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Chapter 5

Cassie drug her way through the kitchen. Her eyes widened when she finally saw me. She rushed over and squeezed me tightly. "OhmyGodChandriathankGodyou'reokay!" she said on a rush. I chuckled and swatted her hands away as she tried to examine me.

"Cassie, calm down," I laughed.

"We lost you ! How the hell did we lose you? How did you get back?" Cassie asked.

"We still don't know how we lost her, but apparently we're not talking about what happened this morning and who she may to may not have been with," Aria supplied. Cassie looked at Aria before she looked at me shocked.

"What? Why not?" she pouted.

"Because one, I don't remember anything, and two, my head is still pounding," I said. Cassie pouted bit didn't object. We ended up talking about the party from Aria and Cassie's perspective before we settled in watching movies. I got the daily check in call from my mother and she talked to 'Cassie's mom' as well. She asked about the project and about clothes. Once she was satisfied, I got to hang up and relax.

"I am so sorry, Dria. I know you kept telling us how bad it was, but... damn," Cassie said. I offered her a quick understanding smile. We spent the rest of the night watching Netflix and gossiping about people at school. The next day, we just lounged around Aria's house for a little R&R before we had to go back to school. All too soon, Cassie was dropping me off at home. I gave her a quick wave before I went back to reality. I knew that the fun I had this weekend wasn't realistic. Maybe for another senior in another life, but my life was run by my parents and academics. I would never get to just relax and have fun, like Aria could. That thought was only reinforced as I opened the door to my house.


I closed the door to my locker before making my way to my first period with Aria. It had been two weeks since the party. If anything, I think seeing how other seniors got to spend their free time just made me more miserable in my own life. I had been feeling even more miserable since the party. Aria was talking about Homecoming queen elections. It was only September, but Homecoming was in two months anyway. Zane passed us going the other way. Ever since that night, I'd been avoiding Zane like the plague, or trying anyway. This time, I made the mistake of making eye contact with him.

"Hey Dria," he said. I looked at my feet as my neck and cheeks heated into a blush. Aria paused as she watched the exchange. When he was out of earshot, she hip-checked me.

"Oh my God, why is Zane talking to you? Oh no, he might try to go after you next. Okay, we can fix this. We just won't de-nunnify you for the next week or so," Aria rambled. I sighed and shook my head.

"Aria, it's okay. I don't think he's going to bother me," I said as we slipped into our seats. Aria was confused to say the least.

"And why is that? You know how relentless he can be. He won't stop until he can cross you off his list," she said, but the bell rang for class to start. I sighed in relief and tuned into the class. "This isn't over," Aria whispered before she stayed quiet. I knew I wasn't in the clear with Aria, but for now, I was safe.

At lunch, everyone was talking excitedly about the Homecoming dance. Normally, I would join in, but today, I didn't feel like it. I didn't even feel like eating. All the choices made me feel nauseous just looking at them.

"Dria, are you okay?" Cassie asked. Everyone's attention turned to me. I was about to respond with a lie when everyone's eyes shifted to something, or someone, behind me.

"Hello everyone... Dria," his velvet smooth voice singled me out. I wanted to crawl into a hole a die. I'd been avoiding Zane for two weeks and now he wanted to make a public gesture to single me out. I hadn't turned around yet, and I didn't want to. Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for my reaction. I wasn't going to say anything. I was just going to leave. I stood and turned...

Running right into Zane.

The jolt triggered my gag reflex and I threw up all over the front of his shirt. The cafeteria was dead quiet as all eyes went to us. Zane was looking at his vomit-covered shirt in shock. I had to salvage the situation, and quickly.

"I guess I underestimated Dallas when she said the sight of you would literally want to make any girl throw up," I lied. My table of friends were practically rolling on the floor with laughter. Dallas looked especially pleased. The entire cafeteria soon joined them. Zane glared at me before he left. Aria and Cassie hooked their arms with mine and rushed me off to the nearest bathroom. Aria checked to make sure no one was inside while Cassie locked the door. I knew I was about to get an earful from them.

"Okay, I tried to let it go, but I can't anymore, Dria. None of this is adding up. What the hell is going on? You just puked all over Zane, and he's been persistent in trying to talk to you since the party," Aria said. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as my lip trembled.

"You guys, I messed up," I finally cried. They pulled me into a group hug and rubbed my back as they tried to comfort me. "A-At the party... A-Aparently, I-I went home with Zane and w-we s-slept together. He was the one w-who dropped me off at your house the n-next m-morning because he doesn't live f-far. I-I told him we would p-pretend like it n-never h-happened," I sobbed. They looked at me shocked.

"You did what?!" they yelled simultaneously.

"Dria, you gave him your v-card?! Did you fall for him?" Aria asked. I wiped my tears away as more replaced them.

"No! I don't like him or anything, I just w-woke up next to the next morning," I explained.

"Why did you throw up?" Cassie asked. I shrugged as I sniffled.

"I don't know. I already felt sick and when I ran into him, it just... came out," I answered.

"Are you okay now?" Aria asked. I shrugged as I began to calm down.

"Still nauseous and I've had a headache all day," I said honestly. Cassie and Aria exchanged a look before they looked back to me.

"Okay, alright, this is what we're going to do. See if you can convince your parents to let you over 'Cassidy's house' as soon as possible. We'll go from there," Aria said with air-quotes.

"Wait, why?" I asked. Aria pushed her hair back before she began pacing.

"Because I think I know what wrong with you but we need to discuss this more in private, where no prying ears can even get the idea to listen in. Plus, if I'm right, I'm pretty sure you won't want anyone catching wind of it," Aria explained. She was still pacing. "Cassie and I will cover for you in the cafeteria. You just, hang out here and try to bring down the red in your eyes and act normal, okay?" Aria added. I wiped the remainder of my tears away and took a deep breath. Cassie and Aria hugged me tightly.

"Everything will be okay, Dria," Cassie said softly. I nodded before I let go and offered them a small smile.

"Thanks. You guys are the best friends ever," I said. They both offered a sympathetic smile before they kissed my cheeks and left.

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