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Chapter 4

The older students studied in a large brightly lit room the windows of which, decorated with elaborate stained glass, shone so cheerfully and brightly that it was pleasant to look at them. The sun has risen just recently, but its early rays were unusually warm and soft as they were rarely in October. Somewhere the windows were opened, and students could enjoy spreading from time to time along the room warm wind.

But this morning their attention was handcuffed by some another object. Many watched with amazement and bewilderment slim dark-haired guy, who looked with the most emotionless and impenetrable face out of the window. The air around him seemed radiating contempt, and his severe chiseled face expressed coldness, stubbornness and definite arrogance. He was sitting separately from other students, at the very last table, and unlike the others paid no attention to the old professor, Mister June. Of course, it was Andy Hawk, the heir of one of the noblest families in the kingdom; beautiful talented youth broken by a grief and hotly hated his limp position.

He did not look at the teacher, wrote down nothing and, apparently, felt no embarrassment that some students looked at him with outright indignation. He did not care what they thought about him, and what adverse impression he made.

Mister June, of course, noticed soon his disrespectful behavior, but we have to mark that this funny round old man was so kind, harmless and softhearted that he did not even think to make him a comment or to repress him someway; so he was silent hoping that the boy soon will come to his senses and conscious himself that his position is not very polite.

Probably, no student of the Academy had ever heard Mister June raising his voice or looking angry or discontent. Undoubtedly, it was the kindest creature in the world not able to offend even a fly. He was so sincere and naive that pupils, who instantly recognized his guileless nature, had no resolution to use it; on the contrary, they liked him sincerely and never thought to make him any troubles. He was waiting that Andy any minute will bright and decide to participate the lesson, but after half an hour, convincing that there could be no lucid, he dared to try to get the scowling boy to talk.

Seizing the right moment when there was a joint discussion – the students took an enthusiastic participation in it – Mister June asked timidly:

- I wonder what Mister Andy think about it?

There was a tense silence. Everybody immediately turned to Andy waiting with some grim distrust what he answered. Andy looked unwillingly at the teacher and, noticed his helpless longing to help him, said dryly:

- I think nothing.

The talk was about famous literary work which Andy knew perfectly, but he had no desire to admit that and accept the image of submission. Mister June stared him with defenseless look:

- Really? But you must have formed an opinion, mustn’t you?

- No.

Round face of old man expressed for a while whole desperation, but suddenly some thought dawned on him, and he asked, smiling softly:

- Maybe, you are interested in something else? Most likely, you have read a lot of books, and you would like to discuss some of them. Or ask some questions about the literature? I am sure there must be something that can interest you. There is, is not it?

He had a touching habit to lower his head on the side when he felt anxiety or uncertainty; at such moments his plump kind face was becoming completely naïve and even a little stupide. Seeing this person deserved neither severity, nor sharp words, Andy said a little softer:

- I am afraid nothing can interest me.

He did not care at all that at these words some pupils felt to him a deep dislike if not to say irritation, because his position toward Mister June, whom everyone loved and respected, was difficult to call respectful. Andy did not feel any sorry about that. He had no need in friends and was sure he will be quite well in Academy without any helpers.

- But how is it possible? – noticed the teacher perplexedly. – I have no desire to press you, but, you know, it seems to me you are bored, and this is absolutely unacceptable. No one should be bored in my lessons, should they?

At this moment he saw Andy looked out of the window with detached face, and thought hard. Meanwhile the pupils was talking quietly, expressing the indignation to each other and watching angrily the culprit of appeared difficulties. After some time Mister June shook his head as if repelling some unpleasant thoughts or, on the contrary, fixing them in memory, smiled kindly and said with enthusiasm:

- I know what can be a real find for you, Mister Andy.

The youth looked at him discontentedly:

- Why don’t you leave me alone?

- I can’t bear to see you sad and grim; it is too hard for me. That is why I will reveal you, as well as to all the other students, the ancient story contained within the walls of this castle. I hope you will like this story, because we can’t call it neither mythical, nor fairy, although it is passed down from generation to generation as an unrealistic legend. So, do you want to listen?

Most of the pupils immediately cried «Yes», but Andy just shrugged his shoulders tiredly. Apparently, it was quite enough for Mister June because he spoke promptly:

- Of course, I will not narrate too long because I don’t want to bore you; I will say shortly out of steady conclusion that you, Mister Andy, need a powerful bless that could make your most desperate dream come true.

These words, oddly enough, was profoundly affected by Andy, and he stared the teacher with some interest. It occurred to him that despite the silly, completely selfless face, Mister June, most likely, was not as naive as he looked sometimes. Any case, he immediately guessed that the reason of Andy’s behavior was not a bad character but a will of inevitable circumstances, cruel and irreparable, possessed the whole his mind. However, the probability that he knew about Andy’s tragedy from Mister Alexander could not be excluded too; maybe, that was the reason of his obsessive care. Anyway, Andy was interested, and it was already a significant success.

- Unfortunately, in recent decades people have almost ceased to believe in miracles and magic, - began Mister June with touching seriousness. – They are gradually forgetting great events of the past caused by miracle supernatural power that comes from ancient sources. But no matter what we think, no matter how we deny the existence of divine forces, they definitely exist, and they don’t care how we treat them. I think most of us have heard about great Stones of Life that strengthen and inspire this world, and about their amazing power. The legend says that such Stone, ended up in human’s hands, with proper application can fulfill any of his wishes, even the most fantastic and hopeless. But no one knows where the magic Stones are. Someone is sure that they are irregularly thrown along the whole world, in the most unpredictable places; other thinks that all Stones of Life are hidden deeply in the White Mountains, in one of the numerous underground corridors where no one could see them. Although, to be honest, by and large no one remembers this phenomenon, considering The Stones of Life groundless legend that does not have a true existence. Many centuries ago, when people did not lose their belief yet, they were spending many years in a grueling search, and someone finally managed to get the Stone. Such lucky ones were not many, but all of them had a stunning similarity with each other: the endless, never dying away, eternal joy; the joy that they managed to save in any circumstances, even in front of the face of mortal disease. But I must notice, the most of brave seekers had to give in – they did not get luckiness to find the Stone of Life or as they called it sometimes – the Stone of Happiness. I told you that no one knows where the Stones are, but it is not exactly so. The legend says that the Stones, sensible splinters of the Universe, prefer not to change their location too often and during long centuries stay in one place. So, my dear friends, I am delighted to inform you that the last lucky one, that history knows about, have found the Stone of Happiness just here, in Mirror Academy. It happened more than three hundred years ago, but some people still remember that. Of course, we cannot be absolutely sure that Stone is still here; quite probably, it moved to another country, another dimension or even another planet because it has no restrictions, but if you think about it, what if it is still with us? – Mister June smiled innocently. – It is quite possible, is not it? However, I have to tell you that no one has any idea what it looks like now. It is not easy to find it because, according to ancient manuscripts, it always takes the most unexpected forms and hides in the most unremarkable places causing absolutely no interest. Besides, the Stone has a powerful consciousness and opens only to that ones who, in his opinion, deserve it. He will never reveal itself to cruel or greedy people, unprincipled or treacherous, envious or mean, following some malice unforgivable intents. He will appear only before that ones who he will like, who have the best human’s qualities such as joy, piece, kindness and, of course, love. There is nothing against it, and the Stone knows that perfectly, because its origin is divine, and God, as you know, hates everything that goes from evil. I think I can leave it at that because I don’t want to look like a crazy storyteller, although, something tells me, I usually look exactly this way…

He shook his head sadly, and when everyone laughed, he gave Andy a furtive wink. All this time the youth watched him intently, afraid to miss a word, and when the narration was over, he turned away angrily. He immediately decided that the legend about Stones of Life is just a nonsense that he has to eliminate from his memory and in any case not to take it seriously. Feeling that they didn’t want to leave him alone, he opened the copybook and pretended that he was writing the notes, but in fact his thoughts were quite far away from Mister June’s literature conclusions.

The youth struggled with all his might trying to suppress appearing in the heart tormenting hope. Of course, it was difficult for him to believe that the teacher was quite truthful in his narration, and although Andy persuaded himself this story was not more than just an old tale, it was not easy to accept this thought. With some desperate feeling he reflected that if there was even a tiny element of truth in this legend, he was already obliged to believe in it because, maybe, it was the only chance to return Sarah the eyesight. «The Stone can fulfill any of his wishes, even the most fantastic and hopeless». What if it is true?

Numb for a moment, Andy sighed heavily. «This is just a stupid legend, - he decided after some time. – No Stones of Life exist. This is just a senseless childish tale, and Mister June is just a gorgeous storyteller as he admitted by his own».

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