I woke up to a woman yelling. I mean, just as I opened my eyes, I could hear this woman cursing or something. I didn't even think it through, honestly. My mind did all on its own: woman screaming, 8 am, it all connected to her.
That's why I kicked the sheets off my feet and barged out of the room, being barely able to get a glimpse of her as she stormed into her room, muttering obscenities under her breath. I heaved a big sigh. Thank God, she was only angry, not harmed.
Yeah, maybe it was exaggerated, but ... it just got to me that she might be hurt and ... nothing, blood just rushed to my brain, and I reacted out of instinct. Once she was gone, I dropped back against the wall beside my room. Our bedrooms are across from each other. I hear her crying at night. I hear her sobbing. Those sounds break my goddamn heart every time.
I also hear her sneaking out when it's all silent, and I don't need to see where she's going, I can just imagine. Normally I couldn't care less, but ... lately, the thing irks me. Especially because I know what a fucking asshole Will is with her. It's like watching the girl of your dreams consume herself for that jackass of a boyfriend she has but will never leave. And I know it's an idiotic comparison, but I just can't help it.
Goddamn, the way Becks makes me feel, no woman ever has. There's just something about her, every single one of my good man nerves stand up for her and I only feel like sneaking into her room at night, and spooning her, consoling her, giving her my shoulder to cry on. I guess it's a good thing she's never in there lately. Always on the other side of the apartment. Last night included.
Don't take me wrong, I'm not jealous ... just irked. I don't even know why. It's weird, because she gives me this mix of feelings I can't quite pinpoint, I mean, on one side, I feel like comforting her when she's down the gutter, wiping away her tears, doing my best to make her smile, yet on the other side, I only feel like pinning her down on my damn bed and fucking her brains out night and day. It's weird.3
Because she inspires me both painful boners that are pretty hard to get rid of, especially when she leaves me hanging, and very tender thoughts of cheesy schoolboy smitten with his sweetheart. It's just weird. Because I've had many fuck buddies, many booty calls, but you think I ever cared for their feelings? Nah. It was none of my business. Usually those are just one-night-stands: quite simply I pick up this or that girl at the bar and we have fun, normally in the morning they're mindful enough to leave before my roommates wake up. There's nothing more to it.
Yet Becks ... eh, Becks is a whole different thing. Lately I find myself spacing out at work while thinking of her. Can you believe it? I, Alan Barrow, king of one-night-stands, high school – and for good measure college – manwhore, who's never once committed to a girl, find myself thinking of my fucking hot roommate.
In the beginning I let it slide, thinking it was only because I kept picturing her damn curves, her juicy ass swaying out of the kitchen or living room, those perfect-to-squeeze boobs, those yummy lips ... in a word, I let it slide because I thought it was normal, I mean, hadn't I felt like fucking the hell out of her, I should have started worrying about my heterosexuality.
Even though, that has never quivered, but ... I may as well tell you I took the 'college is time for experimenting' kind of literally. Long story. Just know that, I love women, but trying the opposite team for once wasn't too bad.
Anyways, the point is, it's pretty normal for me to be so attracted to Becks, hell, she's so fucking hot, I don't think she even realizes what kind of weapons she wields in here. Hell, I don't think she even thinks it through before being so free around us. I mean, I'm not saying she shouldn't dress how she wants, I love that she feels so at ease with us already, but ... come on, we're three guys, all straight, all single, you can't really expect us not to gawk.
Well, I do. And I'm not ashamed either. I think a woman likes being ogled, always respectfully, sure, but still. Ever since Becks set foot in here, wearing those white shorts that, she never even noticed, kinda revealed her black lace panties ... I was so taken by her silky legs I almost did the pervert and touched them out of the blue. But the point is, she's too damn hot for her own good, it's only obvious that I, as much as the other guys, think of having her in bed.
Though I thought it'd be only me to try. Generally, it is just me, the other two are too serious and monogamous, then Will was still mourning for that bitch, Mel, and Byron, he's been avoiding flings lately, so I thought it'd be something between me and our hottie. Turns out I was wrong. Will, Good Boy William, beat me to it. Quite a few times even. And now Byron's had his chance as well.
I think naughty little Becks wanted to try us all separately before having us altogether, and in theory, I don't mind, but I just can't delete this ... annoyance, this fact that knowing she's fucked Will for a few weeks, now Byron, the fact that she's fucked both my best friends, irks me. I'm not jealous, yet this fact drives me nuts.
Sighing, I returned to my room. I ought to wake up in a few minutes either way. It's pure luck I work only a couple of blocks from here, so I don't have to spring off bed too early, which is great, because I'm not exactly one that goes to sleep early, neither a morning person, actually, most of the times I've slept very little, due to some parties in the sheets, if you know what I mean. Weirdly enough, lately I feel like staying indoors more often.
And the trouble is, I perfectly know it's only because there's that voice that keeps telling me 'Becks stays, you stay'. I'd like to think it's just not to leave her alone with either of the other guys, but, well, even if that was true, it wouldn't be really a good thing either. I should think I wanna stay at home at night because there are more chances I'll have what I crave, but, let's be honest, it's not that.
And that's why it's maddening. I fucking stay at home because I want to hang out with her, spend time with her. And why on earth would I want that, if she's only that hottie I feel like screwing day and night? Yes, I know, she's also my friend, so maybe that's it, yet not quite ... argh, I'm going insane here.
Needing to clear my mind, I grabbed my clothes and headed straight to the bathroom, only to bump into the hurricane I was trying to ignore, obviously: Becks was storming out of her room at the same moment I was lazily coming out of mine, and we nearly crashed into each other, we didn't only because she barely even saw me, just left, clearly furious.
I wonder what happened for her to be this mad, she's normally very calm, I mean, if she's not laughing, she's on her own crying, I've never seen her mad, never once, I was almost starting to think she's some sort of peace lover that is never irked by anything. She looked furious, though. Like ... murderously enraged. Bah.
I went ahead and took my cold shower, taking care of myself in the process, if you know what I mean, so that when, half an hour later, I came out of the bathroom, I had on a satisfied smile. Even though, part of me did suggest me that, had Becks joined me, the smile would have turned into a grin. Ah, fuck, Becks here, Becks there ... she's stuck in my damn mind. Hopefully, it's only a matter of sexual needs.
Entering the kitchen, I found the usual sight – before Becks, that is – namely, my roommates eating their breakfasts silently. I think we eat together more in the morning than at dinner, you know. I guess because, always before Becks, we weren't often together at night, and besides, the weeks before she came here, Will has been an untreatable asshole that avoided us like pest.
"Hey, guys." I greeted, going to take a seat beside Byron. Like a déjà vu, Byron barely held up his fingers to say hi, not even taking his eyes off of his IPad, where he usually reads the newspaper, and Will merely grunted in response.
Sometimes I think this guy is bipolar, I mean, I get it, that bitch broke your heart, but for God's sakes, move on. I've tried convincing him to have a fling now and then, just to get Mel out of his mind, but do you think he ever listened? Nope. Just remained in his heartbroken isle licking his wounds. Till our Becks came in, that is.
It seems like she's been quickening his recover, and that's pretty obvious, I mean, who would keep thinking of a cheating whore when you've got such a hottie taking care of your needs almost every night? He's still sour, but visibly better since he started hooking up with our Becks. The wonders a good fuck can do, huh?
As usual, I grabbed my plate and dug in my pancakes without so much of a fuss, silence reigning at the table. As usual. If we ever have small talk at breakfast, it's only because there's Becks there with us and we don't want her to feel left out. Don't think I miss the heated stares she exchanges with her favorite roommate, though.
Hell, they thought they were being so sly that time, but both Byron and I knew all too perfectly Becks was under the table doing very naughty things. The two think we're blind, don't see how they go at things. I mean, they think it's not as clear as the fucking sun that they wouldn't even talk to each other, if it weren't to tease or drop in sexual innuendos that usually end in her swaying her way out of the kitchen and him following her right after. To do what, it's pretty easy to imagine.
I'll admit in the beginning I was a little hurt in pride, that she'd pick him instead of me, but then I shrugged it off, thinking it could only do him good to take his mind off of that bitch and live a little. He's been a faithful dog for that bitch for even too long, if you ask me. I knew since the beginning that Mel wasn't right for him. Hell, the first time she came here, she flirted with me in front of her damn boyfriend!
A few minutes passed in silence, both my roommates busy with their things, Byron reading the newspaper, Will being the sour, brooding kid he's always been, just got worse after the break up. I could spot a satisfied smile on Byron's lips, though, and it was all too easy to understand why ... hell, even I heard her moaning last night. And my room is on the opposite side to Byron's. I think even our neighbors heard them, because at some point I started hearing also loud music from the other side of the wall.
"You guys know why was Becks so mad?" I asked out of the blue, recalling the way she stormed out, not even seeing me.
Predictably, Byron looked up from his IPad, while Will only grunted. "What do you mean?" The first one asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know, I bumped into her in the hall, and she barely even saw me, she seemed furious."
Byron frowned, the other didn't say anything, just went on eating, and I swear, I could spot every single graduation of the reactions that followed. I mean, I could spot Byron going from calm and posed, to scary big black man that wanted blood, and all while he, robot-like, turned to our roommate, hissing his name in such a tone that always screams fight ahead: You know nothing about it, William?"
There you go, when Byron calls him that, with that tone, shit is about to hit the fan. Trust me, you do not want to see Byron get mad. The furious kind of mad. His voice gets booming, and he gets pretty scary, I'll admit.
It's obvious that, after so many years of friendship, we've had our fights, though mostly it's been between them, because I hate fighting, especially with my best friends, so I resolve everything on the spot, and besides, my attention span is pretty short, my anger flies away in a matter of five minutes.2
Will instead? He's the kind of guy that doesn't yell nor anything, he's that type you hear about on news, when they ask neighbors if they could predict such reaction and they say 'oh, no, he was such a tranquil guy' ... before he slaughtered his family or whatever.4
I think our friendship works because we're complementary to each other. I mean, Will is the brooding type that hides a bad-temper, I'm the joker, Byron is the one that keeps us at bay, kind of like a father ruling his children.
Now, their fight would have been fun to watch, as it usually is, till I jump in and try to appease the crowd, but ... this time, it was about Becks, so I was as much in need of an explanation as Byron was.1
At the question, Will only shrugged, enraging the bull, obviously, who already jumped to slamming his fist onto the table, going from stage one to stage five in a matter of seconds, I bet because it's about our sweet little Becks. "What did you do to her?!" Byron barked.
Will didn't even flinch, just went on eating as he quite simply replied: "Nothing."
"She was upset. In the fucking morning. Only you could have –"
"Why do you suppose it was me? Maybe it was Al."
"Hey! I did nothing." I felt called in. Will gave me a dirty look that had me frown. Did he seriously say something to her to make her so mad? I mean, I know they don't exactly get along – scratch that, they barely even talk to each other, unless it's sexual innuendos, but they've never fought for real.
Meanwhile Byron went on rambling his furious speech, even standing up, pacing the kitchen, waving his hands in the air back and forth ... the usual. Sometimes I tune him out and only watch his movements, just for fun, but this time he seemed more livid than usual.
Ah, well, it's obvious. Our sweet little Becks has touched his deepest chords more than he'd like to admit. I'm not saying he's fallen for her, but clearly, he's very protective over her, and I am too, I'm just not one to fight, especially not my best friends.
"I did nothing to her. Calm the fuck down." Will grunted, still sitting.
Byron looked like a bull that had just seen red, his voice got even more booming as he rambled on words so fast that I couldn't even catch them, but they were certainly between the lines of 'you're such an asshole' and 'the world doesn't revolved around you', which is the usual speech, but this time, it ended in a very dangerous: "That damn bitch fucked you up and you don't even realize it!"
Oh, no ... no, no. Never mention Mel, never. You see, Will is a posed type, with a bad temper, but even when he's mad, he's posed in his anger, that's why he's the perfect prototype of a murderer, but if there's one fly that gets him to cutting his nose, that's his cheating ex girlfriend, Melanie Beans. You should never ever mention her in front of him, it's like waving the red drape in front of the enraged bull. It means you're in for one hell of a fight.
Damn, I hate it when they fight. And I hate that I gotta stay there and watch, just to avoid them getting to the point of wringing each other's throats. We're best friends, but that doesn't mean we don't fight. Though normally it's never this furious. Right now there were slammed fists, enraged threats, and they were certainly one mere inch away from the breakpoint. That's why I decided to intervene earlier than usual.
Hence, I stood up, going to stand between them, before Will got his ass kicked by his best friend, considering Byron is the double of him when it comes to muscles. "Guys, calm down. Let's discuss it –"
"Ever since you let her in, things have changed. You're not the same as you were, Byron. It's like she brainwashed you, you're like a fucking puppy at her service!" Will cut me off.
I could see Byron's nose flare from the corner of my eyes. "You're talking about yourself! That's what Melanie did to you! You were a completely different man before her! She turned you into the selfish asshole you are now! You want me to apologize? Fine! I apologize! I apologize for having introduced you to that fucking bitch! It's about time you get over it! It's been years!"
"How the hell can I get over it! You fucking set me up with her! You! My best friend! You knew what she was up to and you fucking ignored it!"
Oh, damn, here we go ... again with whose fault is it. I merely stood there like a wall separating them, just to be sure they wouldn't get physical, because there's always that risk when Melanie is mentioned. You see, it was Byron to introduce them, and Will holds it against him, because, you see, turns out that the bitch had a clear plan in mind when she started dating him.
Let me explain, Will's family is rich. Scratch that, they're fucking loaded. His father is like the Bill Gates of North Carolina. And Melanie got to know that. Now, put two and two together, and you'll realize why did she spend three years with him, and she would have, was determined to, drag him to the altar, believe me, it was pure luck that he found out about the cheatings, because, for as much smitten as he was, he would have really married her one day, signing up for a horrible life with a whore as wife.1
Melanie had it all planned, ever since the found out that Will was the son of that Achilles Foster that practically owns half of North Carolina, she already started hearing the church's bells along with the tinkling sound of money. What she didn't know back then, is that Will is only fourth in line to inherit that empire, and even if he were first, he'd have no intention of picking it up.
Hell, he hates his father, he'd rather be completely broke than contribute to the man's fortune. He even suggested once that, if he was ever to inherit the company, he would do his best to have it fail miserably, sending his father bankrupt. Fraudulent bankruptcy. Meaning that the old man would go to prison for it. That's how much Will hates his dad.
Mel didn't know that, though. She only saw money. God, Will doesn't know and I'll never tell him, not in this life, but a while ago, I found out that his own brothers fucked his girlfriend. Including Wyatt, despite him being married. I found out only because I caught them in the act: Will was with Byron and Mr. Wayne fishing, I ought to recollect something I'd forgotten there the day before from his room, and ... there, I found the disgusting scene.
They fucking did on his fucking bed! All three of his brothers with his girlfriend. If Will came to know this, I don't know what his reaction would be. He's already in bad terms with the assholes, imagine if he found out about that. I told Byron, and he agreed with me that we should keep it a secret. Who knew that six months later Will would catch Mel with her cousin, and Hell would go down?5
I can't deny I feel guilty, I should have warned him, but I thought it was best to remain silent, for peace. Things in that family are already as fucked up as fuck.
Anyways, Byron once more apologized for having ignored the signals when it seemed like Mel was up to something, but he repeated that he didn't know, Will repeated it was bullshit, and they went on yelling the worst things at each other. Nothing unusual, but they were going far off the edge, so I had to stop them, before, really, our friendship went down the drain.
Hence, I held up my hands and finally shouted: "Enough!" They quit, and turned to me, both livid. I feel like the middle brother having to bring peace. I really deserve the Nobel prize for peace.
I took a deep breath and started my usual sermon: "Will, Byron didn't know a thing about Mel's intentions. Bye, Will is mad because his heart got broken and you were indirectly responsible, no matter what. Now, that can be forgotten, right? We're brothers, remember? No woman's ever gonna stand between us."
"Aside from the one he fucked last night." Will muttered under his breath.1
I caught the hint, but wanted to ignore it, even though, that only screamed jealousy, yet Byron didn't see it that way, because he growled, his hands balling up in fists as he spat: "Fucking say it, Will! You're jealous!" Damn, no, that's not the way of confronting the guy. Ugh, I should be paid for this.
Sighing, I dropped my hands, speaking before Will could: "So what? We're all jealous." They snorted, especially Will, but I went on, looking alternatively at either of them. "Guys, come on ... admit it. That little minx has us wrapped around her little finger. We're all into her, in one way or another. It's obvious that we're jealous. The difference is, I'm fucking adult enough to admit that it fucking irks me that she screwed you two. Are you?"
They looked at me like I'd suddenly grown three heads, so I shrugged, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I went on, feeling in a lecturing mode this morning: "We all want her. We all like her and care about her, in one way or another. Even you, Will." I underlined when he snorted.
"And it's fine. She wants us all anyways, so where's the problem? I know I just said I was irked, but that doesn't mean I hate you guys for taking her away from me or crap like that. If she wants to play on all three beds, it's fine with me." Not ... entirely, but ... I needed to calm them down. "And it should be for you too. It's not like she's the first girl we share. Hell, we've made a game of that, don't you remember?"
"Al ..." Byron sighed, passing a hand over his face, slightly calmer.
"If you guys have deeper feelings for her, then that's a whole different story. Just admit it and I'll back off. Sure as hell I don't wanna fight my brothers for a girl. I care for Becks, damn, I do, but our friendship means everything to me." I hate being this sentimental, but it was necessary. I'm only child, the guys are the brothers I never had. And they were about to strangle each other without even really talking it out.
I mean, they went from 0 to 100 in a matter of minutes, and we still don't know what happened that had Becks so mad. Even though, it doesn't take a genius to know it was something nasty that Will said to her, but I don't wanna know.
Because I don't want my protective side to win over the affection I feel for my brother from a different mother and consequently wind up punching the hell out of him. See? I should be the troublemaker and yet in this cases I'm the most rational.
The guys remained silent, I guess pondering over my words. I let them sink in, so that we could solve it, but in the end Will decided to be the hot-headed ass he is and just scowled, storming out of the kitchen as he muttered something about me being insane. I rolled my eyes as I followed his moves while Byron stayed behind with me.
"He's the most taken among us and he doesn't want to admit it." My friend muttered. I turned to him, not really confused about his words, but about his tone, which was defeated, for who knows what reason.1
"The heartbreak still burns." Byron went on, his voice much calmer now, as we could vividly hear the front door being slammed shut. Will can be such a drama queen sometimes. "And it's normal. But he should start realizing why he's so touchy about Rebecca, too."
I arched an eyebrow at him. "You think he's in ... love?"
Byron shrugged. "Not yet."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean he's got it bad, and doesn't even realize."
"Well, we all –"
"Yeah, but you admit it."
"You should too, Bye." He looked up at me, surprised, and I smirked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, bro, you're whipped, admit it." He rolled his eyes, shrugging off my hand and going to the fridge. "Bye, come on, there's nothing wrong with it."
"I don't feel anything for Rebecca. I just care about her."
I snorted. He turned, giving me a dirty look, but it soon vanished in favor of a gloomy one, and somehow I read right through him. "Still Maya, huh?" His shoulders sagged, confirming. "Why don't you contact her? Maybe she –"
"She's here. And she's getting married to Josh."
I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. "Josh? As in –"
"As in Joshua Levinson, yes." He sighed. "My ex is marrying my boss, and I still fucking love her. Awesome, right?" With that, he bitterly chugged down the water and left.
That must be hard. I guess I'm the only drama free in here. Between Will still mourning for Mel while falling for Becks – even if he'll never admit it – and Byron having to watch the woman he loves get married to that moron of a boss he has ... thank God for my utter sense of I don't give a damn about relationships.
I contradicted myself when I fished my phone in my pockets, though, scrolling it for a specific contact, and the fact that, when I heard that voice, I smiled like a fucking idiot, doesn't really help my cause: "Yes?" She sounded still mad, but not as much as earlier.
"Hey, babe, you miss me?" She giggled, making my stupid grin widen. I swear, if I get as whipped as the other two, I'll scream. This doesn't happen to me, I don't call girls just to hear their voice, if anything, I call them to see if they're up for a quickie. I don't fucking grin like a fool when a girl admits she has indeed missed me.3
Although I know she was only playing around, as usual, and I like this about her, that she doesn't take herself too seriously, just like I do. Even though, I think she does that on purpose, just to distract herself from her grief. Byron told me she mentioned someone she lost three years ago, almost certainly a boyfriend, which means she's got a reason for being so lighthearted: she just wants to ignore her pain.
Anyways, when she admitted she'd missed me, too, I decided I needed to see her: "It was obvious. Listen, how about I drop by during lunch break?"
She giggled once more, and I could hear a child in the distance, asking for I don't know what. "I work nonstop till four, Al."
"Good, then I'll drop by then."
"Al ..."
"Come on ... you gotta have lunch, right?"
"Yeah, I have it here, Jackson won't eat if I'm not there to feed him."
"The kid I babysit, remember?" Ah, right, I forgot she babysits in the morning. "Besides, why do you wanna see me? I'll be home tonight, I don't see why the rush –"
"I just wanted to cheer you up."
The line went so dead I checked to see if the call was still on. Becks sighed. "I'm sorry for this morning, Al, I was just a little ... off."
"Yeah, I know, that's why I wanted to offer you lunch. Take the kid with you, I'll pick you guys up and take you back in an hour, I promise."
"Al ..."
"Come on ..." I did my persuasive voice I usually use with girls when they need to be convinced. In the end, Becks sighed, but agreed nevertheless. I'll ignore the fact that I felt something weird at the pit of my stomach and just look at the bright side: this day started awfully, but it might go beautifully. At lunch, to the very least.
You know that feeling when you come from a long horrible day and you see something beautiful? Yeah, that's the feeling I got when I spotted her coming towards me, a kid in her arms. She was wearing only white jeans that reached her ankles and a sky blue chambray shirt tucked into her pants, sandals at her feet, but damn, did she look good!
Her smile was contagious as she approached my car, the kid clung onto her like a monkey, and I can't really blame him, I would very gladly cling onto that fine piece of woman too.
"Hey." She greeted me with a small smile as she stepped on and sat in the passenger seat. I smiled back, especially when I turned to the kid and he gave me a dirty look. Possessive towards his babysitter, huh?
"This is little Jackson, I guess." I mentioned. The kid looked four or something like that, as dark as the night, which kind of made Byron seem pale, though then again, my best friend is actually mixed race, his father being Nigerian, while his mom is a white woman from South Africa, which mixed make a Will Smith, as Becks called him once.3
The kid's curls grew almost over his forehead, and he had his thumb stuck in his mouth as he watched me carefully, a grim look on his puffy face. Becks confirmed my guess and the kid smiled as she rubbed his scalp.
Chuckling to myself, I switched on the engine, thinking that this kid and I already have something in common: I had a crush on my babysitter too, back in the day, and I sure as hell am a sucker for that gorgeous face he was playing with right now.
"You know, I think he doesn't like me." I mused as I watched little Jackson chew on the spaghetti his babysitter was feeding him, oblivious to the glares he sent me every time she seemed to pay more attention to me than to him. Becks giggled, shaking her head, saying that was nonsense. "You think? I say he's jealous." I confirmed, sticking out my tongue to him, only to have his glare deepen.1
"Of you?"
"Yeah, obviously." I responded to her question. She laughed, obviously, and went on feeding the kid. I had this same attitude too, when I was a child, anybody that stole my babysitter's attentions from me was my worst enemy.
We'd been in that diner, eating, for merely half an hour, having a small talk about anything that didn't concern our roommates and the reason for her being upset this morning, which I craved to know – cool headed and without him on sight, I thought I could hear the story without wanting to chop Will's head off – but I didn't want to ruin her mood, and besides, little Jackson interrupted our conversation every two minutes, with this or that whim, clearly wanting his babysitter all to himself. I didn't care, I felt good only spending some time with her. Alone, that is. Well, without the other guys, I mean.
Hell, I know that's insane, but ... I just needed a break. We're never alone, just the two of us, for more than half an hour a day, so I wanted to take what I could. That's all.
Sadly, the break came to an end. I had to drive them home and go back to work, but I exploited New York's problems with parking to leave the car a little farther from the diner, so that we could walk and get a few more minutes. Damn, this is ridiculous.
And the worst is, in the back of my mind, when an old lady stopped in front of us to coo at how cute little Jackson was, and she mentioned that we were a really nice family, other than wonder how blind could she be not to see that Becks and I couldn't possibly be the kid's parents – I mean, we're like two mozzarellas compared to him – I only thought that she was kind of right ... we looked nice.
The two of us, with a kid ... oh, fuck, I'm doomed. I have never, never ever thought of anything like that. The sole idea of committing has my skin all itchy, and yet ... I guess I should take a break, maybe spend a couple of days back home, just to detoxify myself from this little minx here.
Though it makes me think ... I've been with her one time and a half, if it's her vagina to drive me nuts, then it's no wonder that Will's going insane, too. He's been with her for more than a dozen times. Does her pussy have magical powers or something?1
Alright, alright, that was horrible to say. I apologize to the female population. It's just that I've never needed a woman in any other sense than the horizontal one, and now ... well, now, I felt like keeping Becks all to myself. Can you believe it?
I know it's not ... feelings. It's more like an infatuation of some sort, but ... I definitely need a break from her and her magical vagina. To think I'd started off thinking she might be the perfect queen for our bed, now I'm torn: on one side, I think we'll try as soon as the guys get over their issues, on the other side ... the thought of sharing her has my stomach revolt.
Once the old lady was gone, Becks laughed openly, seizing Jackson in her arms when he requested it, and she wondered if I found it insane as she did ... I nodded, now as ever forcing myself to be idiotic, but ... deep down, there was that tiny voice inside me that didn't find the idea that much repulsive.
In a few minutes we were at my car, and it didn't take long before Becks was stepping off, the kid always clung to her like a monkey. I would have punched myself in front of them when I stopped her from leaving.
And even more I should have ... for letting my tongue slip like that: "Hey, I'm thinking of leaving for the weekend, you know, go back home, see my elders ... how about you come with me?" Where the hell are you brain? I need you now!
Becks looked at me funny, clearly confused, so I explained that I felt like taking a break from the city and all, and I thought it'd be nice to have her meet my parents and so. That sounded so ambiguous, I was really about to slap myself. She argued she had to work on weekends too, and I should have shut up and accept it, but you know what I said? "Come on, take the days off. It's just Saturday and Sunday. We'll be back here in the evening."
She was unsure, did that thing with her lips that just drives me nuts, I mean, I see red when she bites the corner of her mouth like that, when she's in deep thought, and I was a mere inch away from ignoring the glare little Jackson was sending me from delaying his solo moments with his lovely babysitter, and just leaning over to devour those lips. Goddamn, this girl's driving me nuts.
The worst, is, when in the end she agreed, my stupid heart did somersaults. Like a fucking schoolgirl with her crush. This is insane, absolutely insane. And yet, the idiotic smile crept up on my lips nevertheless. I was gonna spend a whole weekend alone with my sweet little Becks. Of course I grinned like a fucking idiot.