I woke up at 7:00 cause I was excited, Tzuyu woke up after and we had breakfast. We just had a simple butter and toast, soon after we got dressed and went the town.
"So, where do want to go?" Tzuyu asked me.
"Let's go there." I pointed at a clothing store, we went inside and Tzuyu had to pick my clothes.
One by one I tried on the clothes she gave me, I didn't like them until one outfit.
A blue denim jacket, zipped up boots, a crop top and jeans.
"Woah, you look outstanding." Tzuyu exclaimed.
I giggled and gave her light punch. I checked the time, it was 11:00, we've spent 3 hours trying on clothes.
We should go and pay for these I dressed up with my normal clothes on. We went up to till and the person looked quite familiar.
"Hi, this all... Chaeyoung."
I think I just died inside, it was Mina.
"Hey Mina." I quickly hid my blush. I heard Tzuyu chuckled a bit.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
I had to tell her the truth.
"I was..." I was interrupted by Tzuyu.
"She was just shopping for you."
I gave her a stare.
"Really, these are amazing, thanks Chae." Mina smiled.
Dammit I loved that denim jacket.
I scanned my card to pay for it.
"I'm gonna go Chae." Tzuyu gave me a wink and walked away. There was a silence between me and Mina, she was still putting the clothes in the bag.
"I assume you work here." I wanted to start a conversation.
"Part timing." she replied.
"Hey should we go to the Arcade." Mina went around the till.
I nodded.
We walked out of the store and walked to the Arcade, inside was all old school retro games which I'm a fan of.
"So why did you choose to go here? I asked.
"I'm quite a gamer myself." she smiled, then she looked over to the side and gasped. I looked at where she was looking,
Street Fighter it said.
"Woah, let's play this." Grabbing a coin from her pocket.
"Have you never played this."
She looked down.
"I've never played it before with a friend, I haven't got much friends."
Not much friends, how she's so beautiful and cute, how in the world does she not have friends?
"Hey I'm here, let's play." I grabbed the coin from her hand and inserted it.
I picked Cammy and she picked Ryu, I giggled and asked why she picked him.
"It's the only character I know the moves for." she said in reply.
The game started.
I gave the first blow and knocked 1/8 of her health, I kept punching and almost all of her health was gone, she hasn't landed a punch on me. But she made a come back and she was good, really good, all the combos she did were unbelievable, then she finished it with a blast.
I lost.
I turned to Mina with my mouth open.
"How... did you... do that." I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Yeah, I have played this a lot... alone though." I saw Mina blushed.
The new round started and I didn't want to lose I can't lose after a few hits I lost again. Gosh dammit Chae.
"You're just too good Mina." I said.
"I'm not that good." Mina kept looking down.
After that we went to different games, she beaten me in all of them, 'not that good' I disagree.
We walked out of the arcade and sat outside a bench looking at the sunset.
I let out a sigh and so did Mina.
"This is beautiful." She closed her eyes.
I agreed with her.
"So who's that person you were with this morning" A sudden question from the penguin.
"Oh, it's just my friend Tzuyu, she's just helping me to pick my outfi... I mean your outfit." I forgot that the clothes who were picked for me were for Mina.
She smiled with her teeth and handed the bag of clothes back to me.
"What's this?" I asked, confused.
"I know this is yours, your friend kind of saved you."
"Oh you knew." I covered my face.
I felt a hand uncovering my face.
"Don't be embarrassed." She smiled at me.
My heart was beating faster then she leant on my shoulder while I leant on her head. Her hair smelt like Strawberries.
"CHAEYOUNG!" A shouting voice shouted my name, I turned around, I'm screwed.