Turns out Alex took a bigger hit than we all thought. The medical guys came when I was shouting for someone. Alex literally couldn't stand for himself and that was worrying.
I saw a man on the pitch quickly running over. Joe stepped back immediately when he spotted this man.
"Son, look at me how are you feeling " the man hauls him up from the ground.
Is he just saying that like casually or is he Alex's dad.
I started to step away but the man blocked my exit abruptly.
"Are you his girlfriend or something " He asks me clearly judging me at the same time.
"No," I say quickly.
His eyes widen at my harsh reply.
" I can help you sir" the girl from earlier says jumping at the opportunity.
" no thanks you get back to your friends " he says like it's no deal. He gives her such a dirty look as well.
I actually struggled to keep my laugh in at that time. And apparently I wasn't the only one.
" why her" she says looking at me distatefully " she doesn't even know Alex like I do" she objects still not getting the message at all.
Okay well we didn't need that information. You don't need to share the fact that you sleep with him.
"That's great, but knowing those details aren't really a concern of mine right now" he says as he sends her another glance. "you ran to his side, sorry I just assumed" the man says turning his attention back to me.
I let a smile grace my lips at the obvious outraged look he was giving this other girl.
" look dad I'm fine I just need to sit out and catch my breath. " Alex finally says speaking up. He seems annoyed, he takes or rather rips off that girls hand off his arm.
"Alex!" She exclaims acting like he just ripped off her own arm. What the fuck is her problem.
"Alright clear out all of you? Give the boy some space" he shouts glaring at the girls who were refusing to go.
I did a nervous laugh before heading to follow Joe who was leaving.
"Not you " Alex's dad says stopping me from moving. When did he have the authority to tell me what I can do.
"To be honest sir I don't think I'm needed here right now" I say in my most innocent voice. Hopefully he'd be nice and just let me go.
"I beg to differ, just stay here whilst I grab Alex's things from the locker rooms alright"
I'm pretty sure I gave him a hard glare but he only further infuriated me by leaving me standing there looking like some idiot.
" brilliant " I muttered to myself as I realised it was just me and Alex. When my eyes moved to him I was surprised to see him leant over, his fingers pressing hard onto his head.
" he did a number on you" I speak for the first time in like 3 minutes. Alex gazed up at me quickly shaking his head. I just had to, it was the perfect moment to repeat the words he said to me.
I was proud of this one. I could see the slight movement of his lips curving into a smile.
I fought hard to keep my face straight but I ended up laughing lightly,
"its too fucking cold" I whispered after a while. I looked across the field and couldn't see his dad coming back anytime soon.
"I know, wish he would hurry the fuck up" Alex says rubbing at his arms probably trying to warm himself up.
I sunk back into my scarf hoping to warm up my neck.
"fuck this lets just go" he mutters getting up from his spot on the bench. Without thinking I ran straight up to him holding his arm as lifted himself off.
He glanced at me a smirk riding on his face. It was a smirk that kind of was laughing at me.
"I'm honoured that you think you can pull me up but I think I can cope," he says, I quickly remove my tight hold on him completely ignoring the fact that his arms were too big I had to wrap both hands around it.
I feel kind of rejected but I don't think too much of it.
"don't you want to wait for your dad?" I ask him as we started to walk off the pitch.
"Nah, he only came to see me play I probably won't see him until my next match anyway" he shrugs his shoulder slowly reaching his car.
I watched Sam and Remi sitting in the car waiting for me. Remi was leaning forward her eyes locked onto me. Sam was just on his phone, probably bored as fuck.
"right, well are you sure you're okay to drive," I ask him, giving him a worrying look.
"its alright sweet cheeks I'll drive him," Joe says popping out of nowhere. I even saw Alex jump slightly.
"seriously, sweet cheeks" Alex mutters grabbing the passenger door and yanking it open. Joe smiles over at Alex before sending a wink my way.
"let's be honest here Freya, if you can't see the sexual tension then I think you've lost it" Remi rants as we drive back home.
I managed to finally get away from that bloody pitch and actually go home where I promised myself I would dedicate a hole night to watching some series.
"there is nothing, can you stop already" I groan frustrated.
"Sam help me out here, tell her there's nothing between me and Alex" I turn to him hoping that he will clear this whole thing up for Remi.
He finally takes his eyes off the road when he reaches a light.
"oh no, there's definitely something between you and him" he says rather too quickly for my liking, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I completely block them two out for the rest of the day. I wasn't even bothering with dinner tonight the fucking idioms can cook for themselves.
But I'm pretty sure by the sound of the doorbell they probably ordered dominoes or something.
Fat shits.
The next day was a boring day, I managed to start the day off nicely with a morning run which I actually haven't done in weeks. I was surprised to see a lot of people out running.
Actually, probably not with the number of students in sports societies.
The day surprisingly went quickly and I'm glad it did I spent most of my day in the school library working on a presentation I had in for next week.
It was a group one so I had to deal with the fucking annoying and unmotivated people in m course which only further pissed me off.
I was travelling back on the bus when all of a sudden, I'm being lifted up from the floor. It was only until I turned around did I realise that it was Joe.
"fucking hell, Joe I thought I was being kidnapped" I say whacking him one of the shoulder. He only smiles at my response.
"don't be so dramatic Freya, where you heading?" he asks me picking up a few pens that had fallen out of my pocket.
He eyed my pink one for way too long before handing me it.
Alright no need to be judging me now. It was free at this event I went to so I don't care if its fucking Barbie pink.
"home actually, I think I'm cooking tonight" I say realising this its nearly 6 now. Fucking hell this presentation better be good if I've been working on it all day.
"no, you're not change of plans" Remi says popping out of nowhere, actually maybe not because the bus stops right outside our flat. She probably saw us outside the window.
"since when?" I raise m eyebrow at her. Hopefully she gets the message to shut the fuck up.
"10 minutes ago when Joe invited us to a bar to celebrate the guys winning last night" he did what now.
I glance at Joe and see him standing on the balls of his feet a great big smile on his face.
"c'mon Freya it'll be fun" Remi adds, she can probably see my hesitation. It's a very frequent facial expression of mine.
"I'm so glad you decided to come Frey I feel like you're finally letting loose" she says as digs in my closet for a tshirt I can wear.
I gave up searching 10 minutes ago.
"Well we need a sexy shirt but not too obvious " she says to herself. She plucks out this red tight top before shaking her head and putting it back in.
Thank god I wasn't ever going to wear that top. My mum bought it for me and it honestly still has the tag on.
I ended up wearing an off the shoulder crop jumper tshirt kind of thing paired with my black skinny jeans.
Remi was honestly happy with it which I was relieved for otherwise I wouldn't hear the end of it.
We arrived at the bar at a good time. Most of the people hear we're drinking and chatting loudly. I promised myself I'd stay inside tonight.
Can't afford to have another altercation.
We found joe sitting at a table with some the guys. He waved frantically when he saw us step in.
From the way his eyes tailed down Remi's body I was more than sure that something was going on here.
Remi noticed it too and I smirked at her sudden blushed cheeks. This is too good.
"Drinks girls?" One the waiters says coming over.
" I'll just have a cider " I say smiling at guy. He was cute he had like a baby face though. Nice to look at though.
"Sure darling, and you" he turns To Remi who was still blushing red as joe slung his arm around her shoulder.
" I'll have a cider too " she says in a rush only deepening my smirk.
"Ladies you starting off light tonight I hope your going to get drunk with us" joe says smiling at us.
I only laughed and left them two to talk. There is definitely something going on here.
"What the hell freya" Dan exclaims when I walk over to him.
"Hey Danny" I say laughing at his reaction. Last year Dan and I used to be really close but he left at the end of the year pretty early so I actually haven't seen him in months.
"I've missed you" I say into his chest as wraps his arms around me.
Dan is taller than me and probably most people.
He's hoping to become a professional basketball player which is why he's been out in America for a while.
"No boyfriend still" he turns to me as we both move into a booth.
I roll my eyes. He's been so hell bent on me having a boyfriend. He probably doesn't know I'm not a virgin.
"Cmon now don't tell me you're satisfied with having no man pleasuring you" he says his eyes scanning me for an answer.
I stay silent for a minute watching to see if anyone could hear our conversation.
I sigh heavily pulling him towards me so I could speak to him without anyone heading.
"No fucking way" he exclaims looking at me like I'm some completely different person.
I groan I knew this would happen.
"And Alex knows, well Freya that's just ... not a problem at all" he says suddenly snapping at me.
"You're acting like this is the end of the world, I'm glad you're getting down and dirty and Alex is definitely your type" now this is why I don't tell people stuff.
He seems honestly happy with this new news. And if my life couldn't get worse. Alex spots us from across the room.
"Right, time to go Dan " Dan mutters to himself linking up with a girl at the bar with no problem at all.
Don't blame her he's one hell of a gorgeous man.
I fiddle with my drink nervously. Alex slowly walks through the groups of people who congratulate him and practically attack him with excitement.
When Alex looks like that. The predatory gaze. I barely know where to put my own tongue.
Should I leave it laying on my bottom teeth or do I .... seriously Freya. Pack it in.
It wasn't long before I was crossing my legs just so alex could slide in.
He had a cold beer between his fingers and he was wearing simple clothing. His blue jeans and a plain black top as well.
"How are you feeling?" I ask him as he sits back in the chair leaving me to gaze upon him.
He takes a sip of his drink letting his tongue swipe across his lip.
God help me.
" I'd say I'm a good 70% right now, but I'm supposed to be taking it easy coaches orders" he says the last part like he'd rather do anything but take it easy.
Makes sense since he's addicting to playing tugby and it's obvious he loves the game and loves the challenge.
" your coach is right alex you took a hard hit you should at least take a few days off" I tell him going.
He tilts his head back smiling. "You're starting to sound like my mother" he tells me turning. Back to face me.
" I love that you care so much Freya" he says giving me a playful nudge.
"I really do try" I reply back taking a leap and being playful with him. From the look of deep circles under his eyes he needs to relax more.
Alex stays quiet while I let a laugh drift from my lips. I grimaced when I did an embarrassing snort.
" how are you anyways Freya I never got to ask you if you were okay after you know" yes I did know.
I didn't need his pity or anything I kind of needed to just get out of that building g.
" I'm over it now. Can't blame a girl for wanting some fun and then finding out he's married" I let the last big slip from my lips. I covered my mouth realising what I just said.
I hesitantly turned to Alex to see him looking at me not with pity or disgust but just really looking at me.
"What a fucking prick" he mutters clenching his jaw slightly. " what's his name I'll beat the living shit out of him" he says sitting up.
I grab his arm bringing him back. "Don't be ridiculous Alex" I say after he settles back.
A moment of silence passes us.
" I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you I really wasn't thinking straight" he whispers leaning forward and giving me a sideways glance.
"You didn't know and besides I think you've already made it up to me" I tell him referring back to the bar fiasco.
He eyes shine with realisation.
"I would of done that in a Heartbeat you scared me then" he admits to me. His legs casually bumped with mine.
I watched his leg hit mine repeatedly before he gave my thigh a comforting rub.
" I'm sorry" I say I have no idea why I'm saying that really.
"Don't , it's not your fault a man can't have the decency to simply ask you out or whatever before kissing you like that, fuck what a reject " he curses tightening his hold on my thigh.
"Calm down " I say placing my hand on his arm.
"I don't know why Freya but I feel protective over you, I don't want to see you hurt" he admits turning sideways to watch my reaction carefully.
" I won't be, you don't have to protect me from anything" I say as I think about the fact that he needs to stop saying these things and get my hopes up.
" I think I'm more than secure with sam being protective over me" I jut my head at sam who's watching me intently from the far corner.
Alex follows my gaze. " we both know it's not the same" he finishes finally taking his hand off my knee. I was lost for words.
What does that even mean.