Zane's POV:
"I can't believe you're going out. Tonight was supposed to be our cookie night," my little sister, Presley, pouted. She was a sophomore at Remsy High, where I went. But with chocolate brown hair and matching eyes, she looked more like our mother. The 'cookie night' she was referring to was one night a month where we made cookies until we were full and watched movies all night. But my buddy, Porter, invited me to his annual kickoff party that he held when school started.
"We'll reschedule, I promise," I said as I pulled on my jacket. I grabbed my keys and walked over to where she was sitting criss cross on the couch. I ruffled her hair and smirked. "Call me if you need anything, squirt. I'll be at Porter's house," I said before I kissed her head and headed for the door.
"You suck as a brother!" she yelled after me as I left. I chuckled and started walking down the sidewalk. Porter was only three houses down from me so I went early to help him set up. We filled the kitchen with drinks and snacks, placed speakers in all the main areas, and hid all the valuables away. When the music started, people started showing up. Pretty soon, the house was packed. I moved around the house with a Solo cup of water in my hand. I actually didn't like drinking, so I learned a while ago that as long as you had a Solo cup, no one would question it.
"Zane," I heard a feminine voice say from behind me. I turned to see Paris. Her black wavy hair looked a mess and her mini dress was revealing. Normally, I would be totally into that, but, she was a bit played out... and not just by me. She just wasn't attractive anymore. She stumbled towards me and wrapped her arms around me. I didn't do relationships. I told Paris that many times, but she continued to tell everyone that we were together. I sighed and peeled her off of me.
"Paris, go home," I said. The party had just started and she was already drunk. Porter passed and laughed.
"Already dude," he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Will you go put her in a bed upstairs. She's wasted," I asked. Porter shrugged.
"If she starts flirting with me, I'll go for it," he warned. I shrugged and straightened my shirt.
"Everyone else already has," I reminded him. I turned and froze. three gorgeous girls were heading to the kitchen. I knew them kind of. I knew the blonde, Aria, from my speech class. The Asian, Cassie was her friend. I've seen the third girl around before but I never really got her name. She looked like an Indian goddess. She had a soft and gentle face, yet her body curved in all the right places. I released a breath before I headed for the kitchen myself.
"Zane," a blonde stopped me. I looked down to see Dallas Wright. I dated Dallas when I attempted a relationship. After I had sex with her, she swore we were getting married. She wanted to spend the night at my house, meet my parents, and get the passcode to my phone. She was crazy, so I broke it off.
Let's be real, no one wants to date a psycho bitch, and I don't even like calling females bitches, but in this case, it was the only acceptable word.
"What Dallas?" I asked, trying to get to the kitchen. She ran a finger down my chest and pouted slightly.
"I miss you," she said. I pushed her hand away gently and smiled tightly.
"Yeah, well, I don't. Excuse me," I said brushing past her. I went to the kitchen and saw the three girls laughing at the counter. Aria was the first to notice me. Her smile fell and she started whispering to the other girls.
This couldn't be good. I put on a front anyway and walked the rest of the way to get to them.
"Ladies," I smirked.
"Ass-wipe," Aria smiled at me.
"Ouch, what have I done to deserve that?" I asked as I held my chest jokingly.
"Does the name Dallas ring any bells, or do you need to check your list first?" Cassie glared at me. I resisted the urge to groan and roll my eyes. They were friends of Dallas... great. Instead I shrugged.
"She was a nice girl... she was just too clingy though; she wanted to control everything," I answered honestly. Cassie and Aria looked at me disgusted. I hated that. I hated how people took gossip as bible and looked down their nose at me when they didn't even know me. I averted my attention to the Indian goddess. "Hey gorgeous, I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?" I asked. It wasn't the best I could've done, but I just wanted to know her name.
"Sorry, I normally apply my asshole repellant before I leave my house, but I guess I forgot today," she said with a sarcastic smile. I stared at her in shock as Aria and Cassie burst out laughing.
"Nice one, Dria," Aria said. I wasn't even that mad that she insulted me because I knew her name. I'd heard her name before I was just never able to put it to a face. Dria was Chandria, the straight-A student who hung out with Aria's group a lot. Chandria looked me dead in the eye and smirked.
"Cheers," she held her drink up to me before she chugged.
I liked this girl; she was feisty.
After she chugged the Solo cup of alcohol, she said hi to a few more of her friends before they got into a shots contest. I walked around the house for a bit before I went back to the kitchen. I ran into Dria as she was coming out. My hands automatically shot out to steady her. She giggled and held onto my arm.
"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded as her giggling died down.
"I'm fine, sorry, " she said. "I just want to lay down, but it's too noisy in here." She let go of my arm and stood up straight. She looked fine, just tired. I knew she'd been drinking, but she was still cognitive. I sighed and looked around briefly. I saw her friends dancing with some of the guys from the football team.
"Look, my place is close and you can lay there if you want," I offered. She was just so hard to say no to. This was going to be new for me because I never brought a girl to my house, ever. I didn't want Presley to see how many girls I slept with, so I tried to keep it away from her.
"Really? Oh my God, that would be fantastic right now. Thank you, Zane," she said as she touched my arm again. Her touch wasn't aggressive or territorial like Paris and Dallas' were earlier. It was actually gentle and grateful.
"Do you want to tell your friends before you leave?" I asked her. She waved them off and started heading for the door.
"They're fine. They probably won't even remember I came with them tomorrow," she said. She stumbled slightly and I steadied her.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as we continued walking.
"I just want to lay down," she said. We walked mostly in silence the rest of the way to my house. It was kind of late, so I opened the front door quietly and had Chandria and I tip-toe past the living room. Presley was curled up on the couch with the TV still playing. I led Chandria upstairs and went to my room first.
"Um, so this is my room so you know where it is and stuff. And I'll grab you an extra pillow or something," I said awkwardly as Chandria stared at my room. After a second, she took off her shoes and went to my bed.
"This is perfect," she said. She took her outfit off next and I gulped as I looked away.
"I guess I'll sleep in the other room. Goodnight," I said quickly as I tried to leave.
"Zane, wait," she said. I froze but I didn't turn around I caught a glimpse of her body and it was like she was carved by satan himself. Plus, she wasn't wearing a bra.
"Yes, Dria?" I said nervously, my voice cracking slightly. I felt hands on my back before they slipped to my shoulders and spun me to face her. She inched closer as I tried to resist.
"Stay, here... in bed... with me," she said quietly and seductively before she began nipping at my neck. I couldn't resist the siren call this strong. If she wanted me, she could have me.