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Chapter 7 - Be silent


"Wait, no! No! Al, no! Wait! Please, have mercy!" I pleaded, giggling, tossing and turning to slip away from his grip.

"No mercy." He stated, faking a maniacal laugh, pretending to sound dark ... while tickling me to death. His hands were like tentacles, I swear, they were everywhere on my stomach and sides and back ... wherever I was ticklish, which he found out somehow.

A bit of explanation: remember the breakdown I had? It convinced Al that I needed to get distracted, which for him meant movie night, so a whole night of silly movies that would make me laugh, accompanied by junk food. Nice, actually.

The only trouble is that the idea of comical that Al has are really idiotic comedies, and I can only watch a fair amount of those before my brain revolts. And that's what brought to this quarrel, where I voted against the fourth comedy starring Ben Stiller, and Al decided this was not a democracy, therefore he sentenced me to death by tickles.

No kidding, I could say I was literally dying of laughter and too much tossing and turning, and the exhausting part was that no matter how violent I got, Al easily got to tickle me anyway, I mean, I tend to kick a lot when tickled, it's just stronger than I, and I nearly kicked his balls only a few moments ago, which was the only thing that had him stop, but only for a moment, because then he restarted, mercilessly.

We were alone at home, well, sort of, I mean, Byron was in his room working on a tough case, Will left a few hours ago, to go to work at the bar, well, he said that, but given that he doesn't work on Saturdays, he either had plans or just didn't want to stay home, so, in truth, Al and I were alone in the living room.

Once he was done tickling, I was able to catch a breath, but I used it to laugh, especially at his face while he was trying to be serious, to look merciless and evil ... succeeded very poorly, in case you were wondering, he's just too much of a goofball to look scary.

Will, he'd succeed very easily, with his dark and stormy look, and Byron would too, with his bulky frame, but Al? Nah. He wouldn't scare a mosquito, which is funny because he is muscled too, and he works out more than the other two, him spending two hours at the gym every night before coming back home from work. I guess it's just his face together with his attitude: he looks and acts funny even while being cocky, so he's not scary.

Actually, he's the hilarious one among the three of them, Will being Mr. Dark and Stormy, as Al calls him, Byron being kinda like the father that rules them both. Also because he's the one with a better income, therefore they need to keep him good so he can help, well, Will never asks, it's usually Al, as Byron told me, to ask for an advance against the rent, because somehow he always finds himself penniless at the end of the month. Somehow ... well, it's pretty easy to be broke at the end of the month when you're such a squanderer as he is.

Anyways, we ended up laughing like fools, till we heard Byron's booming voice from his room that wasn't too far from the living room: "Be quiet, kids! There are adults working here!"

"Yes, daddy!" Al yelled back, causing me to giggle.1

The response from Byron was a loud groan that had me crack up only harder, to the point that Al had to wrap a hand around my mouth to silence me, but of course, me being the rebel I am, I bit his palm and freed myself also from his grip, shooting up and dashing to the kitchen while he complained about his wounded hand.

I can't deny it's fantastic to have a friend like Al cheering me up so easily. Only a few hours ago I was wallowing in misery, now I was having a hilarious time with my roommate.

I reached the fridge to grab another soda, but I barely did that, that I yelped when I felt myself being seized up like a sack of potatoes and thrown over a muscled shoulder. "You had been warned, Miss. Now I'm bound to punish you. And the sentence for attacking your king is ... drum roll ..." Which he mimicked by drumming on the back of my thighs, by the way. "... death penalty!" Cue the 'ohhh' you hear when something sudden happens in acts.

I was trying to free myself, but Al was holding me too tightly, so that, no matter how much I kept kicking, his grip was firm. Not that I was that willing to fight back anyways.

Once in the living room, even though I'd been begging for mercy, Al, or shall I say His Majesty, threw me onto the sofa, having me sit in a perfectly erect position as he held my wrists on my lap, and my feet against the sofa, and he announced in what form would my sentence be executed: "You will sit here and enjoy the whole filmography of the one and only, Mr. Ben Stiller. Not a sole complaint will be allowed, every single sound will be punished with a doubled penalty."

I had to force myself not to laugh at the kind of punishment he'd thought of, but I managed to look desperate as I begged him for mercy, pleading with him not to give me such a painful end, but to be merciful and spare me for this one time only, I'd see to behave from now on.

Al shook his head, pushing me back against the couch – striving to be dark while he so wanted to laugh too: "The sentence has been delivered. Your king has spoken. There is no going back."

Acting on impulse, I freed my wrists and got to my knees in front of him, seeing to sound as desperate and needy as I could while begging: "Oh, please, Your Majesty! Spare me! Just this one time! I will be a good girl, I promise! Please!"

The smirk that formed on Al's lips told me the words 'good girl' turned him on a different mood ... his deep green eyes turned dark, and I guess it was also my fault, considering I was kneeled between his legs, gripping his sweats other than his t-shirt ... I guess I walked straight into it, didn't I? Can't say I'm displeased.

"You will be a good girl, huh? And what does assure me that?" Al asked, striving to sound serious and, clearly, to conceal the arousal. I bet that, had I peeked his crotch, I would have seen someone really happy of our position.

I smirked, and let my hands travel up to his hips, stopping right there. "I will accept any other sentence, Your Majesty, just not that one. Please! Anything!"

Al gaped at my hands for a moment, and licked his lips, and when his eyes turned back to mine, they were as dark as ever. I guess maybe I kept him waiting a little too long, huh? I mean, it's been more than a week since I gave him my thong as a promise. And I guess that, if the idea of me and all three of them still stands, trying the merchandise in advance can't hurt, can it?

Abruptly, Al had me stand up, and he spun me around, only to sit me back onto his lap, making me bite my lips when I felt something stiff against my rear, my denim skirt kinda pulling up on its own didn't really help concealing that. It was just too clear.

"Anything, huh?" He teased as he gripped my hips to pull me back against his crotch, which had me let out a low moan that didn't pass unnoticed, in fact he smirked, but forced himself to sound serious as he wondered: "Then would you help your king quench his thirst?"

I smirked, especially as his hands slipped beneath my stripe jumper. "It depends on the kind of thirst, sire." I responded meekly, but rubbing myself against him a little.

Al let his hands travel up to reach my breasts, and I moaned when he squeezed them from above the bra. "It's a thirst that's been ignored for too long, I'm afraid."

"Oh ... wasn't Your Majesty able to find a courtesan willing to quench it?"

He gripped me tighter, practically using my boobs as handles, and pulled me back completely against him, so that my back was against his chest and I could so clearly feel his erection now ... his lips neared my ear, and he bit on it while speaking: "It's a thirst only this particular subject can quench."

I smirked. "I'm flattered."

"You should be. It's not of every day to have an emperor craving you."

I spread my legs to better sit on him and feel his hardness against me, consequently exposing more of my skin as the skirt pulled up more, which had me get wet already, and I let my hands travel to his thighs, rubbing them.

I let slide the fact that he changed king into emperor and that he indirectly told me he's been needing this since long, and I just pulled back, leaning my head on his shoulder as I agreed: "Then we shouldn't wait any longer. It might get Your Majesty ill."

Al smirked just as he pulled down my bra, taking it off without even unclipping it, practically tearing it, yes, making me moan as his hands came directly in contact with my boobs, and my back arched when he twisted my already erect nipples.

Oh, God, this escalated so quickly, and I was feeling so overwhelmed by carnal desires that it wasn't really easy to think, especially not when I could feel his excitement so clearly. It was an issue we shared anyways, because Al groaned, leaning back against the sofa while letting his hands slip down to my waist, rubbing me against him.

"Oh, fuck ... Becks, I can't even focus on foreplay." He pulled me more against him, as if to penetrate me despite the clothes between our delicate zones. "At this rate, I might be inadequate even. Goddamn, to Hell with everything, I need to fuck you right now, Becks. Right now."

I was surprised, can't deny it, and I yelped when he took advantage of my denim skirt to easily bare my ass by pulling it up to my waist, and pulled my panties to the side, and I don't even know when did he bared his own sensitive parts, but the fact is, one moment I was, say, safe with clothes between us, the other I was screeching at the feeling of his hard shaft against my bare skin.

I didn't screech because I didn't want to go through with our game, I screeched because it was abrupt and, as I reminded him while going to stand in front of him, in the rush he forgot one single but very essential detail: "Protections first, honey."

Al gave me a crooked grin I frowned at, daring him to tell me he wanted to go through without condom, but all he did was hold up his index finger as he stood, and warned me: "Do not move a single muscle. Stay right there." Then, his sweats hanging at his hips, enough down to show some of his pubic hair, letting me know he's blonde down there too, Al sprinted towards the hall where our bedrooms were.

I would have argued I could just follow him and we'd be more comfortable in my bed or his, but I was busy chuckling at the sight of him so eager as to practically race away, nearly smashing against the wall even. Talk about craving, here.

The weird thing is, I didn't think of protections when I was with Will. I mean, yeah, we use them now, but the first two times? Nah. Neither of us thought of fetching a condom. Maybe I was just too much into it, or maybe I was just too used to doing it without protections because I'm on the pill, and because I trusted blindly my first and till a couple of weeks ago only sex partner.

Al came back in a second – or at least that it seemed to me, because I only saw a blurred figure race back into the living room and onto the sofa, only to then pull me back onto his lap. He didn't even say a word, just gripped my hips and drove himself inside me, so abruptly that a gasp inevitably left my lips, especially as he picked up a swift pace almost immediately, barely giving me time to adjust to his proportions. "Gosh, Al, you wanna tear me in two?"

He laughed, starting to thrust harder as a response. "You have no idea what I can do, Becks."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

As some sort of payback for being insolent, he gave me a harder thrust that had me let out a louder scream and bend down, gripping my knees for support as he dug harder and harder, but I took control of myself back soon enough, pulling up to lean my hands on the back of the sofa as I bounced up and down onto him, till Al just quit thrusting and let me do all the work, him only following my movements by keeping his hands on my hips.

I did my best not to emit a single sound, or to at least keep my moans very low, but it wasn't really easy, and him coming to tease my clit didn't really help ... I had to bite my tongue not to scream and consequently have Byron hear what were we doing in here, only a couple of doors away from him.

The trouble is, I got a little bit wild and forgot about precautions entirely as I, once I'd taken off my jumper, placed my feet on the couch, at the side of his legs, and worked my own way to my bliss, which I reached soon enough, and only then I slowed down, kinda swallowing him whole as I let all his shaft rest inside me while I rod through the orgasm, as if he were some toy.

Al moved that he was still inside me and had me bend over, my elbows on the arm of the couch, which I gripped swiftly, along with letting out a breathless moan as he, once he'd gotten rid of my skirt and, I assume, of his clothes as well, gave me one hard thrust, and then kept a steady a pace. He knows what he does, gotta give him that.

The way he kept pulling me back towards him to get as deep as possible was almost desperate, and I'm pretty sure his fingers on my skin will leave a pretty visible mark, but hell, I couldn't care less.

What took me off guard was the way he switched pace: from gripping my hair to fuck me as hard as possible from behind, even slapping my ass cheeks, making me come twice in a row, barely giving me time to breath, to having us lay down on our sides as he embraced me – to keep me from falling off the couch, I guess, seeing as I was on the edge - and trailed sensual kisses from my neck to my ear, his thrusts being slower, more sensual.

He sucked on my earlobe as he squeezed one of my boobs, but that was to distract me from the faster pace he picked up, which had me need to place my hand onto the ground for support, in order not to fall.

There was something different in the way he moved – different from what I'm used to, that is – I mean, he mixed up things, being both rough and sensual at the same time, hard and deep but amorous at the same time ... it's something I never thought was possible, but apparently Al managed. Oh, and how breathtakingly hot that was! The pressure at the pit of my stomach was one big sign.

When my moans got louder, increasing the risk of Byron hearing us, Al slipped two fingers into my mouth, certainly using the excuse of needing me silent to have me suck on his fingers just because, well, more like, in anticipation, as he mused in a soft but sensual bass: "Ah, fuck, Becks, if you blow me like that too, I'm gonna go nuts."

I smirked, purposely using my tongue on his fingers, to have him know he was right, I'd blow him away (pun intended). He groaned in my ear, speeding up, enough to have me nearly fall off the couch for real – lucky thing he held me close, actually, enough close to have my sweaty back hit his sweaty chest, in a mix of fluids that I can't deny only made everything hotter.

I took advantage of him cupping my boobs, squeezing them, to play with my clit, but he slapped my hand away and, as a manner of punishment, twisted my nipples, quite painfully even, but that only had me moan louder, so that he had to wrap a hand around my mouth to silence me. "I'm sure your moans are the chants of a mermaid, babe, but our friend there won't like to hear them."

Well, I think by now Byron heard and figured out what was going on ... hopefully, he opted for doing what he normally does when Al's booty calls get too loud: just put on the headphones. It didn't really feel flattering to be just a number among all the girls Al's had, but I wasn't even questioning it.

If really I had to think of the rest, I also ought to consider I was fucking my roommate on the same sofa where only ten days ago I fucked the other one, well, more like let him fuck me, so why bother? Only to take the fun out of it? Nah. Al was too fucking good at fucking to mind anything else.

Once I was at my third orgasm, I decided to give him something in return. Therefore I slipped off the couch, much to his surprise, and smirked, hinting, just with my eyes, at his lap; he got it instantly and grinned, sitting up straight, well, kinda slumped on the couch anyway, but still sitting. I crouched in front of him, between his legs, and moved my hair to one side, to be free as I made him hiss by grabbing his manhood with my cold hand ... whoops.

I didn't waste any time, just took him in my mouth, and started sucking on him while my hand moved up and down, now and then resting at the base to play with his balls, and the last time I did that, Al groaned louder, jerking his hips up to meet my mouth, which had me grin and mischievously slip him out of my mouth, but before he could complain, I grabbed my boobs and squeezed them together, letting his throbbing dick slide between them, slowly at first, then, as he picked up a pace, faster and faster, till he was practically fucking my breasts.1

He was close, ah, he was so close ... I could see the ecstasy building up on his face, for how his head was shot back against the sofa, especially as I licked his tip while taking his place in fucking my tits, seeing as he was too out of his mind to keep going – props to me, I wore him out so easily.

I watched his face intently as I rubbed his shaft between my boobs, now and then licking his tip, where I could already taste pre-cum, and the way his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head as he tried to keep control was so hot, it gave me a sense of power, because it was me to be doing that to him, he was, literally, at my mercy ... insert maniacal laugh.

I didn't torture him, though, don't worry. I only teased him a little, speeding up then slowing down, only to then take the tip in my mouth for a long minute and then ask the fatidic question: "Where?"

Al grunted in response, clearly not up for anything that implied using his brain, which had me chuckle, I can't deny it, but I caught myself enough to still be sensual as I repeated the question: "Where do you wanna come? Face?" I let my chin brush his tip. "Or ..." I took that tip in my mouth. "Tongue?" Then I let my boobs swallow his whole dick as my hand slipped down to play with his balls. "Or maybe men's favorite land?" I asked, referring to my cup C, of course.

Al only moaned in response, getting eager. I smirked, deciding I'd get a bit of all three, therefore I worked my magic by having him tit-fuck me some more, enough to get to the point, and once I noticed he was to the point of no return, I had him moan loudly, very loudly, as I took him in my mouth again, gladly tasting his seed before letting it fall on my chin and boobs.

I saw to have him watch me as I swallowed part of his cum, of course, men like it, don't they? Well, Will likes it, he likes to watch me with his piercing sapphire yet icy blue eyes as his seed runs down my throat to reach my stomach. That guy, weren't he such a jerkface, he'd be one hell of a catch. Too bad he's a fucking asshole I'd kill in his sleep ... weren't he so fucking good at fucking the hell out of me every time.

I watched Al as he caught his breaths, eyeing me with such an ecstatic look on his face, that I was sure I made up for the time I made him wait. Well, had I known he was that good, I wouldn't have waited so long. Then again, I've been a little busy slipping into jerkface's bed this week every night, and I can't deny it's hard to need anything else when you've got that asshole taking care of your needs.

Wow, Rebecca ... you just fucked his friend and you think of him? What in the actual fuck?! I must be drunk with pheromones, otherwise I couldn't explain it. Or maybe it's just my mind automatically comparing the two studs. Sadly, Jerkface wins hands down. Though Al is freaking good too.

"Ohhhh, fuck ... goddamn, Becks, you held me out of all this?" He shook his head in mock disapproval, even if tired. "That's very mean."

I smirked, pulling back from his now limp manhood. "Well, I didn't know you were up to your innuendos." I teased as I stood up, recollecting my clothes.

"And I didn't know you guys would be giving a freaking peep show while I'm working." I heard another voice musing, halfway between pissed and amused.

Not even bothering to cover myself, I turned to the right side of the living room, only to spot a grim looking Byron that did his best not to look at me and my nudities. Whoops ... maybe he did hear us after all.

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