Chandria's POV:
The pulse in my head is what woke me. My head was pounding still. I winced as I moved to touch my head. There was already a cold pack on it. Confused, I opened my eyes slowly. I was expecting to see the typical findings of a nurse's office, but instead, I was greeted with the contents of Zane's room. I groaned and pushed the thick duvet off of me just as the door opened.
"Whoa, hey, lay down. I don't need you passing out again. Just take it easy, Dria," Zane said as he sat down the contents from his hands to gently push me back down to a laying position. He pulled the blankets back over me. I watched him curiously and cautiously as he changed the compress on my head for a fresh one.
"Why am I here?" I asked accusingly. Zane handed me a couple of Aspirin and a glass of water.
"You passed out," he said simply. I waited for more, but that's al he was giving. I would have rolled my eyes but my head hurt too much.
"Why am I here... at your house... in your room?" I asked. Zane sighed as he finally sat back.
"Well, you made such a big deal about not being seen with me that I figured school nurse or hospital was out of the question. I would hate to ruin all your hard work," he said sarcastically. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Zane was actually upset that I didn't want to be seen with him. His plan was actually smart, but there was a flaw in his plan.
"What time is it?" I asked. Zane pulled out his phone before sliding it back into his pocket.
"3 pm, school just ended," he said. I began to panic.
"No, no, no. My mom os going to freak," I said.
"Then I'll take you home, no problem," Zane offered. I shook my head as I reached for my bag that Zane was smart enough to bring along.
"No you don't understand. If my mom sees a boy anywhere near me, we're both dead," I said. I shot a quick warning text to Cassie and Aria before I called my mom. She answered on the second ring.
"Chandria Shandi, this better be you calling to tell me that you have to stay after school for extra credit or something," my mom said, cutting straight to the chase.
"Yes mama. I stayed after school for a study group and forgot to tell you. Oh and Cassidy's mom invited me to stay for dinner," I lied.
"I will call her and see," she said shortly before she hung up. It was typical really. No 'I love you', no 'goodbye, stay safe', no anything. I sighed in relief as I set my phone in my lap.
"Wow, strict parents, huh?" Zane said. I almost forgot he was there. I was too tired to fight with him.
"I don't need your judgmental opinions, okay?" I said tiredly. He shook his head and sat across from me on his bed.
"No, not like that. It's just... you're parents expect a lot from you. That can't be easy," he said.
"It's not. It's like they don't even see me as their child or a person. They just see my grades or this... future doctor who's supposed to set them up for life," I blurted. Zane was quiet, allowing me to vent. "I really do have to go," I said. Zane shook his head.
"You're sick. I can't just... let you leave," he said simply like that was supposed to explain everything.
"One, you don't know that as fact, you're just assuming... and two, just because you were there when I passed out doesn't mean you have to take care of me or pretend like you care about me," I said. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm not a monster, you know. Are you always this stubborn?" he asked as he grabbed his keys.
"Yes," I said as I threw the covers off of me. I hopped out of the bed and wobbled slightly as I stood on shaky legs. I reached for the bed to steady myself, but Zane grabbed my hips to steady me.
"Easy, Dria," he said. I was expecting him to let go, but instead, he scooped me up in a cradle-carry.
"Seriously," I asked in irritation as he carried me downstairs. There was a girl sitting on the couch and reading a book. She looked similar to Zane in some aspects. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and more of a chocolate color. She looked younger. She was definitely quieter than Zane. She took one look at us and rolled her eyes.
"Seriously, Zane? Put the poor girl down," she said. He stuck his tongue out at her before he carried me to the car. He put me in the passenger seat and even buckled my seatbelt as I pouted. He was being ridiculous. He navigated to Aria's house and parked the car in the front.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he came around to my door. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Just come on," he practically whined. I got out of the car and followed him up to the door. He knocked and we waiting in silence awkwardly. The door flew open to reveal Aria and Cassie crowding the door. They pulled me inside behind them and glared at Zane.
"You can leave now," Cassie snapped at him. He looked at me for help, but I couldn't help him. When it came to my best friends, there was no reining them in. I certainly wasn't going to go against them for a guy I barely knew.
"I just wanted to make sure Dria was alright," Zane said honestly.
"She might not be, thanks to you," Aria said.
"What do you mean?" he asked. Cassie closed the door and locked it behind her. Zane knocked on the door frantically. "Cassie, Aria, open up the door! What are you talking about?" Zane yelled. His voice was muffled through the door. I looked at my two friends confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked cautiously. Aria dragged me upstairs to her bathroom. "Okay... what are we doing in your bathroom?" I asked. Aria held up a brown paper bag.
"Pee on these," Aria said reluctantly.