he wants to take me to bed. He doesn't really hide it anyway, and I appreciate that. At least he's honest.
Byron and I have been hanging out practically every night. He's showed me the neighborhood a little but mostly we watch movies, laughing it off together, as good friends, and, really, I feel like he can be an amazing friend. Despite being that distractingly hot, that is. I can deny that Byron is really one fine specimen. As much as Al, and, sadly, Will.
But because I spend more time with Byron, it's easier to see that. We watched a horror movie only last night and, like the silly girl I am, when I got scared I screeched and took refuge in his arms, just because I was, as cliché as that sounds, used to do that with Tom, and Byron held me close, making me feel all his hard muscles and ... wow. But he's a friend, and my roommate. So nope, only eye candy, nothing more than that. Besides, it's not like I can break three years of abstinence for a one-night-stand.
Even though, I gotta be honest, when I say abstinence, I mean from the actual act, not ... the rest that's around it. I mean the office I worked at before, there was this cute guy that was always so nice with me and clearly he didn't have much luck with women, so, you know, I kind of ... lent him a hand. Literally and figuratively.
Because one day I dragged him to the bathroom and relieved him a little, he did the same for me, but because people saw us getting out of there all flustered, I decided that denying was useless, so because there were also young girls like me watching us, curious, I made a show of adjusting my clothes and, louder than necessary, thanked Hank for the "nice job", seeing to make it clear that he'd worn me out and satisfied fully. Only a week later I see girls swarming around him like bees to honey. The thing with Hank is that he was really shy, but he was cute, a bit puny, but cute.
Now the point is, I am in abstinence from the real thing, but I have had a couple of guys touching my secret paradise, as much as I've touched theirs. Well, the plural is a little exaggerated, after all, it was just Hank and this other I met at the library. I don't know what it was, but after a bit of chatting we ended up making out and then we took refuge in a hidden corner where we kept going, but ... he moaned too loud as he came in my mouth, so the librarian caught us and we had to leave before getting in trouble. Such a shame. The guy was pretty hot actually.
So, I'm not exactly a pure young lady, and my mind doesn't really hesitate to dwell in very sinful fantasies, which I try not to have about my roommates, but when I feel Byron's muscles all over me ... well, it's not that easy. And the heated looks Al sends me ... really, if I didn't know he's always got company, sometimes I'd truly swing by his room at night. And it's been only a week. Imagine the rest.
Now, it was Saturday, Al wasn't at home and he wouldn't be till tomorrow night at least, being I don't know where, all he said was that he wouldn't be home in the weekend, which he does often, Byron tells me. Will was, apparently, locked in his room studying, while Byron had just left to go on a date. He let me help him pick an outfit, and I honestly had to do my best not peep on his hard body, though ... I did took a few glimpses now and then.
Not my fault, the guy kept changing his mind therefore shirt and ... with the number of shirts he's tried on, it was impossible for me not to see his hard muscled body. I think he really likes this girl he's going out with anyway, because he was really nervous while he strikes me for being a pretty calm type, opposite to the frenzied Al that's always in the mood for parties or drinking.
At least one time per day he asks me if I fancy a drink or two at the bar nearby, last time I was able to tell a decisive no by pointing out that the bar he meant was the one where Will works and he's not my number one fan apparently, so who knows if he wouldn't spit in my drink? Al laughed, but I wasn't really joking.
The guy really can't stand my sight, for what I've seen. I know that he has it against women in general these days, but still. Maybe I should try to get along with him, but if he keeps grunting like that, it's not really. Either way, I'm fine like this. I barely see him and two roommates on my side out of three is a good score, isn't it?
I haven't heard of my family, I highly doubt they even noticed I left, wasn't it for the fact that I was their Cinderella, they would barely even notice me, and in any case in the past months I've always been out working, coming home late and heading straight to bed purposely to avoid them.
This apartment is on the opposite side to where they live, that being Manhattan, therefore I shouldn't have problems, I highly doubt my snob sisters would stoop low enough to come to Brooklyn, not even to ruin my life. At least I wanna hope so. If they do come, I'll be ready to welcome them. I'm not the scared little pooch I was once. At least I wanna believe so.
Anyways, once Byron was out, I comfortably settled on the couch, junk food around me, ready to dip into some delightful movies. Normally I don't have time to watch TV, but I've been wanting to see The Avengers since long, but because Al advised me to watch the other superhero movies before that, so that it'll be clearer, I decided I'd start with Captain America.
I was halfway through it, kind of fangirling over Chris Evans actually, when I heard a noise from the left side of the house. I'd like to say I was supposed to be alone, but no, Mr. Dark and Stormy has a habit of staying locked up in his room in the weekend, when he makes up for the studying he couldn't do during the rest of the week, therefore it was pretty obvious that to make noise it was him.1
I honestly envy him. I wish I could afford going to college. I was barely able to graduate from high school. Maybe in a couple of years I'll have enough money? It's quite an impossible dream, but Tom always told me to harp on my dreams, no matter what, so I'll try my best to keep hope alive.
From what Byron told me, Will is my age more or less, better said, he's 24, halfway through his Master's Degree in software engineering at NYU, and he's kind of a genius, acing pretty much every single exam even while having so little time to study.
Al instead, he's 25, fresh graduated in Architecture, just started an internship in a very well known firm, while Byron is 26, fresh lawyer. All these graduated people make me feel a little self conscious, but I wanna believe I'll be able to do something about it someday. Be it only because Tom believed in my chances and he sacrificed for those.
Now, because I knew Mr. Stick Up My Ass wouldn't have any interest in talking to me, I remained there sitting, enjoying both Chris' new physique and my homemade popcorn. I heard a door closing and some steps, clear sign it was Mr. Dark And Stormy coming out of his bat-cave, so while I felt a little nervous and wary, suddenly recalling it was just the two of us in the whole apartment, I remained there sitting. Maybe he was heading out. Hopefully.
Will crossed the living room without even paying attention to me, so I better focused on the movie, but with the corner of my eyes I could see him rummaging through the fridge first, then the cupboard, taking out beer and chips. Wasn't he Mr. Healthy Food? Now he eats junkies too? Maybe, as a peace offer, I should have prepared him dinner. But I didn't even recall he was here, and in any case I can barely make scrambled eggs, I bet he would have been even madder at me for the awful cuisine.
When he crossed the living room again, he slowed down, glancing at me for a moment, clearly surprised to see me, and to be polite, I attempted a small smile he only glared at, storming off. Gee, does he really hate me personally or the female universe I represent? Maybe both. Oh, well.
I resumed the movie, rewinding the scene where there's Chris Evans chasing the bad guy half naked – yes, I'm guilty of enjoying a nice sculpted body, sue me. Although, I've got plenty of eye candy here, surely my roommates don't lack of anything in that department. Even Will is leanly muscled, I can tell that even if he wears always loose t-shirts and hoodie. Weren't it for that, you'd take him as the sort of nerdy type, with his glasses always hanging on his collar if not on his nose.
I heard noises again, and before I knew it, Mr. Dark and Stormy was sitting beside me, though a couple of pillows away from me. I didn't dare say anything, just glanced at him from the corner of my eyes, then turned back to the movie. He's the one that should speak, not me, after how he treated me last week, and I was kind enough to try and smile while he only glared and grunted. I'm not gonna crawl at his feet only because he's hot and sexy, even in his brooding, stormy attitude.
"I'm sorry for the other day." Will blurted out all of a sudden, his deep and husky voice making me feel weird tingles down my spine. Damn, I can't give him the satisfaction of being attracted. I shrugged as a response, not really knowing how to reply, eyes still on the movie, and he sighed, taking the remote from my hands to pause Captain America, which had me turn to him, confused and slightly irked. His blue eyes weren't as icy as the other day, but there still was harshness in them.
"I mean it." He said, serious. "I'm really sorry. For ... nearly breaking your arm, scaring you ... everything. I'm sorry for having been such an asshole on your first night here, Rebecca."1
Oh, my ... my name rolling off his tongue sounds so sexy. Gosh, when either Byron or Al call me I don't feel tingles. Well, must be also because Al always calls me Becks while Byron calls me Rebbie, so this is one of the very few times that my full name has been spoken in this apartment and in jerkface's mouth here it sounds even too sexy. Hell, it's not my name. It's jerkface himself to be so hot, so much that even his voice is arousing per se.1
Goodness, what am I saying?! If I really need to break the abstinence, I don't need jerkface, I can seriously just pick up on Al's offer, he's nothing but as hot as his friend here. Come on, Becky, you've been on short since three years, you really wanna throw that away to give it to this asshole?
Truth to be told, aside from nearly breaking my arm on the first night and glaring at me all the time, Will hadn't done anything worth my hatred, but hey, my arm hurt for a couple of days, you know. Though Byron doesn't know that, otherwise I'm pretty sure Hell would have broken loose.
Either way, I only nodded again, muttering a very simple "okay". Will remained there staring at me for a long, long moment, and in the end he quite simply nodded and resumed the movie, yet he swiftly changed his mind and paused it again after a moment, sighing. I rolled my eyes, actually annoyed. He was depriving me of my eye candy! Well, ok, Will was eye candy per se, but ... well, between Mr. Dark and Stormy with his mood swings and gentle Chris Evans, I pick the latter millions of times.
"What now?" I asked, frustrated.
He sighed, tossing me the remote. "Just ... can I ask you something?" I frowned, really confused, but then nodded. He cleared his throat, wary. Wait, wary? Why was he wary? "Uh ... you see ... I'm kind of ... studying Anatomy and ... I'd need a ... mannequin of some sort. To practice. And ... you're the only girl here, so ..."
"Are you out of your mind or what?!" I asked rhetorically, pulling back, outraged. He laughed. Just ... laughed. The jerk. He was making fun of me! Obvious! He studies software engineering, nothing to do with anatomy. The jerkface!
I slapped his shoulder, well, tried to, because he gripped my wrist tightly before I could actually hit him. His grip was kind of cutting off my circulation, though. Gee, is he seriously mean enough to take his frustration against women? What a douchebag!
"Let go of me." I hissed. He smirked, not the ... evil kind of smirk, the kind that's cocky and arrogant. The kind that makes me wanna punch him so hard in the face! I don't think he wanted to hurt me, I think he just wanted to play in his wicked way. The douche.
When he let go, I heaved a sigh of relief, but then he grabbed my arm again and this time pulled me onto his lap, encircling my waist tightly, so that I couldn't escape. I tried to wriggle out, but he was stronger.
"Let go! What the hell do you want with me, you pervert!" I yelled, angry. Despite the past I've had with the men of my family, I'm not scared of men themselves. Maybe because neither my stepfather or his brother or even my former employer ever really touched me physically, just set their grimy gazes on me, but never did anything, so right now I wasn't scared of Will. Just really pissed. Enough to punch his jerkface. As soon as I'd able to move, that is.
"Calm down, Little Daisy. Just a kiss." He informed me.2
I quit struggling, cocking my head to the side. "A kiss?" I asked, disbelieving.
He grinned, cockily, yes, but also ... crookedly, as crookedly enough to look even hot. "Yeah, a kiss. Just that." He repeated.
I frowned. "Why?"
He shrugged. "I haven't kissed a girl in a long while."4
I furrowed my eyebrows together. What does he think I am? Some easy lay he can use without so much of a fuss? If he thinks I'm like the sluts he frequents, then he's dead wrong. "Can't you just go hook up with some bimbo?" I hissed, now really pissed. Did he think that having a female roommate meant having the good lay at home always available? He's dead wrong.
Yet he laughed. "Nah, I'm not the kind of guy to do that. He admitted. Somehow it's easy to believe he doesn't sleep around like his manwhore friend Al does. Must be the nerdy look, it makes Will seem the monogamous kind of guy.
"Then why do you wanna kiss me?" Me of all girls. I mean, can't he just go out and pick up someone at a bar like normal people do? He's even pretty hot, I don't think he'd have troubles in that.
Will tightened his grip on me, bringing me closer as he admitted huskily and therefore sexily, can't deny it: "Because you're freaking hot." He pressed me against his crotch. "And I'm getting a huge boner here, so either you kiss me before I get too hard or ... well, you're gonna have to help me get rid of the problem."5
I smirked, placing my hands on his shoulders, suddenly feeling in the mood to play a little. After all, why not? I know he's my roommate, but he started it, so why shouldn't I finish it? "And what makes you think I'd do that?" I asked lasciviously, playing with the collar of his shirt.
He smirked, moving closer. "The glint in your eyes, baby." He rubbed me against him and I had to hold strong not to moan at the friction. Gosh, really I am on short. Damn abstinence. Last time I touched a man it was before quitting my last job, it was that time with Hank.
"You little minx, you wanna wrap your pink lips around me, don't you?" Will teased, making me grind against him.2
I bit my lips sensually and smirked, unbuttoning his shirt and running my hands over his pale white skin. "Oh, I wanna do much more than that." I stated, giving him a deep kiss that lasted barely a second, enough for our tongues to come in contact only, then I rubbed myself against his crotch, making him groan excitedly.
"I wanna jump on your cock and ride you all night." I bit his lip, always rubbing myself against him. "I wanna get on my knees and have you pound so hard into me that you're gonna break me." I sucked his bottom lip in my mouth, slowly taking off his shirt. "I wanna feel you so deep inside me that I don't know where you end and I begin."
I don't even know why was I so cheeky, maybe it was the arousal I could feel already pooling my panties, maybe it was that clearly, he wanted it badly, maybe it was just that, one, I've never been a saint, two, I really was on short, after all, even if I've had Hank's fingers inside me that time months ago, and I take care of myself now and then, it's not the same as feeling a warm male sex inside, is it?
Will smirked, clearly excited, which his buddy poking me already gave away long ago. "Then what are we waiting for?"
I grinned, pushing him down on the couch. I said I wanna play, not that I'm gonna just be an easy lay. After all, being both sexually frustrated doesn't mean we're on the same side. He's still a jerkface. Straddling him, I unbuckled his pants quickly and set his huge buddy free. Hmm ... a jerkface that's so hot and hard for me.
"My-my ... aren't you well furnished ... hmmm ... I wonder if it'll fit ..." I mused, to taunt him.
Will smirked, hastily pulling my t-shirt over my head, throwing it away as he simply ordered: "Suck me."
I smirked mischievously. "No please?" I wondered. Looks like I'm not the only one on short here...
He sneered. "Don't nudge the bull, baby girl."3
"Oh, really? You think you can lead?" I grabbed his manhood, making him hiss. "You don't know just how wrong you are, darling."
I scooped down and bent over, taking him in my mouth, making such a perfect job of it that he exploded in my mouth quite quickly, which had me smirk almost evilly as, pulling up, I taunted: "Oh, really? You last that little? What a shame."
I didn't give him time to respond, just stood up and got rid of the rest of my clothes, rubbing my clit with two fingers, which I then showed him, to let him see how wet I was. "I was just so ready to be fucked ... hmmm ... guess I'll just wait for Al, if he's not too drunk."
Will's eyes darkened so much that they practically turned from bright blue to the one of the darkest sky ... hot, so hot. He only gave himself one moment to rake my body from tip to toe, his gaze being so heated that I felt like he was burning me just with that, I swear.
Will swiftly leaped to his feet, grabbed my arm and made me bend over the couch, my arms dangling off the back of it. As much swiftly, he came up behind me, rubbed my clit harshly for a while, making me moan wildly, then pumped inside me just as harshly, making me come on his fingers in a few moments. I bet he was taking time to regain his hardness, but I didn't mind. It was so hot nevertheless. My clit was already throbbing, because of how hard I came, of course.
Then he gripped my ass cheeks, squeezing them, therefore making me yelp and moan at the same time, and dipped his face into my core, licking it clean from my previous cum, but making me so hot for him that I kept pushing my butt against him to better feel his tongue and actually have it slide inside my glory hole.
Once he'd licked me clean, he pulled back, making me let out a needy cry he chuckled at. Moron. But such a skillful moron. Damnit. Will spread my ass cheeks and I was there waiting for the moment when I'd feel the huge cock I'd had in my mouth finally inside me, but he made me wait, he only rubbed my clit with his fingers a little, teasing me, only to take them out as soon as I was starting to moan too delightedly. That prick. Just wait till I regain control. I'm gonna have him beg me for a release, I swear.
Will swirled his tongue around my labia, making me push forward as I gripped the couch tightly, even more when he cupped my clit in his mouth, sucking on it fast, making me moan as loud as a freaking whore and push my ass back against his mouth, which had him chuckle, therefore I could feel the vibrations against my sensitive skin, which only made it worse and I was there, close, so close, but the bastard pulled back.
"Will!" I screamed in frustration, but he only laughed, spanking me lightly, which had me yelp, but ... I didn't really dislike it, and he noticed, therefore he did it again and I bit my lips.
"You like it, don't you?"
Still biting my lips, I nodded as an answer to his question, and needing him to get a move before I went insane, I gave him a pouty look and wiggled my ass a little as I asked: "Will you fuck me, please?"
How to poke a man's pride. His eyes darkened so much that there was almost no blue left in them at all. His member twitched and I chuckled to myself, knowing this was my turn to tease now, even though I'd get my payback later, so I wiggled my ass some more as I kept going: "Come on, Willy ... I'm here ... fuck me. Or you don't know how?"
That seemed to set him on fire. He didn't even blink as he came closer and, gripping my ass cheeks tightly, he finally impaled me, making me moan so loud that I thought my vocal chords would break, I swear. I wanted to play it cool, just not to give him a big head, but gosh, he was so, so good!
"I don't like being called that, Rebecca. Shall I teach you not to?" He muttered huskily in my ear as he grabbed a handful of my hair to pull my head back, making me bite my lips in arousal. He pumped so hard and deep inside me, that really, I feared he'd break me. After all, he was so big. Never underestimate the nerdy look, girls. Those nerds can do wonders.
A few times his hand came down and spanked my ass cheek as he warned me not to call him that again, otherwise my next "punishment" wouldn't be so light. It was a freaking excuse to spank me, I know, but gosh, did I complain? Of course not! I was freaking dripping down my thighs, for fuck's sakes!
His fingers dug in my hips, he was going so deep that I could feel him reach my back walls, and so hard that his balls kept slapping against my skin, making me only hotter. I was almost pulling my hair at how freaking good he felt so buried deep inside me, fucking me like a damn whore. Gosh, I've so missed this! A warm human body against me, a freaking huge cock stretching me wide ...
"Holy shit, I'm gonna come so hard!" I came quickly, but he didn't stop, and it hurt, but it also felt so awfully good! Gosh, I haven't been fucked like this since three years. I can't deny it, with Tom it was lovemaking, yes, but a few times it was really hard sex that left me breathless. Now this would be the same.
To add fuel to the fire, Will bent down, his sweaty chest against my as much sweaty back, and started rubbing my clit, making me scream only louder as I, wanting more and more, pushed back against him, meeting his thrusts one by one. He was going so fast and hard that my boobs were bouncing like crazy against the rough stuff of the couch, my oversensitive nipples enjoying even only that, and I was mere moments away from scratching the stuff off of the sofa itself for how much my nails were digging in it.
"Ahhh, yes! Oh, yes, Will! Fuck me! Please, fuck me! Gosh, I'm gonna come again!" I've never been really quiet in these predicaments, but this was over the top. And yet, wickedly, he quit. Just as I was about to reach my third peak. I glanced back at him, confused, and he smirked devilishly, then made me whimper as he pulled out.
"Why did you stop?" I complained, knowing I'd sounded too needy, but hell, I was going insane here. He didn't reply, only spread my ass cheeks and rubbed himself between them. I should have been irked, but I only smirked and turned back to the couch, grinning wildly when he pushed himself inside my butthole, making his way in.
That hole's not virgin either, though.
Will was surprised at my lack of whimpers, but he quickly picked up a pace and kept it, fucking me from behind at a mastery level. His fingers were digging in my skin and I felt him reach so deep inside that I was starting to be worn out already, especially because his pace was nothing but as fast as deep as before, stretching my butthole to no end, even sort of making me fear he'd actually stretch it so much that it wouldn't return normal. Silly fear, I know, but still.
Not much it passed before two, then three fingers of his found their way inside my core and he started pumping as much as he was behind. Gosh, I was at my limit. I came twice in a row and he kept going, despite my whimpers, I kept moaning so loud and so frequently that I was really losing my voice, till he just exploded inside my butthole. Gosh, that felt so good.
"Hmmm ... your seed's so warm ..." I moaned as I wiggled my butt to take it all.
Will smirked, watching me, clearly pleased. Eventually, he pulled out, stood up, and recollected his clothes without putting them on. "Thanks for the nice fuck, hun. We'll definitely have a remake." He said, walking out of the living room.
I smirked. That jerkface. Of course we'll have a remake. It was freaking awesome.