I caught my breath, ready for the cut of fangs. Instead he licked around the hole, then pushed his tongue into it roughly, encouraging the flow of blood. I fought weakly to push him away but one of his men came to my side, grabbing my hands and pulling me onto the table. His firm grip kept me still as I felt something cold and wet poured over me, fire bursting over my broken skin as the smell of strong alcohol washed over me. I felt more mouths on my stomach as the alcohol eased the flow of blood, hands on my legs holding me down. I heard Mica cry out and turned my head trying to catch sight of her, wincing as fangs pieced my wrist. I saw Mica under three vampires, struggling as they latched on to her arms and throat. Weakly I lifted the hand the guard had released, pushed against Sean’s head. If I didn’t find a way out of this we’d both die here. Tammy would come swiftly for revenge if I didn’t return by the end of this night and she’d end up leading the rest of my girls to the same fate.
I grunted as something flew into the table, knocking it over despite it being bolted to the floor. Sean growled as he braced over me and I squinted, trying desperately to see past the warped remainder of my failing vision. I could hear the steady fall of fist pounding flesh, glass breaking and bodies flying, but whether the new arrival was friend or foe I didn’t know. Blessed unconsciousness beckoned but I pushed it away. Mica was going to need me if we made it through this alive, and I needed to find a way to regain my strength.
I pushed myself up on one arm, feeling about for a warm body, knowing just a little bit of blood would return my vision and give me a fighting chance. Strong arms pulled me up and almost by instinct alone as I was pulled against the solid chest my lips moved up to the throat and bit down. The familiar chuckle almost gave me pause, but I drank down with determination, needing to push the weakness aside.
“I could stand here with you doing this all night Nicky, but I really think we should see to Mica before this goes any further.” He whispered into my hair. I pushed away and moved to Mica’s side, encouraging her to latch onto my wrist so as to share the healing blood flowing through me. I took the time to sort my wayward thoughts, forcing them to some kind of order. I kept my eyes on Mica’s lips pulling on my wrist as I spoke to him.
“What are you doing here Charlie?” I demanded. I’d known he’d come eventually, and I was gratefully he’d chosen now. I wasn’t about to let him know that. I peeked over at him through the corner of my eye when the silence stretched. Charlie glanced up from where he’d been looking over Sean’s unmoving form.
“You know why I’m here Nicky.” He said softly. Then in his usual style he smirked cockily. “Damned good timing if I may say so myself.”
I ran my tongue around the inside of my mouth, the taste enforcing the anger that was rising again to a comfortable boil before I turned to him, helping Mica to her feet.
“Oh yes, and we appreciate it so much.” I hissed. “Now get the fuck out of here, before I use the magi blood you shared so very generously to add your body to the others on the floor.”
Mica, being Mica didn’t look shocked by the fact that I was choosing a very inappropriate time to be bitter and ungrateful. Actually she looked at Charlie with a snide smirk and tossed her pretty head dismissively.
Had to love the girl, she had no boundaries.