Chapter Nine
I was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room.
"It's probably not so bad." Mai tells me reassuringly.
"It probably is Mai. I mean, getting a phone call about my dad, is just horrible." I say while biting my lip.
My dad and I are close.
My mom called me this morning saying that he got in a motorcycle accident. And I almost lost it.
Mai had to drive me to the hospital. Because I couldn't even function enough to drive.
"Well calm down because Peter is here." She tells me nonchalantly.
I gasped and looked around.
"What? I didn't even ask him to come!" I explained frantically.
"Yeah I know, I did." She says shrugging and opening up her book.
It's that new one Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
"Mai! Why would you do that!?" I ask her with a scowl on my face.
"Because I have to go back to the bakery soon. Think of him like my stand in or something if you want." She says not looking at me.
Before I could yell at her, Peter spots me and smiles at me while walking through the door and up to me and Mai.
"Hey how's your dad?" He asks me.
"He's okay I guess, he's been in surgery for what feels like a damn decade." I tell him while mumbling all awkwardly.
"Oh I see.." He says clearing his throat.
Mai stood up and sighed then grinned at the both of us and patted my back.
"Well Peter, you can take Andy here home when she's done seeing her dad, I'm going back to the bakery." She informs him.
"What? Mai that's okay, I can take the bus home." I tell her reassuringly.
She clicks her tongue and shakes her head then grabs her car keys.
"Nope I'm sorry girl, but I'm doing you a favor. Just know that." She tells me chuckling.
"I will put pickles in your bra." I tell her scowling.
She just laughs. And then walks away.
I'm so going to get her back for this.
"So... what's your dad's name?" Peter asks me completely out of the blue.
I turned to face him and sighed.
"Derek." I say.
Then we both sat back down in the waiting room.
Later that night, I was playing with my Alex and Ani bangles while Peter was driving me back to the bakery.
"So a broken collarbone.. that's not so bad right?" He asks me.
I looked at him and I saw that he's still looking straight At the road ahead of us.
"Yeah, my mom is going to see him tomorrow morning, she had a last minute attorney thingy to do that's all." I explained to him.
He nods then sighs.
"You know, my mom was comatose when I was just ten years old, I thought, my dad thought, and her doctors thought that she wouldn't make it, they even told my dad to start preparing for the worst." He tells me not even sparing me a freakin glance.
"Well did she die?" I ask looking at him.
He hits a red light, and he looks at me all shocked like he didn't realize I was actually paying attention to him.
But I really was.
"No, she woke up exactly a week before I turned eleven." He tells me.
I nod my head in relief and then lean back against the leather seat.
"That's good." I say.
Peter gives me a quick glance and then sighs and started driving again.
"It was a pretty damn miracle Andrea Heightmore, that's what." He tells me chuckling.