Zane's POV:
I'd been trying to check in with Dria for weeks but she was avoiding me. I even tried to corner her at the end of school but she would always disappear. I just wanted to make sure she was okay after everything. She was just so calm and she was avoiding me. I never had a girl make such an effort to avoid me before. It was actually kind of nerving.
Wednesday, I'd finally had enough. I went to her locker first thing in the morning and said hi as she passed. She ignored me...
I sighed in frustration. Maybe if I did it more publicly, she'd have no choice but to acknowledge me. So at lunch, I tried again.
"Hello everyone... Dria," I singled her out. She didn't move for a while, but when she finally did, she ran right into me and vomited all over the front of my shirt. I didn't know what to do.
Hell, I didn't even know what to think as I stared at the front of my shirt. It was getting wet and making my shirt stick to my skin. The smell was nauseating.
"I guess I underestimated Dallas when she said the sight of you would literally want to make any girl throw up," Dria said. Everyone in the cafeteria started laughing. That did it. I glared at her before I left. If this is how she wanted to play it, then fine. I went to the bathroom and took my shirt off. It was done for. I ran water over the shirt in the sink before I gave up and just stuck it in an extra trash bag. I had to go to my gym locker for an extra shirt. I went back to the bathroom to make sure I didn't smell like vomit. I checked my pants and sprayed a little cologne for extra measure.
What was that even about? Dria was defensive and hostile. She was normally so sweet and nice. I was worried that I was the cause of her change. I didn't mean to take her virginity and I actually felt really bad about that. Which is what I have been trying to tell her but she wouldn't listen.I didn't understand what was wrong with Dria but I was determined to find out. I exited the bathroom with the trash bag in hand. I stopped when I saw Dria. She was coming out of the girls' bathroom. She looked distraught but I needed answers.
"You," I said. I could see her planning to run so I caught her arm. "We need to talk," I explained before I took her to my favorite place in the school. A few years ago, the school build a whole new fine arts wing, leaving the old music room abandoned with a few dusty instruments and a ton of old chairs. I closed the door behind us once we were inside and flipped on the lights. I was pissed, but mostly because I was worried.
"You threw up all over my favorite shirt!" I blurted. I really meant to ask her if she was okay, but I wasn't used to this. I wasn't used to... caring. It was weird and different.
"Look, I know and I'm sorry. I already felt sick, and when I ran into you, I couldn't control it. It was an accident, honestly. Then I saw what happened and I panicked. I didn't want people to think we knew each other so I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Please don't hurt me," she said in a rush. I rolled my eyes, almost appalled at the thought.
"I don't hit girls... And seriously, that's why you insulted me like that? Who cares if people think we know each other?" I asked. I didn't take Dria as the type who would care what other people thought of her. She seemed so carefree around her friends. I guess it just goes to show that I didn't know Dria that well.
"I care!" she yelled. She wobbled and grabbed her head as her eyes closed. And I was back to being worried about her.
"Whoa, here, take a seat," I said, pulling a chair over to her quickly. She sat silently for a moment before she just sighed. "You've been feeling sick like that a lot lately?" I asked hesitantly. I'd never seen anyone this sick since...
I didn't even want to think about it. It only made me worry even more about her. I sat across from her in another chair. She nodded and waited a moment before she opened her eyes. We sat in silence as I gave her a chance to calm down.
"Why do you care so much if people think we know each other?" I asked softly. She took a weighed breath before she finally looked at me.
"Because you only know girls in one way, and I don't want people to think I'm just another stupid name on your list," she said.
"What list?" I asked, confused. She looked irritated with me. She was closing up and I could see that by the way her arms and legs crossed.
"You know what I'm talking about," she snapped, frustrated. She held her head again and sighed. I saw shame and disappointment cross her face. I'd seen it so many times before that it was all too familiar. I hated that look. I hated being the cause of that face.
"The list of girls I've had sex with," I said in realization. She nodded as her eyes cast downward and away from me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "That's why you've been avoiding me?" I asked. Again, she nodded.
"Why have you tried to talk to me? It's very unlike you to check in on your past... flings," she said hesitantly. I could only shrug and rub the back of my neck. What she said was true. I only tried a relationship once with Dallas and it didn't end well. Other than that, I didn't go back... ever.
"I was trying to see if you were okay after everything," I admitted awkwardly. I wasn't comfortable talking about my feelings. I never had been.
"Why?" she blurted. She was digging deeper and I wasn't even comfortable where we currently were. I fidgeted uncomfortably.
"You were just so... calm when I dropped you off and it was your first time. I may sleep around, but I don't sleep with virgins. It's my number one rule," I rambled. It was the truth though.
"Because that makes perfect sense," she said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. I was expecting that.
"It does actually. Losing your virginity isn't supposed to be how it, unfortunately, was for you. You're supposed to find someone you like, get to know them, eventually love them, and then maybe, you hand them your v-card," I explained. This was so weird talking to Dria about this. No one really knew about my virgin rule except my ex-friend Tyler.
"Okay, Casanova, you believe in love? As if," she asked, not convinced.
"Not for me. I'm beyond saving but other people? Yes," I answered. She just stared at me. it was the first time I was actually able to open up to someone... sort of. I didn't tell her why I was the way I was, just that I was that way. In fact, I didn't tell anyone about what happened.
"I have to go," she said quickly as she stood. Her eyes fluttered slightly as her knees wobbled. She reached for the chair but missed. Thankfully, I saw it coming in time. I shot forward and caught her before she could hit the floor or hit her head on anything. I sighed and cradled her in my arms. She was sick; I could see that clearly. I just hoped that it wasn't what I was afraid it was. The bell rang for class to start, but I didn't move. I knew she wouldn't want anyone to see us together; she made that very clear. I When I was sure the hall was clear, I carried her out and to my car. I would take her to my house and take care of her there. The thought that she could be sick just like...
I was too invested to walk away now. She already meant something to me.