"CHAEYOUNG!" A voice shouted my name.
I turned around,it was Jihyo and the other members behind her.
I'm definitely screwed.
"Chaeyoung, what are you doing here?" I could hear Jihyo's voice getting more angrier.
Before I could say anything, I looked behind her and saw Somi crying.
"Well, are you going to say anything?!" Nayeon butted in.
"I was just hanging out with Mina." I explained myself.
"Do you mean a date?" Sana continued. "It looked like you guys are pretty close."
I looked back at Mina, she avoided eye contact.
"Look at Somi, you made her cry, you cheated on her." Cheated kept repeating in my head from Jihyo's mouth.
She betrayed me, she's a liar.
"We were never a couple." I said in defence.
"Really, at the restaurant you seem like to be close." Momo stepped in.
"She's lying to you guys, don't believe her."
"I'm... gonna go." I turned around and Mina gave me a slight smile.
"But... Mina." I tried to stop her.
"Goodbye Chae." she walked away.
Jihyo grabbed my arm and pulled me to the van, we usually have two vans but this one can hold every one of us. I sat at the back with Tzuyu and Dahyun who was in the middle.
It was a silent trip home, my phone vibrated and I was hoping it was Mina but it was Tzuyu.
Tzuyu ?: Hey, you okay?
Chaeyoung ?: Yeah just a bit hurt and angry about Somi, she betrayed me.
Tzuyu ?: I didn't know she would act crying.
Chaeyoung ?: We must find out what she's planning and get her to admit it.
Tzuyu ?: ?
Tzuyu ?: I'm sorry.
Chaeyoung ?: For what?
Tzuyu ?: I told them where you are.
I looked up at Tzuyu and she looked sad, I don't blame her, the members always interrogated people especially us Maknaes.
Chaeyoung ?: I don't blame you, plus it's not your fault they would of asked me where I've been.
The car suddenly stopped, we were back at the dorm. Jihyo opened the door and pointed to me to go into my room. Talk about Mothering, but I did what I was told, I walked in and shut the door closed, climbing up the bunk bed where my bedsits.
I heard talking through the door, but I had no idea what they were saying, but I was sure they were talking about me.
Jihyo came in, I lowered my head in shame. She leant on the bed post, giving me a disappointed look.
"You've never acted like this, why now?"
"I only wanted to hang out with her, plus me and Somi are not a thing." I argued back, I didn't want to but I did.
"Chaeyoung, she told us you were a thing, I mean you guys were acting like couples" This is giving me a headache.
"She's lying to you all, can't you see?" I know she's lying, she must be lying.
Jihyo opened the door and turned back.
"You're never going to speak to that Mina girl again." then she shut the door.
"You're not the boss of me." I shouted back, but she kind of is in a way.
Tzuyu came in and sat down on her bed.
"So, apparently you can't go anywhere without us."
I jerked my head up to look at her.
"Wait what does that mean?" I asked in confusion.
"It means we have to watch you all the time, sorry."
I rolled my eyes, I can't talk to Mina and I have to be watched, great best weekend ever.
"Dinners ready!" Sana shouted from the kitchen.
Both Tzuyu and me went out and sat at the table.
As soon as I sat down there was no plate or cutlery for me.
Sana were making spring rolls and Raboki.
I asked where's my plate and Jeongyeon responded with, "Oh, we thought you already ate with Mina." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.
Tzuyu shrugged at me.
"It's fine I'll go to my room." I smiled.
"Let me go with you." Dahyun stood up with an evil smile.
"No I'll go." Tzuyu said quickly.
"It's fine Tzuyu, I can handle this." they really don't trust me leaving me alone.
I quickly added, "It's fine, I can just stay here."
Then I sat back down.
They were finally finished with their food, I was starving but I didn't care, I went to go brush my teeth but soon as I stepped in the bathroom I saw Somi.
I wanted to slap her, but I remained calm and tried to negotiate.
She was about walk about until I grabbed her hand and pushed her onto the wall.
"Yah, you better tell me why you lied to my friends." I gave her an angry look but she smirked.
"I did it for a reason, you and your friends were the most popular people in the school and of course I wanted to be one but you kept preventing that..." she hesitated.
"How did we prevent you from being popular?" I asked.
"Because when I first got here, all I heard is TWICE and I was sick of it" she leant close to my ear and whispered, "I will destroy your reputation and if you tell anyone about this... you'll will be the first to go."
I froze, I knew she was serious and I didn't want to make it worse. She smiled at me and walked away saying goodbye as she went.
Dammit Chae!
Why didn't I record it?