The members were finished with their practice, we were still hidden behind the curtain waiting for Somi.
Jihyo came in and found us.
"So where were you guys and why is Mina here?"
We all froze and looked at each other not knowing what to say next.
"We were just showing Mina the stage and stuff." I rolled my eyes at Tzuyu, that's the best you could come up with? Also I remembered that I wasn't suppose to hang out with Mina.
Jihyo looked at us carefully.
"She can stay but if I see you two again, I won't go easy on you." she was talking about me and Mina, then she walked away.
"That was surprisingly easy." I said in relief.
"Look there she is." Mina pointed where Somi was charging her phone next to the exit, she was texting someone.
"Mina you go get her phone and we'll talk to her." Tzuyu smiled.
I gave Mina a thumbs up while we walked up to Somi.
Tzuyu started to talk with Somi.
"Hey, Somi, what up?"
Smooth Tzuyu, so smooth.
"What do you losers want?" Somi put her phone down on the floor then she stood up.
"We're just here to congratulate you for your first speech." I stepped in.
"It is either, Jihyo made you say that or you're trying to flatter me, it ain't gonna work." She sniggered.
Behind her I could see Mina sneaking up to her phone, lucky it was still open when she grabbed it.
"We have to distract more, till Mina is finished." I whispered into Tzuyu's ear while I tiptoed.
Tzuyu nodded and continued to talk to Somi.
I kept an eye on Mina and trying to hide her from Somi.
"You guys think you can, trick me."
I froze.
"You're not getting me to give up on my plan, if you're nice or not, I'll still take you down, you are all hopeless and when they hear about you and TWICE, they'll be sorry for me and they'll hate you." Somi exclaimed.
"Now would you excuse me, I'd like to get my phone please." she pushed me out the way and thankfully Mina was already finished and was hiding behind the curtain.
"So, that talk went well." I said to Tzuyu making fun of her.
"I was just talking about what her speech would be." I rolled my eyes and we walked straight to Mina.
"How'd it go?" Tzuyu grabbed Mina's arm.
"Well, I recorded she said on my phone and I think that I deleted all the recordings... I hope." Mina smiled.
"Now we play this on stage while Somi's performance is happening." Tzuyu held Mina's phone.
"Not so fast." a voice came from behind us, taking Mina's phone.
We were caught... by Somi.
"You think I would be that stupid, think again, I'm always one step ahead of you." She smirked, I tried to get it off her but she was a bit taller than me.
"And don't you try to take it off me." She deleted the recording of her phone.
"Jokes on you, you don't have any recording too." Tzuyu laughed.
"Oh really?" She pulled her phone. "I got one recording right here, I remembered that it was about you three talking about me." she continued. "But I won't play it, you'll hear it in my speech, now see you later" she walked off with her grin on her face, I really wanted to punch it off but it'll get us into trouble even more but I've lost hope now.
"What do we do now?" Tzuyu asked.
"There's nothing we could do." I replied.
"But Chae, you don't want our reputation to be destroyed."
"I know but... she's won, guess we have to face the consequences even from our fans and friends." Mina hugged out from the blue and Tzuyu came in after.
"I can say that you guys will be fine out there." Mina hugged a little tighter but I didn't mind, at least I got to hang out with her and share this moment with her.
"TWICE, you're up on next." the backstage person pointed up on stage.
I took a deep breath and we all went on stage, next to Somi, great.
"Welcome everyone to the school concert, we will be performing 'Merry and Happy' But first we'll let our new member speak out." Jihyo introduced.
"Thank you for everyone for coming here, especially the members." Ugh, trying to act so nice.
"I want to say that I've enjoyed being with Twice but, I have to be honest that it was the worst experience I had to go through."
Everyone in the crowed gasped, me and Tzuyu held onto each other knowing that she would play the recording.
"I have evidence here, that three girls have been talking behind my back, two of which are in this band and you might know who they are, and the last who you never met or even heard of, but Chaeyoung knows who I'm talking about." Somi smiled devilishly, the other members looked back in shock. She pressed the button.
"You guys think you can, trick me, you're not getting me to give up on my plan, if you're nice or not, I'll still take you down, you are all hopeless and when they hear about you and Twice, they'll be sorry for me and they'll hate you!" The recording stopped.
"Wait, what... how... is this possible, must be another recording somewhere." Everyone in the crowd booed at her, she deserved it but I felt sorry for her as well.
She stormed off stage and the members came up to us.
"You were right, we should've trusted you." Jeongyeon admitted.
I gave them a look of 'I told you so.'
"We have to get back to the stage" as Sana said while walking then tripped into Tzuyu who caught her.
I saw her blush, "Hey, you might wanna hide that." I joked.
She quickly pulled Sana up and her blush was fading a bit.
"Come on let's get on stage." Dahyun made a hand gesture.
Jihyo came up on stage and stood in front of the microphone.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, but the show will go on." Everyone cheered and full of excitement.
"How about Somi's part?" Nayeon came up to her.
I stepped in and told them Mina can do it.
"Everyone please meet Mina, come up on stage." The crowed cheered again.
The shy girl was surprised and hid her face, I came up to her and said she'll be fine.
"I don't know how to sing and I don't think I'm good." Mina hid her face again.
"On your profile it said you could sing plus, I heard you singing when you were at the bike shed." I smiled.
Jihyo came up to her and said she'll be singing Somi's part, singing the first part of the second verse.
The music started and it was a great time, Mina's voice was amazing..
My heart couldn't stop, she always looks stunning as always. On that day, was the day she became a Twice member and maybe my girlfriend for life.