In his room Andy returned not empty but with entire mound of different books closely relate to the Stones of Life. Next to his door was waiting some strange guy in fancy light-gray suit; he had a nice good-natured face, big brightly blue eyes and unusually cheerful smile. Curly brown hair fell upon his forehead giving him some mischievous carelessness.
- Hello, Andy, - greeted him the stranger, smiling, - I am Cyrus Raven; most likely, you did not notice me, but we are from one class. Besides, our rooms are next doors. Let me help you.
He took from Andy significant part of the books and brought them after him in the room. While they were putting the volumes on the shelf, Andy asked:
- Raven? You are the son of the rector?
- You’re right. I see you don’t like that very much.
His perceptiveness could not make Andy happy for sure:
- No. But if the rector told that I needed support or consolation, believe me, he was wrong.
Cyrus shook his head with a smile:
- I don’t know. But you can be calm: I came here not to pry into your affairs. I have to show you the dining room and to inform that the breakfast in the Academy begins at 8:30, the dinner at 12:30, the supper at 19:00, and all kinds of cakes, fruits and sweets – at any time convenient for you.
Although Andy did not eat since yesterday evening, he was not upset he had missed the dinner. He was so pressed by his grief that lost all the appetite, and took the necessary energy from his grim dark thoughts.
- Thanks for information. Today I will have a supper in my room.
- This is not a good idea, - objected Cyrus, going to the door. – You can breakfast or dinner wherever you want but all students must have a supper in Feast Hall – this is a tradition which is impolite to neglect.
- Good. I will not eat at all, - grimly, trying to break his confidence, said Andy.
Cyrus turned around and looked at him intently:
- This is your business; I am not the one who can order something to you. But still I have to notice that you chose wrong way, absolutely wrong.
- Did not you promise not to pry into my affairs?
Raven laughed kindly:
- I promised and I am not going anymore. See you soon, angry pup.
He almost opened the door when Andy stopped him:
- Don’t call me that.
- Don’t be offended; you know it is quite truthfully.
A fierce anger roared in Andy’s chest.
- What do you know? – He said bitterly making a few steps toward him. – What do you know about me? I would like to see how you would feel if you were in my place! How would you feel yourself if you were forced out from your house against your will taking apart from your beloved sister! Your sister who needs you more than anything! What do you know after that? What do you know?!
Cyrus Raven watched him absolutely imperturbably, without any malice or discontent:
- I know not as much as I would like to, - he said thoughtfully. - But I am smart at least because I want to become smarter and I know at the same time that I will never become really smart. You think you know all pain and unfairness of this world, but you are wrong. You know nothing. Your heart is possessed by desperation, and there is nothing strange in it: it always happens at the beginning of an unexpected trial. You enjoy your pain because the wound is too fresh. I know that condition; otherwise I would not speak with such confidence. I think, gradually you will get well or simply disappear changed nothing. You will die although physically stay alive; but you will not notice that because people never conscious their spirit death. However let’s not talk about sad things. You have a strong temper; you must cope with it. But still I would like to advise you to be reasonable and to have a supper today with us. After all, this is the only way you can reach your goal.
- You are the same crazy eccentric as your father is! – Exclaimed Andy stunningly.
- Oh, if you want to know, this is the highest praise for me, my friend! – Answered Cyrus with a serene smile, and then he left the room.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Andy snorted in exasperation. Friend! – He thought indignantly, turned away from the door. – What a smartass! What nonsense he was talking about? But still he had to admit there was something reasonable in Cyrus’s words. He must have to go to the supper if he wanted to find housekeeper Belle who could provide him with twelve candles, the plates for them and the matches, required for his night hike. He could not get all of this himself and, although he did not come up yet how he will explain this weird ask to the Keeper of Comfort and Warm Hearth, he did not want to wait till the next night.
He was angry because of Raven who had known his thoughts and plans, but there was nothing to be done about this. Of course, it was impossible for Cyrus not to notice the names of the volumes he had in his hands. And who was asking him for help? – Reflected Andy grimly, looking out of the window.
The supper was still half an hour away, and this period he dedicated to learning by heart the words that, according to the book’s instructions, must have called the spirit of the Stone. To Andy’s opinion, that were very silly words, but, no matter how awkwardly they sounded, it was his only hope, so he was learning them with extreme diligence.
Belle did not ask a question in answer to his requirement and without any hesitations gave him what he asked. At this moment his determination had wavered because he saw clearly that he was not the first to whom Belle gave such strange set of objects. He even asked himself whether he fell into a trap of those who decided to joke him meanly, but this thought was unbearable for him, and he immediately got rid of it. «I must try. After all, I will lose nothing».
After the meeting with the Keeper of Comfort and Warm Hearth he directed straight to the Feast Hall because he had to solve one another part of the plan. It was not difficult at all to find the Feast Hall – students were floating there from all parts of the castle, and he had to do nothing more than just follow them. The leather bundle with candles he was carrying under his arm and was hoping that no one noticed that. Despite the terrible depression, he still did not want to become everyone’s laughing stock. He had already understood that there were few people believed in existence of mysterious Stone of Happiness.
It was very cozy and warm in the Feast Hall. Long oak tables were placed in many rows, and everyone could sit whatever he wanted. In the right part of the hall were laughing children before twelve; in the left part were sitting older students, although we need to mention that among them also were heard loud explosions of the laugh. Andy crossed the entire hall and took the place in the corner of the half empty table where no one could insult his grief with idle fun.
Put the bundle on the next chair, he paid attention to the food. The supper was not very sophisticated but very attractive. On the narrow silver plates were towering the mountains of fried chicken wings; nearby were pouring with garlic sauce the cutlets of fillets of wild grouse; besides, there were plates with boiled potatoes, fragrant bread, and for dessert were served the cakes with strawberry filling and chocolate cheesecakes.
Only seen all of that, Andy felt admirable smells, flying in the air, and his own tormenting hunger. It was as if a protective dome had been lifted from him, and he was again the part of the real life.
The food was as tasty as it looked. With unprecedented pleasure Andy ate the cutlets when Maria and Cyrus joined him. They greeted him shortly and without any questions began to eat. Strangely, their company did not irritate Andy at all although he was afraid they would draw him into the conversation. For some reason he felt a pleasure sitting with them in silence, but at the same time he had no desire to talk with them.
However, his alarm was in vain. Nor Maria, neither Cyrus said a word during the whole dinner. But when Andy got up from the table, took with him some cakes, Cyrus threw at his bundle such an expressive sight as if he wanted to say: I know what do you are hiding there, yes, I know perfectly. But he said nothing, and Andy was sincerely grateful for that.