God a flesh bag with ripped abs and a white shirt just on the tight side, too fucking tempting. Watching him bend over the table I took a swig of beer and cocked my head, taking my fill of the luscious sight. So very round, just enough that I could meld my fingers into it for the perfect thrust. I looked away quickly hoping that I had enough blood in me to pull off a decent blush when he stood and looked my way, having cut a perfect combo. The sweet act was wearing thin but I knew if we were gonna cover the rent I had to manage it. I bit my lip, curling my hair around my finger and lowering my lashes.
“Fifty dollars a ball…that’s a lot of money, I don’t know.” I sighed. “You’re a lot better then me.”
Hot or not when he pulled me against him boldly, while taking the liberty to run his hand over my leather clad ass, I was tempted to rip his ear off with my teeth and lap up the steady flow of blood to my hearts content…but again, that wouldn’t get the rent paid.
“How ‘bout we make a little side deal baby. You win, I pay up.” He said, voice breathy. “I win you put out.”
Now I pulled away.
“Oh I don’t know…doing something like that…with a guy I just met.” I held the pause steadily as if I was really thinking it over, then for a few seconds longer, just for good measure. “But a deals a deal…”
“Great. Rack em up.”
I moved to the other end of the table, set down the triangle rack and clumsily lifted the balls, dropping them as I tried to hold three at a time. The boy finally took pity on me and came over, taking the balls from me and racking them up with ease. He broke the set neatly, a perfect stretch across the table, sinking three. Aiming at the solid four with the white ball he pulled a sharp forty five degree into the corner pocket. As expected I wouldn’t get a shot unless I played interference. It was hard not to laugh when I simply leaned over and grabbed the six during his next shot as it rolled towards the center pocket, stopping it short, knowing he hadn’t even seen me move.
Scratching his head he stepped back, letting me take my turn. Of coarse I missed an easy straight shot. Giggling with forced embarrassment fighting not to roll my eyes I watched him set up, and decided after he’d cleared the table I’d settle this by making him scratch. When the white ball rounded the table, skimmed past the black and fell with a soft thud in the far right corner he stared at the table in shock. Shaking his head he counted the money and held it out to me. I took it from his hand, expecting the kiss he dropped on my lips. Seeing his eyes close I allowed myself a brief eye roll, relieved when Tammy pushed between us, sounding hysterical and making little sense.
All was going exactly as planned.