I wasn't surprised to get back home to a sleeping Sam on my sofa. He tends to do this when he's had a rough night.
I slap him awake and hand him a glass of water.
"Oi fuck don't do that " he exclaims, I just stare at him like he's crazy. Last time I remember this being my flat not his.
"We have to be up and out of here before our match, get rid of this hangover of yours before we lose yet again" I was getting annoyed with these continuous occurrences with him and his whores.
You can talk.
Oh, shut up.
Finally, Sam was able to sort himself out. He lives in the flats opposite me but I have a bigger shower.
I'm just going to take all my anger out in this game today. I joined the volleyball team last year and have been playing since.
We're quite a sporty uni so we really excel in the sports especially our rugby team.
I mean our captain for rugby is Nathan and he is literally a machine.
I know most of the people who are in sports quite well.
I muster up the courage and grab my bag so I can ride with Remi who also lives with me and she plays on our team.
" What do you mean you spoke to Alex?" She says to me when we're driving to the facility.
I curse when she has the swerve out of the way of some kids running across the road.
"Sorry" She quietly says when she's back in control.
Even Sam was praying in the back.
" well when I was leaving the flat we met in the elevator, safe to say he knew what I just came from"
Yeah, I decided to tell my closest friends because I felt bad for keeping a secret in the first place. It was going to eat at my brain forever.
"Well shit, do you think he's going to tell anyone" Well isn't that the ultimate question.
After seeing his face, on the way here I searched the uni sports teams and finally recognised him. Alex was also on the rugby team.
I can see the panic on her face when I just shrug my shoulders.
The silence was obviously too much for Sam because he popped his head between us.
" but he's extremely handsome right " he even wiggled his eyebrows.
I don't say anything.
"That boy was gifted by the gods I'm sure" I rolled my eyes.
So, what, he's a jerk.
Luckily, we arrived with time to spare. Our captain dale was already on the pitch. His arms crossed and everything.
"I really don't understand how you're always late you live down the road" he glares at me as I hand him the bag of balls.
"Maybe because we took my car," Remi tells him, I curse out loud.
"You drove, seriously do some exercise for goodness sake" I knew he would bust me for this.
"Look at them" he points to the guys running around doing laps.
"That's why they always win because they're training all the time, they don't drive to fucking practice" he snaps at me before storming off.
Probably to clear his head. Our coach is one hot head he's super into his team and treats it like it's the world championships.
" did you hear coach, he's on some rage today" Sam runs over to me. We had been playing for about an hour when he finally said we could have a break.
"Loud and clear, he's starting to piss me off" I reply back glaring daggers at coach who's now being all buddy with the rugby coach.
" if he loves the rugby teach so much why doesn't he join them, I joined this team to have some fun not be yelled at because I was late or drove here" I knew I was venting but I couldn't help it.
"There there babes, let's just finish this session off so we can leave" music to my ears.
I was taking position at the back when I could feel someone's piercing gaze on me.
I glanced back and saw the blue eyes of Alex. His team were taking a break and obviously Alex had nothing better to do than watch us.
"You've got an audience, play like a fucking team for once" coach bellows his voice at us.
I hear the laughter of the team.
After sending a giant middle finger at coaches back I ran up and played the ball.
It seemed like we actually played well for once.
The other side hit the ball hard and I saw it barrelling towards me. Sam's eyes widened in fear but I knew I had it.
I placed my hands together before feeding the ball up into the sky. It hurt a fucking lot since Natasha has a strong arm. She hit it back really fucking hard.
The others ran up and smacked the ball down onto the other side of the net.
We celebrated our point a little harshly. Proving coach wrong.
"Well done guys keep going," he says almost too quietly like he didn't want to say it.
I grimaced when I felt my shoelace come undone.
"Sam do my shoelace for me " I groan. He looks my way, more like looks behind me.
"You do it, I'm going to grab us drinks " of course you are.
With a heavy sigh I crouched down and started to tie them up. My hands freeze when I heard the deep groan behind me.
"That ass " one of the guys said staring at me. I looked behind about to give him a piece of my mind but seeing Alex shove him to the floor was enough to have me stop in my tracks.
"What, I was just messing," the guys says moving away. My eyes were locked on Alex. Why did he do that.
Maybe he isn't a douche after all.
He said me a smile before pushing off the fence and heading to his team.
" I got you a drink, but now I'm starting to think you're thirsty for something else," Sam says sliding up next to me. The girls on the team whistled laughing along with him.
"Oh, shut up," I say grabbing the drink from Sam's hand.
The feeling of a shower after training is pure bliss. Coach worked us hard today and I'm just glad he off on holiday for the next two weeks.
We told him we'd still come to training but we all know that isn't going to happen.
" there's free drinks at the bar we're all going c'mon," Remi says barging through my door completely ruining my peace and quiet.
"Ha no " I simply reply before shoving my hand into the bag of Doritos I got from the shop this morning.
"You don't have a choice, we're celebrating no training for the next two weeks "when the hell was she suddenly the boss of me.
"yes, I can celebrate right here. Woo" Remi just stares at me before grabbing me and pushing me into my wardrobe.
"We're leaving in 10 minutes, wash your fanny" I hear her call out. She earns annoyed groans from the guys in the house.
"TMI remster" I hear Daniels Shout.
Her evil laugh didn't help the situation.
I grimaced before plucking out a pair of jeans and a black top with my sneakers. This bar is super casual which is why most of the sports teams go to them. Hence why I am not so excited to go there.
If it isn't obvious already I'm trying to avoid Alex but it's proving some difficulty.
We grabbed a table at the bar and me and Sam decided to get the drinks.
I cursed when I saw the defined back of Alex, a baseball cap secured on his head.
I walked up to the bar and instantly recognised Laura, she does night shifts here all the time since living here is quite expensive.
Speaking of which I probably need a job.
" you got the bitch out of her room wow, " she says placing beers in front of the guys. she's always one to live off my weaknesses. she is like my motivator in life for ultimate failure.
Its great to have such a strong support system.
Alex looks somewhat confused probably thinking she's still talking to them. poor guy, he looks adorable with his nose twitching slightly and his eyes narrowed.
Adorable, what the hell.
He looks at me quickly realising, that I was leaning against the bar close to him. he didn't move away or anything just kept his gaze on me.
" Thanks to Remi " Sam mutters briefly looking up from his phone. she tilts her head back laughing. She looks kind of crazy but Laura is someone that rarely cares about what people think of her.
"That sounds right, so my child what do you want to drink," she asks me.
" we're the same age I'm hardly a child" I snap back at her. we both glare at each other but funnily enough she just turns around and starts to make me a drink. She's so extra it kills me.
" so, you knew her drink but you still asked her?" Alex decided to enter our personal conversation like it's his right.
"Alex, you will soon realise that messing with young Freya is just a god's blessing" I swear she needs to stop speaking either to me or about me like I'm a 5-year-old.
Alex peers at me through his cap with a knowing smile. Yeah, I get it he's already messed with me. I'm more than surprised that he hasn't mentioned it yet.
"look, while you two stare at each other I'm going to go...over there" he points randomly, well not actually more like over to the group I walked in here with. When I take a closer look, I can tell that there's a lot more people now.
"don't look so sad Freya, just means that we're going to be seeing more of each other," he says turning his body to fully face me.
Just perfect the rugby guys had to join us.
I wasn't blind to the curious looks the girls were giving me. I get it I'm the luckiest girl in the city to be having his full attention.
But please, I just don't want him spilling anything right now.
"this wasn't supposed to happen we were supposed to never speak after yesterday, can hardly stand your presence already" I huff. I grab my drink and prepare to leave.
"that's not the way to talk to the guy who could spill your little secret is it?" he grabs my arm pressing his fingers down ono my skin. My eyes widen and I reluctantly stand back in place.
"you're a fucking prick you know that" I say under my breath. "this is why I can't stand the thought of you, out of all people knowing because you don't care, all you care about is having one over on me" by now I was fuming I had prodded his chest about 5 times.
He shut his mouth just watching me vent out to him.
"This guy is gone he is out of my life, I hope you follow suit" I finally say leaving him alone.
I barely made it to the table before I was walking the other way. I needed some fresh air this bar was suffocating me.
I breathed in the air from outside, rain was battering down onto my skin. My clothes were getting drenched but I honestly couldn't give a shit. If only he could just forget what he saw and be a decent guy.
"hey mami, come over here its freezing" a rough voice says from behind me. I peered behind me and nearly was sick in my mouth when I saw the state of this guy.
He wore a puffy black coat over his tracksuit bottoms clearly living for that chav life.
"it's alright, I'm alright here" I mumble back trying not to make eye contact. But it seems as though he just couldn't get the message.
"no no no, padre wouldn't be happy if I left a girl out here, come to me darling let's get you warm" he motioned to his lanky chest. Yeah fuck off mate, i would rather freeze to death.
I quickly decided that running back inside was the only way I could get away from this weirdo. But to my weak attempt I wasn't able to get passed him.
"that's it baby, come to me I'll warm you up" he pulls me into his chest fully taking advantage of my slightly exposed chest. He moved his face into mine since he wasn't that taller than me.
I tried to push him off but he made sure I couldn't move with his hands on my waist. He backed me up to a wall before placing his lips against my neck. His lips were wet and slippery, it felt like I don't even know, slugs or something.
I wished for anyone to come outside, why the fuck did I run out here on my own, couldn't I have gone to the toilet.
"mmm you taste good baby" he groaned against my chest. Fuck sake this was getting ridiculous. I tried everything from pushing at his shoulders to kicking at his legs but I got nowhere.
So, in the midst of his disgusting lips on my neck I screamed. Full on screamed like a bloody banshee. I never knew I could scream like this but I was thankful I had some power in my voice.
"you little bitch "he growled covering my lips quickly. He tried to shut me up so nobody would notice but he was too late. One of the guys from the sheltered area quickly stomped on his cigarette and raced over.
He pulled the guy off me with force before shoving him into the ground. Some other guys ran over and took care of the guy whilst he catered to me.
"shit, are you alright sorry I didn't come sooner I literally thought you guys were making out or something" he trails on checking me for any injuries. His eyes locked on my neck and I knew that this guy had left a mark on me.
"no, I'm fine, thank god you did," I say actually relieved, this guy didn't seem dodgy I recognised him but I could figure out why.
"yeah, your scream definitely woke me up, I was dead on falling asleep over there, I'm joe by the way" he admits to me with an apologetic look.
"look, I'm going to check on the guys but is there someone I can get to stay with you or do you wanna go inside, you came with a group, right?" I wasn't too sure what I wanted to do.
"do you know remi or Sam, I walked in with them," I ask him, hopefully, he does because they're the only ones I want to see in this state. Unfortunately, he shakes his head.
"look ..." he begins to say when all of a sudden, the door to the bar swings open. A figure walks out a lighter in his hand, probably ready to have a smoke.
I recognised the outfit immediately and his name slipped from my lips alerting Joe that I knew him. His eyes widened before he called out to Alex.
Before Joe could explain to him what's going on Alex was already making his way towards me.
"Freya are you okay, fuck joe what did you do" he narrows his eyes at him.
Joe raises his arms up surrendering. "before you murder me I didn't do anything, she was being molested by some guy, the guys are handling him as we speak" he told Alex whose body was still tight and probably ready to pounce.
Didn't really understand why he was being so angry. He probably thought I deserved it.
"did you know who it was? Alex asked removing his jacket meanwhile. Please don't do what I think you're... fuck sake he literally did just remove his jacket to cover me.
Joe watched the action with curiosity.
"Nah ain't got a clue, I'm going to go see now though," he says patting Alex on the shoulder before racing off.
Alex was in front of me instantly. I didn't know I was crying until I felt him grab me and pull me into his chest.
"fuck, Freya I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you angry and storm out, Christ I should've followed you out at least" he curses at himself as he gently strokes my back.
I wasn't strong enough to push him away I needed someone to wrap their arms around me.
I barely had time to react because he took my hand and pulled me back into the bar, he sharply took a left where there was a snooker table, luckily the room was empty.
"look Alex you don't have to do anything I'm okay" I reassure him when he strides over to the table and pours me a glass of water.
His back was tensed it was obvious from how thin his shirt was. I could see his muscles tighten at my words.
"just drink this, I need to know you're okay" he whispers bringing the glass up to my lips. I didn't want to argue with him so I parted my lips taking in the fresh water.
The whole time I had my eyes closed I couldn't stare at him any longer not from the look he was giving me.
"thanks, you really didn't need to do that," I tell him once I'm done with the water. He places the glass down on a nearby table before leans against the snooker table.
"look, I know you think I'm some careless prick but I was never planning on telling anyone, what you do in your time is not mine or anyone else's business," he tells me, he made sure to face me as he said this.
I admit I did think he as a prick but if he was going to tell anyone people would be spreading it like fire by now. Hearing him say it though just makes me less stressed.
"Thanks Alex I appreciate it," I say just above a whisper. The atmosphere in the room changed. I really didn't know how to handle the situation so I decided to push off the table bringing the glass of water with me.
I removed the jacket from my shoulders, thankfully my clothes dried up now so my clothes weren't sticking to my body leaving me in embarrassment. I stopped when I saw the horrible mark on my chest.
"he left quite a number on you" Alex mumbles looking at the mark as well.
I watched his fists clench at his sides. I found that quite strange why did he seem so fucking angry.
"It'll disappear soon, its fine" I shrug off his jacket and hand it to him which he takes thankfully. Goosebumps appear on my skin from the sudden cold air.
"thanks again, and could you tell that other guy I said thanks too," I say, his name slipping from my mind. What was his name again?
I barely heard his reply because I was already out the door. Things just got really complicated, I fucking need to sleep.