The bell rang and already girls were outside the Dance Hall pushing each other, I saw Jihyo going outside to calm everyone down and I sat and stared into space. Everyone was sitting down too and I sat next to Tzuyu, at the end, who sat quietly, I wonder what she's thinking?
That thought went away when the first girl stepped in, she introduced herself and blah blah blah I didn't care, I just wanted it to end.
Few girls came in and out and I can tell you that they weren't good. I got bored and got my notebook and started to draw.
Another few girls came in and out and I was about to finish the whole page on my notebook with drawings. Jihyo called the next girl in and all my focus went to her.
It was the same girl from earlier which I saw, she was still beautiful. She came in shyly and Nayeon asked her name and what traits she had.
"My name is Myoui Mina, I'm from Japan and I did ballet for 11 years."
Sana's and Momo's eyes lit up when they heard Japan.
Myoui Mina, even her name is beautiful. Nayeon asked what she will be doing and she responded with Black Swan.
That's a really hard dance but I assume she can do it. She started to dance and I was mesmerised in her dance, like everyone was mesmerised into Momo's dance solo, anyway back to Mina, she was amazing like I'm actually watching a professional.
I've must of gotten carried away because Tzuyu waved her hand in front of me and I came back to reality.
"What are you doing?" She asked and I quickly gave her an answer.
"I was watching."
"Like that." she pointed to me.
She was talking about my open mouth while I was watching her.
She went back to watch Mina and I needed to be careful and aware what I'm doing.
Few minutes past and Mina was finished, i frowned but I knew she was going to be picked.
"Well done Mina, you're the only one that wasn't bad and your your dancing skills are on point.” Jihyo congratulated her.
I had a small party in my head.
"So you're..." She stopped as a girl who barged in through the door, she looked quite familiar.
"Sorry I'm late, I didn't know how to get here, I'm new to the school." the girl said out of breath.
I know who she was, my old best friend when we were young. Somi.
I realised it was her and shouted out her name.
Somi had the biggest smile on her face and ran to me to give me a hug, I did too.
"Chaeyoung, long time no see." Somi said while hugging me.
"Same goes for you." I replied.
"Whose this Chae?" Dahyun asked.
"This is Somi who I was best friends with when I was young and we went to school with each other."
"That's so cool." Sana smiled.
"Let's sit down, Mina please wait outside while we see Somi's performance." Nayeon instructed.
We all sat down, I smiled and gave a thumbs up to Somi, she smiled back.
She was performing an English song called Lips are Moving by Megan Trainor. She was always good at speaking English, I got so shocked when I first heard her speaking in English.
I looked around the table and everyone was jamming out especially Jeongyeon. She finally stopped and everyone clapped and cheered.
Jihyo stepped out to get Mina who was waiting.
"This is a really tough choice, so we've decided to announce the new member tomorrow." Jihyo said to them.
The both bowed and shook each other's hands.
Mina was leaving, I couldn't miss my chance so I grabbed her attention outside the Dance Hall.
"Well done Mina, you were great at dancing, I hope you'll be our new member." I smiled.
"Thanks, but aren't all of you suppose to pick the member?"
"Well technically it's sort of Nayeon's and Jihyo's part to do that, we're just there as decorations." I joked.
She laughed.
"By the way I'm Chaeyoung." I quickly added.
"So I've heard, nice to meet you." we shook hands and she smiled back at me.
"I hope everything goes well with your decision." she walked away down the steps.
I turned back around and opened the door and I couldn't take my eyes off of Tzuyu grinning at me. I did a 'what are you doing' face, all she did was a heart sign with her hands.
All that aside Somi put my arms around me.
"So what are we going when I become a part of your group." Somi smirked.
"Hey, you don't know if you're going to be picked." I continued. "Plus, even if you are a part of our group we probably do nothing."
Somi laughed.
"I need to go to my next class, even if I know where it is, I'll see you tomorrow." she gave me a quick hug and ran off to her class.
She's such a dummy, I could've told her where her class was. Tzuyu gave me a disbelief look, I was confused so I went up to her and asked what's going on.
"Tzuyu, why do keep giving me these looks?" I asked.
"Nothing, plus I didn't do anything" She was obviously lying.
"Just spit it out already" I demanded her to tell me.
"Ugh fine, I don't want to see you with that Somi girl."
"Why?" I was so confused.
"She looks bad news."
"But she was my best friend back in the day"
"True, but people change you know, she might not be the person she is today." I kind of laughed when she said this, but she was serious about it.
"How about Mina, should I not trust her as well" I added.
"Of course you should trust her, I mean I think you already trust her, if you know what I mean."
She gave me a soft punch to my shoulder.
I gave her a confused look.
"I mean you have a crush on her right." She said it out loud and I quickly covered her mouth.
"Shhh, don't say it out loud... and how do you know I... like her." I whispered.
"Well the way you look at her, the way you act around her and the way you stared at her while she was dancing. “ I was embarrassed, it was too obvious.
"Please keep this a secret between you and me.” I begged her.
She nodded her head.
The bell rang and we went to our classes, still can't get the thought out that Tzuyu knows who I like. Must not let anyone know.