Andy turned around and saw behind him a thin dark-haired girl with big light-green eyes. Her face was very beautiful and gentle having at the same time an adamant firm expression. From her words Andy concluded that she has been standing next to him for some time watching him reading. There is no need to say that he did not like it at all.
- I think it’s not your business, - he said severely, turning away from her. – Besides, it is not the noblest behavior for a girl from aristocratic family – to creep and stalk someone.
- I did not creep and stalk you, - answered the girl without malice, - I’ve just come up and watched. These are not the same things.
- Nice, have it your way. Now I would like to ask you to leave me alone.
He had no doubts that after such rough treatment girl will immediately fall into the anger and, clattering the heels loudly, leave the library or at least go far from him, but, to his great amazement, it seemed that she was not angry at all. Looking at him intently, she sat down at the table against him.
- Do you really think that first chapters have no importance? – She asked without any embarrassment.
Andy felt irritated:
- I dare say I have no desire to discuss it with you.
It looked as if even now she was not offended:
- You can get in trouble if you will miss the half of the book. In general, it is not even a half. It is almost the whole volume. By the way, my name is Maria, nice to meet you. Yes, I am telling the truth, it is very dangerous.
- What is dangerous? – Asked Andy grimly.
- To call the Stone without special preparation.
Andy sighed heavily, leaning against the chair:
- How can you talk about that, knowing nothing?
- Why «nothing»? I must say the legend about Stones of Life is narrated to all students in the Academy, and first half a year they are thinking only about how to get the Stone. And I was not the exception.
- So, what are the results?
She shook her head:
- Unfortunately, I had no result. However, it isn’t surprising. It’s very difficult to awake the Stone; you must understand perfectly the spirit laws from these books, to take them to your heart and to merge with them with all your soul. Only in this case the methods that you’ve read about could help you to find the Stone. I guess what you are thinking about. You decided that first chapters have no sense, and the point is to follow the mentioned rules as accurately as possible. You are not the only one who has resorted to this folly. Many students thought exactly the same, and they had to go through a cruel disappointment.
Andy could not listen to such things calmly:
- I did not ask you to tell me that!
- I don’t need your asking, - grinned the girl, - I say what I want and do the same. I wanted to talk to you because it seems to me that you have a strong will, and you are able to get the condition, explained in books, but you have to understand many things, and I can help you in that.
- I don’t need your help.
- This is your opinion.
- I know that.
Maria smiled serenely:
- You look like an angry kitten.
Andy flushed with anger:
- Why don’t you leave me alone? I am so disrespectful with you; you should be mad at me.
- You are a good person, - she said simply. – You have a terrible wound in your heart; that is why I want help you. I know you’re not a boor or self-confident arrogant. I think we will become great friends when you will come to your senses.
- For your information, I am in my senses right now, and I am not attracted at all by the idea to make friendship with annoying girl like you.
To his complete amazement, she just laughed cheerfully:
- Your frankness is commendable.
Andy buried his head in the book showing that he had no time anymore:
- Be so kind as to stop distracting me.
- You are doing the wrong thing.
- Thanks for warning, you’re very sweet.
Maria was still indifferent to his causticity. But she got up and looked at him with a sad smile:
- Don’t think you feel worst of all, Andy Hawk. Today I will leave you alone, but we’ll meet again, be sure.
And she leaved without adding a word. Andy was amazed by her answer and, would feel sorry about his sharpness if he was not possessed by terrible impatient before upcoming night adventure. Maria did not have time to leave the library when he was already concentrating on reading trying not to miss even one a bit useful detail. He was full of hopes and enthusiasm, but both these things could not be called the act of soul beauty. Rather, it was desperate rage which definitely could not lead him to success. But he did not know that yet.