“Well Nicky I guess I could do that.” Charlie retorted, not the least bit fazed as he followed us out. I watched him take a few long strides and turn to face us, leaning on my jeep. The look he was giving me distracted me from my resolve for a long moment, till he spoke again. “But it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to leave the two of you stranded in the snow with your tires slashed.”
I stared at the pathetically deflated tires, feeling like something within me would join them. I looked at Charlie suspiciously. Angry spark burst back to flame. Very good.
“I wouldn’t put it past you to have done that yourself.” I spat. Charlie lifted an eyebrow at me.
“Do you honestly think I’d have wasted time cutting the tires when I knew you were inside and needed my help?” He asked with clear affront. Then he laughed. “I paid someone to do it. I’ve got my mustang, you don’t need to drive that pile of junk anymore.”
“You high handed son of a bitch!” I felt my temper rising with my voice, then a slight pressure on my arm. Mica was holding me now, I had a feeling she didn’t trust Charlie not too hurt me if I pushed him too far. I wasn’t worried. “You’ve got some fuckin’ nerve Charlie!”
“So they say.” He straightened, stepping up to face me. “It’s too close to dawn to hash this out now Nicky. Let’s leave it at I’m not about to have my woman seen driving around in something like that…”
“Your woman.” I repeated, feeling a sudden deadly calm fill me. He nodded slowly, warning in his eyes as they stayed fixed on mine.
“My woman. Now lets go drop Mica off…we don’t have much time to get back to my room…” I laughed, almost hysterically as the words left his mouth. He grabbed my arm. I smiled slowly.
“Harder Charlie…it’ll give me a real good reason to ripe that arm out of its fuckin’ socket and shove it straight up your self-important ass.” I met Mica’s eye past Charlie’s shoulder, nodding almost imperceptivity. Charlie let me go and sighed.
“Nicky look…I get that you’re mad…” He started. Mica cried out pitifully. Charlie turned and reached for her as she seemed to loose her balance on the ice in her six inch heels. As soon as he turned I kicked up hard, steel toed boots hitting him between the legs hard enough that it would have made a mortal man sterile for life. In this case it was enough to drop him to his knees. I leaned down and fished through the pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out his keys. I nodded at Mica and we headed for the red mustang parked behind my crippled jeep. I pressed the button for the automatic doors and we jumped in car moving before the doors were fully closed. I let the wheels skid in place in the sludge and surged forward a few paces, the image of what the heavily salted liquid would do to his baby making me feel warm and fuzzy. I slowed as Charlie got back to his feet, still in obvious pain and slumped against the jeep. I leaned over Mica and met his glare with a grin.
“Enjoy your stay Charlie…and a fair warning between old allies. Be careful. Montréal’s a very different place from New York. No ones gonna put up with your shit here.”
“This isn’t over Nicky.” He growled. I inclined my head in acknowledgement.
“That’s fine Charlie. You need more then black and blue balls to let you know how unwanted you are here I will be more than happy to give you just that.”