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The image of Emma's parents walking into the hospital the following morning had constantly been on my mind.

Her father looked very professional in his all black suit and her mother looked like she was worried but I really didn't know.

What kind of parents would let their child get so ill.

I worked through the morning trying to finish my work so I wouldn't have to do it last minute.

Me and Alex were silent on the drive back. We managed to not talk about us at all but I think our minds were on a little girl.

The doctors told us she had a fever and that her diet was very poor. The parents were to be questioned in the morning.

I was working quietly at a small pod in the library. Dylan a guy I knew came and sat with me.

I don't think he understood that I wanted to work in peace. Hence why I chose this spot.

" c'mon Freya have dinner with me " he practically begs me. I didn't like how he was practically forcing me.

I never really spoke to Dylan before and what I've heard about him isn't really all that great.

"Sorry I've got loads of work to do " I dismiss him quickly. He grabs his bag before storming off.

" thought you'd be easy" he mumbles under his breath. My head snaps up to his, fucking prick.

I sit back in my seat. Why are guys such dicks these days.

I took this is a sign that I'd stop work for today I've done everything I need to do.

I began to grab my stuff from the table when my phone started to vibrate.

It was a text from Alex surprisingly.

Freya, did you want to go see Emma?

It simply said. It was a little shocked at that. But never the less I accepted the offer.

I'd love to, meet me outside the union

I replied back to him. Shoving all my stuff in my bag I was excited now.

There is so much I want to ask Emma and honestly, I wanna know if she's honestly okay.

When I got outside Alex was already there. He was sitting in the car staring outside.

I went over to the passenger side sliding in.

"Hey," he says simply before putting the car into gear.

"Hi" I reply back smiling at him.

"I bought some toys and food for Emma " he tells me as we make our way to the hospital. I was honestly shocked how thoughtful he was.

Wish I thought of that.

"she's going to love it, parts of me think that she doesn't get many toys at home," I say thinking back to her parents.

They just didn't seem like that.

Walking through the hospital we found her room again. When I peeked in her parents were not there she was just all alone.

My heart felt heavy.

One of the nurses smiled at us as she left the room.

I followed the nurse wanting to get some information as Alex went to say hi to Emma.

" you were the girl that brought her in right," she says her face showing some recognition.

"Yeah that was me and my friend" if I could even call him that.

Things are weird with us right now.

" bless you, she really wasn't healthy she was suffering from a poor diet barely any water in her system. You really saved that girl from being seriously sick" she grabs onto my shoulders pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm just glad she's okay, thank you," I say wanting to get to Emma.

I excused myself and walked back over to the room.

When I walked in Alex was playing with her. Showing some of the toys she had gotten.

My heart melted it was beautiful.

" fee, look what I have now," she says noticing my presence. I smile at her name for me. Very cute.

"Wow aren't you just a special girl" I walk up to her. She opens her arms up I go in for a hug.

"I get to go home later" she surprises us by saying.

Well not all that surprising since she's okay just needs to eat better. But that worries me.

" are you okay with that?" I question her. She gives me a weak smile.

" yes, mama and papa are getting me a nanny whilst they work so I'll be okay" she brings her hand up placing in on my face.

"I'll be okay" she whispers tenderly. My heart melts for this girl.

" you will let us know if you have any Problems at home, won't you?" I say bringing her hand down and holding it.

"I will" she reassurances me. It's going to take some convincing though.

" we only live on the next street just remember that okay" Alex tells her. I smile at Alex he's been amazing.

When We we're leaving I was surprised when I saw Emma's parents. They saw me and came over.

"We don't know how we could thank you enough, both of you," the father says looking at us.

He looked different today. He was wearing more casual clothes. There seemed to be something different about the two.

" we don't need anything other than the promise that you will look after her " I say smiling, Alex places his hand on my back comforting me.

"We promise, look we own a restaurant in the city. Free meal on us okay " the mother says handing over a leaflet.

We thank them before walking off back to Alex's car.

The drive back was silent yet nice. I could feel as though we needed to talk but honestly didn't know what to say.

" how about we take their offer Freya," he says suddenly. I was just walking out of his car when he said this.

I glanced at him.

"This one?" I question him. Holding up the leaflet. He smirks at me showing off his dimples.

Is this an indirect way of asking me on a date?

I'm not really sure at this moment. I can't be jumping to conclusions.


fuck my life, he wasn't even joking as well. He told me to freshen up and he'd pick me up at 6. Taken into account that it's only 1.

I have more than enough time to get ready.

As soon as I told Remi and Sam they were jumping up down screaming about me going on a date.

"Can you quiet down he only lives across from here" I scowl at them. They pause for a minute before carrying on.

Bloody hell.

Most of our house was in so we spend most of the day playing games. This is what we do when we're bored.

I was momentarily celebrating my victory against Sam when remi all of the sudden started to scream.

"The fuck " Sam says looking for some sort of danger.

"It's 4;30 Freya get the fuck up and shower," she says coming into the room.

I look at the clock. She was exaggeration it was only 4.25. Still plenty of time to get ready.

Just to make her happy though I did start to get ready.

I jumped in the shower and did my business. Before applying some light makeup to my face. I was very excited to use my new palette I bought the other day.

I know he doesn't care what my eyes look like but I fucking do.


I scanned my wardrobe and instantly picked out a simple shirt and skirt to wear.

Nothing too fancy cause technically it's not a date. Just us having a free meal. I don't know why a part of me wants it to be a date.

I packed myself a bag and I was good to go. By the time I was ready it was 6.

I walked out of my flat the same time he did. I stopped for a minute since he was quickly talking to his flat mate I could look at him.

Alex looked very handsome in jeans that were skins but too tight on his legs and a t-shirt that defined his muscles.

He looked hot, to say the least. I wish I dressed a little sexier but it's too late to turn back now.

When he finally saw me, he took a moment to scan what I was wearing he smirked at me before walking over to iron the door to the passenger side. No guilt what soever.

As he stood behind me and I was about to get in his car his mouth grazed my ear. It sends a shiver through me and I placed my hand on the car to steady myself.

"You look beautiful Freya" he whispered as I slid into the seat.

I blushed when he ran over to the other side.

"Do you even know what restaurant it is, what do they sell there?"

I decided that asking loads of questions would help cover the tension in here. Its just that he spelt so good, like a man a very handsome man.

" Freya, I know as much as you just relax will you," he says driving down the road to the speed limit. Slightly over it sometimes.

"Okay okay" I sink in my seat letting the sound of the car take over.

When we arrived at the restaurant we both got out of the car. We took a mot to look at the place and we were impressed, well I was for sure. The restaurant was slightly fancy you could really tell but it had a warmth to it.

"shall we," Alex says coming to stand next to me. He doesn't make a move to touch me which is probably best.

When we walked into the entrance there was light music playing in the background a mellow sound graced my ears.

"This looks great" Alex mumbles looking around. I agree with him this is not what I expected at all, that's my fault for making assumptions and judging her parents.

We were greeted by a young waiter, he took us over to a table in the back of the restaurant. People kept giving us looks and smiling, one couple smirked at us as we sat down.

By the time I was seated I was trying to hide my face away so nobody would see my obvious blush.

"take some time to look at the menu, and I'll be back to take your orders," the waiter said handing out these menus. Alex took them both before handing me one.

That's when we were left alone.

We were quiet for a while, since we were both reading the menus seeing what meal to have. The menu was a mixture really there was mostly pastas and pizza but with the exception of a few extra specials.

I wonder if Emma is Italian, I mean her parents don't look Italian but I could be wrong.

"I'll have the lasagna with a side of the margherita bites please," I say closing my menu. Alex orders a pasta dish that frankly I can barely pronounce.

They have refillable drinks so we just asked for some glasses.

"we have a complimentary milkshake being served tonight, that will be with you shortly" the guy finally leaves giving us a charming smile.

"he was cheerful" Alex mumbles putting his phone down.

I was about to say something when there were two big glasses placed down on the table. When I looked up I smiled from ear to ear. I was expecting the waiter again but instead I met the soft hazel eyes of Emma.

"are these the milkshakes then," Alex asks her smiling as well. She looks so much better no, completely full of life and looks healthy even though last night she looked like death.

"yes, I made them myself," she says beaming with her ponytail bouncing around behind her.

A loud booming cough interrupts her though. It came from the kitchen near us.

"okay well I put the cream on top" she finally admits but this just makes me smile even more.

"it looks amazing Emma, thank you" I pull her into my side giving her a brief hug. She finally leaves us since her mom was calling her over. She sent a smile over to us which we responded to.

"I'm amazed how happy she looks now" Alex comments taking a sip of his drink.

"I know, hopefully her parents really look after her now" I comment thinking back to the little word I had with them. They seem like those parents who work very hard to provide but forget that children need their attention and care.

Something I wish my dad realized.

Our food finally arrived and can I say it looked amazing, I couldn't wait to dig into my meal and even Alex's looked good even though I'm not a fan of that kind of pasta. I'm more into the tomato base pastas.

I wasn't expecting to look up and find Alex staring at me already. He had this foreign look that made me want to leave.

"you didn't come to the game" he simply says. I stopped chewing altogether not liking the tone he had. He was right I go to every game and if I don't there's a bloody good reason.

"I uh, I know," I say finally, I'm not going to come up with a lie it's just useless.

"you always come to the games why not this time" he goes on, placing his fork down.

What am I supposed to say? That I didn't come to the game because some bitch told me he was fucking her that night. Or the fact he didn't text me. Yeah, id rather not.

"she said something to you didn't she" he surprises me by saying, it completely caught me off guard. I want to tell him yes. That she spoke to me and told me I was to stay away from and that you would be fucking her that night.

But I can't.

"who" yeah, I'm playing dumb I know. He gives an irritated look.

"don't, I saw her speak to you that night what did she say?" I sigh, I don't understand why Hes so desperate to know, its not like its going to help him at all.

"it's honestly not important, she just told me to stay away which is fine" I admit to him finally. That's somewhat the truth.

"I guess that's why I didn't come to the game" yes Freya because there isn't a whole team playing that game.

Stupid, fuck sake.

"that's a stupid reason and you know it" he says quite sharply, venom in his voice. I looked around hoping nobody was paying attention to us.

Suddenly I had no more appetite. Luckily, we had finished most of our meals, I just wanted to go now.

I refused to talk any more about it. We needed up getting the bill and walking over to Emma and her parents.

"thank you for the meal, it was honestly amazing we both enjoyed it" I put on a smile just for them I didn't want them or Emma to know that I seriously just wanted to get out of here and away from Alex.

He's being a fucking dick.

"it was our pleasure come anytime," Emma's dad says as they smile over at Emma who looked very happy. And, we were off. I've never walked so fast in my life and the fact I had to sit in his car for another 20 minutes was killing me

I made myself busy with my ozone as he drives us home. I could feel him staring at me when he wasn't looking at the road and it was making me so fucking angry.

I wanted to just tell him to stop and speed the fuck up but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Once he parked in his driveway I ripped off my seatbelt couldn't fucking wait to get out but it looks like Alex had other plans as he kept the doors locked so lucky me I was stuck in here.

Its hard to be so angry with him yet want to tell him I was furious that some other girl got to have him, have his big arms wrapped around them and not fucking me.

I slumped back in my seat just waiting for him to say something.

"thank you for tonight Alex "I said with a smile on m face. Now let get the fuck out. I screamed in my head.

He removed his belt before turning to face me completely. His whole body was facing me and I had no idea how to handle this position.

"cut the bullshit, why are you avoiding me," he says leaning back his eyes locked onto me. The sky was dark now so it was slightly weird that I could see him.

Only the car light illumination our faces.

"I'm not going to be played again Alex out of all the people id of thought you'd understand that" I sit forward on my seat not wanting to look at him.

I don't want to break in front of him.

He knocks his head back laughing bitterly. "Again with the playing, I'm not doing that with you cant you fucking understand" there with the venom back in his voice. He sees my frightened state and relaxes back again.

"I wouldn't do that Freya" he leans forward grabbing my hand and holding it with his larger ones. But he already fucking did when he fucked her or whatever he did.

I don't say anything, if I did id blow up I didn't want to create this unneeded tension and anger between us.

With a deep sigh from him, he finally unlocked my door. I barely gave him a word before I rushed out of the car and over to my house. Remi was already at the door, her hopeful smile gracing me.

This is going to be very disappointing for her.

"well shit" she mumbles after I told her everything from the very beginning to the end.

"I just think there's something missing out of it" she begins to say, when she sees my mouth beginning to open she stops me.

"No Freya think about it, he says he wouldn't hurt you, maybe everything that girl said isn't true they could have a history but maybe its not the same now" I let her speak, I took everything in. parts of me want to believe that.

"why do you think she spoke to you, she sees you as a threat "of course my best friend would say that.

"it's true Freya, Alex hasn't been with a girl in a while and he's giving you his attention," Sam says coming into the room. No doubt he was listening to the whole conversation.

They left me with time to think it through. They could be right but I know what I saw, what if I give him myself and he just fucks off just like Andrew did.

Andrew want really a problem I was in it for the sex and casual flirting, yes I had a soft sport for him but with Alex its totally different.

I have feelings for Alex.

I want him to only think of me, to spend time with me rather than other girls.

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