Remi and Sam haven't left me since we got back home. I told them it was necessary but they weren't listening to me. I shouldn't complain really, they were just being good friends and I should be more appreciative of them.
As soon as I got back to the bar remi took one look at me and she came barrelling towards me.
Alex walked in not long after and it was obvious he was in a foul mood. I shouted after him when he sharply turned to the exit ripping the jacket from his shoulders.
No need to guess where he's going.
Walking into the union the next morning I wasn't surprised to see Alex sitting at a table with his laptop open. He had his head down with the same cap he wore last night.
The chatter in the room was enough to keep me distracted. Some kid was making a speech about some event he was doing. But was getting blatantly ignored.
I walked over to the little Shop and searched for a snack. I've just been in a 2-hour lecture and seminar and I'm practically brain dead from learning about tourism management.
Since that's what I'm studying.
I took a cheese and chicken panini and a Mountain Dew from the fridge before paying for them with my card.
"Freya" I heard Alex's voice from behind me. I turned to face Alex, He stood before me holding a piece of paper in his hand.
"Look, you left this at the pub last night I thought you might need it" he tells me handing over the piece of paper.
I glance at it. It was a piece of paper which had an address on it. I took it from him.
"Thanks, I actually couldn't afford to lose this" I say remembering that this is the address to my friend's new flat in Cardiff.
"No worries " he mumbles before taking off again.
He left with another guy leaving me standing there like a weirdo just staring at his back.
I closed my eyes before heading over to an empty table near the window.
I caught a glimpse of him walking outside. The other guy grabbed at his shoulder laughing with him. It was quite amusing.
" he's just dreamy isn't he" a girl who was sitting a few seats away from me says. I look over and she was sitting with her friend I assume whilst staring out towards the guys.
"Don't need to say anything it's clear in your eyes" she adds on chuckling to herself.
"Well I'm not blind so yeah he's hot" I tell her since I know that's what she wanted to hear.
"Please tell me you're not some crazy girlfriend of his, I thought I'd left that in school" I say being a bit brave in saying that. I mean she doesn't look crazy but you never know these days.
She glances at her friend before laughing at me. Slamming her hands down on the table.
"that's funny but no I know his friend since I live with him, I've been out with them a few times" she explains to me.
Meanwhile grabbing her things and coming to join my table.
She wasn't rude she brought her friend over too.
"we saw him with you last night I assumed you were together" the other girl says picking at her scarf.
Now I'm the one laughing. I looked at her like she was crazy.
"no way, he just found me after I got in some trouble with a guy that's all" I explain to her. I'm still thinking about our little thing earlier, why was he being so weird with me.
"everyone kind of assumes Alex is a dick but he really is just a nice guy" yeah, I don't object that. He was really nice to me last night.
The fact he said he was never going to tell anyone made me think differently.
"Yeah he was nice " I tell her. She has this knowing look on her face.
Not long after our conversation did someone come over to my table. I recognise him from the rugby team.
" hey you're the girl from training and last night, what's your name?" The guy says turning to me.
Well I love being recognised. Thinking about it I should have brought a disguise.
"that's me, its Freya "I say smiling up at him, knowing fully well that this guy was the one that gave me that dirty comment at practice yesterday.
He watched my smile drop instantly, I hope he realises just so I can't make this really awkward for him because that just the person that I am "look I'm sorry for being rude the other day, I tend to be quite the jerk" one of the girls scoffed earning a glare from him.
"since Alex obviously likes you, you should come to our game tonight these girls will be there anyway" he plants his hands on their shoulders obviously making a statement here.
"would love to really" I say rolling my eyes but not obviously it was kind of like in my head. "but I have loads of work to do" yeah, I get it what a fucking lame excuse.
They all literally gave the what the fuck look.
"right... well if you suddenly don't have work" could he be any more obvious, he should have quoted that.
"just come, I'm sure you'll know loads of people there and plus Alex will like having you there "he finishes off he barely gives me time to reply before sauntering off outside. Did I even catch his name?
Why does he think Alex would want me there it's not like were friends or anything? Basically, blanked me out this morning.
In actual fact I've done all the work I need to do but I planned to call my brother tonight to help him with his personal statement since its practically applying time and Hes done jack shit.
After getting the girls numbers and finally knowing their names we all separated because we had lectures to go to. Thank god this is my last one of the day.
I'm so lucky that I have tomorrow off after today's schedule. Who the fuck has 3 lectures in one day like are they trying to kill me.
The bus that I had to get back was pure torture there was loads of people on this bus and I had to sit next to some weird Asian girl who was practically sinking into her seat when I tried to make light conversation.
Why are the international students so difficult.
I barely finished having dinner with my flatmates when my brother was calling me. I excused myself and took the call in my room.
I have already read over his statement and honestly it was already good he just needed to add like a section.
The kid wanted to do sport management in uni and barely mentioned his sport activities which he has done.
"you're literally a life saviour sis" he says saving the edited version to his laptop. Yeah, I know bro no need to shout it loud.
"yeah... why do I feel like your rushing to head off don't you have like a gazillion assignments to do" I swear he told me he was doing this massive assessment this week. I could be wrong though.
"did them this morning, Frey I've got friends its weird enough I'm at home skyping my sister" he snaps at me. Okay well no need to be so rude about it he should be appreciating this time he has with me.
"ouch, Ty you have friends?" I raise my eyes up to the screen after checking my phone. I already had like 5 people asking me if I was going to this game apparently it was really important.
"shut up, haven't you got something better to do than talking to your little brother" he says back, he shut off his laptop I could hear the massive slam in the background.
Funny you should ask that Tyler. I look up to the clock in my room and notice the time. It was already 6 and the game is supposed to start now.
"omg you have haven't you and you're being a boring fuck and sitting here like some sad lonely..." I'm pretty sure he could go on.
"alright I get it, I guess I do have plans but I'm just not in the mood" I say shrugging my shoulders like I wasn't thinking about it all day.
"stop being such a bore and go already" his tone was rough and harsh almost like he was annoyed with me. Me and my brother are different, He is super outgoing and probably couldn't survive without his mates where there's me.
Someone who appreciates my alone time with nobody bothering me.
The fact that my little brother convinced me to come to this game kind of embarrasses me.
Sam who is quite friendly with my brother. Yeah they're like best mates. Sam just laughed and saluted my brother.
As I was moving into the crowd that remi saved. I spotted a familiar figure in front of them. Now if only I could remember his name.
Right right let's think. Oh, wait got it. It literally just came to me out of nowhere.
"Joe?" I tested his name on my lips. It got a bit embarrassing considering I had to say three times before I took the next step and touched his shoulder.
He spun around with a distasteful look on his face before his eyes widened significantly.
"Freya, fuck why didn't you say something "he exclaims reaching out to give me a hug which I gladly accepted.
"she did "Sam says crossing his arms. Don't blame him its cold tonight.
"right well sorry about that kind of nervous for my mate down there" he points on the field, where a group of guys huddled around probably doing some motivational talk.
"what's the big deal with tonight anyway?" I ask them I've never really seen so many people at a rugby match before.
"it's the deciding night to see if they get into leagues, and Alex down there has scouts here watching him" as soon as the name fell from his lips my eyes shot down and there indeed Alex stood amongst all those guys.
"big night then" I say randomly because frankly I had no idea what to say really.
"yeah, how you feeling anyway" he says moving the conversation along. I'm glad he did.
"I'm alright, I definitely could be worse if it wasn't for you and Alex" I say raising my voice since the crowd was getting pretty rowdy.
"do you have to keep saying his name like Hes yours or something fuck off bitch" A girl from From the side says practically whipping her hair in the guys face.
I looked at her like she was crazy but soon after she turned around the four of just laughed like lunatics.
Now there's the crazy girlfriend or whatever.
Joe was about to pull up something on his phone when all of a sudden, my eyes latched onto the number 12 barrelling down the pitch.
"shit is that Alex" Sam says watching as well. The roars of the crown got fucking loud as he indeed just charged through the other team's defence. It was like he was a fucking bulldozer.
I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was proper going for it.
Before Alex could reach the line, he was stopped by some big guy tackling him to the ground. It was a hard-fucking hit and looking like it hurt like hell but Alex was still moving fine.
He threw it to another guy who carried on and charged through and won the point.
"fucking hell" I whisper needing to catch my breath I had no idea I was fully yelling.
As we were standing on the pitch I probably looked like an absolute idiot.
I sank back into my coat feeling slightly embarrassed that I was full on cheering for Alex.
"I'm guessing you're into sports then" joe teases me bumping me with his shoulder.
" you could say that" I awkwardly laugh. I was always playing sport in school and I've been to my fair share of games.
Joe was about o say something Else when all the sudden everyone was cheering. Our team won another touchdown.
I'm starting to understand coach more and more by watching them.
They have a really strong defence but their attack is even better.
The whistle was blown and that signalled it was half time. Some guy ran up to the pitch with a bucket of water bottles.
My eyes flew to Alex who was downing his bottle. He poured some into his hand before rubbing his hand down his face.
You could literally hear the girls moaning it was hilarious.
It wasn't long until the guys started to come off the pitch and talk to their friends. I moved back to Remi and Sam I didn't want to there with joe if Alex came.
That would just be weird.
I watched from the corner of my eye as Alex walked up to joe. They spoke for a bit joe moving closer to whisper him something.
Some of the guys all jumped on Alex making him nearly fall over. From the sharp intake of breath it was obvious he wasn't alright.
When Alex was finally free he barely had time to stand on his feet until he was leaning to the side.
Fuck sake. I quickly ran up to him pushing up against his side.
Joe was right enough to notice Alex's state.
"Shit Alex bro are you alright" he comes up taking Alex's wait off of me thankfully.
Alex's deep grunt was the only response we received.