Sitting in the back of the Lincoln town car I fidgeted with my leather bracelet, feeling uncomfortable and slightly claustrophobic, knowing at this moment I was completely at Caleb’s mercy. How did I get myself in these situations?
Hearing Caleb chuckle I glanced his way.
“Don’t look so frightened Nicky…I don’t bite.” He paused thoughtfully. “Not on the first date anyway.” He took my hand, my heart did a nose dive into my stomach. “Look Nicky I know about the part you played in the battle in New York and I must say I…admire you for it. It’s a pity you should return here and be forced to live in such abominable conditions, and seeing as I could use some good people working for me I don’t see why we can’t come to a mutually beneficial agreement.”
I relaxed, seeing the sense of his words. Aligning myself with Caleb would guarantee a decent position in the city, as well as protection for the Fallen Angels against all opposing factions. Besides, we wouldn’t be broke anymore and maybe if I played this out right we could actually start living as nicely as we had in New York.
Before I knew it we had pulled up in front of a chic restaurant, and I followed Caleb in, ignoring the stares I got, instead determined to make a profitable deal that would get my gang back in good standings. As we sat down Caleb waved back his men and leaned forward, regarding me with blatant curiosity.
“Before we discuss this further Nicky there is one thing I must ask you.” He said, brow furrowing. “From what I’ve heard you were well set up in New York. Why would you leave all that to return to Montreal and live as you are?”
I picked up the steak knife set before me distractedly, twirling it into the table cloth. Caleb put his hand out, taking the knife and set it back down, clasping my hand in his.
“I apologize if the question makes you uncomfortable…but I must know before I commit my resources that you won’t be drawn back there.”
I nodded, inhaling deeply.
“I was in a relationship with the leader of the city…it ended badly.” I told him honestly. He nodded slowly.
“And now Charlie is here. Is that a problem? I can arrange to have him sent back.” He offered. I looked up, eyes wide.
“God no…don’t worry about it.” I said, much to fast. His mouth hardened and I continued quickly. “Look, getting you involved with issues with my ex would just get messy and make me look pretty pathetic. I can take care of it.”
He nodded and thankfully didn’t mention it again. From that point on we discussed how the Fallen Angels could be given several of his profitable enterprises to run for split profits, in exchange for two secure territories and unlimited resources. I couldn’t get him to give up the contract on Mica but he assured me she’d be well protected. I didn’t like it but it was something she did anyway, and considering everything it was better him then Sean.
After a meeting that was far more pleasant then expected Caleb brought me back home, making me promise before he left that I would meet him at the Old Port the next night to go over some details. I went to bed feeling like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Maybe, just maybe, coming back hadn’t been such a bad idea after all.
Over the next few weeks Montreal was starting to feel like Heaven. Caleb had secured a large house for us down by the river, we had steady work and an income that made life pretty damn easy and no less then three new cars parked in the garage (Charlie’s having disappeared one night). Caleb was attentive and respectful, not at all the monster I’d expected him to be. Fine none of the work we did was the least bit legal…or really even moral, but he was so professional it was all too easy to forget.