Mr. Black still didn’t turn around. He was angry but why? Over what? Was it Chris or Matt? I didn’t know but my heart was breaking and I was near tears. I didn’t want to take it to heart because Mr. Black gets upset with whatever male I seem to talk too or connection too but this was different. This was different on a next level. “I don’t like this, please talk to me,” I said and laid a hand on his shoulder. “We can even argue.”
He turned around and got out of the chair. He lifted me further onto the desk. He stood between my legs and immediately my fanny awoke. Dirty thoughts were swimming in my brain but I was alone in the notion because when he laid his head on my shoulder is when I started to stress. All sexual tension was wiped away and replaced with guilt. I lifted his head and stared into his beautiful eyes. What I saw - what I will never forget- was hurt. He was hurt and sad.
“Mr. Black?” I asked in a soft voice. My brain was in overload. This is the man that never showed any emotion except confidence, strength, power and wealth. He was a god. An advance human but he was still human. My brother's words came to me in an instant. He is just a man, with feelings. I hurt those feelings over and over again. How could I not have noticed? Why did I treat him differently?
That was just the thing. Mr. Black…he didn’t belong in the same field as the rest. I didn’t know how to react so I went on instinct. I couldn’t treat him like I treated my brothers because he wasn’t my brother. He was my boss but he wasn’t just my boss, he was my best friend's brother. He wasn’t just Candice’s Brother, no, he was a mafia boss, a king with a family and employees. He owns the business world along with the underground world and he owns me, even if I don’t admit it out loud.
“What do they have that I don’t?” He spoke softly. “Tell me, Princess, what can they give you that I can’t?”2
He finally had enough. He couldn’t stand coming second or being in the dark. For years, he watched me being happy with Ben even though I was his. He watched as I cried for Ben but he didn’t say anything. He stood by and let me live my life until my day would come but now as a princess, I wanted to be free. I didn’t want a relationship because of death. I feared to be alone so I stayed alone so I wouldn't feel lonely. Being alone almost all the time makes the loneliness not so lonely but surrounding yourself with people constantly makes you feel lonely as soon as they leave. I grew up alone and I know how to survive in the world alone, that is why Mr. Black can never be with me.
His Beautiful eyes searched mine. My hands were heating up against his soft skin. It was like the world stopped and it was us. No problems, nothing. Nothing except me and this beautiful man. He laid his forehead on mine and I involuntarily closed my eyes. “Mr. Black,” I said softly.
“Call me, Lucifer, Princess.”
“Lucifer…” I opened my eyes and stared into his lustful eyes.
Seconds turned into minutes as we stared into each other eyes. None of us dared to move. My eyes shifted between his beautiful mystical eyes to his lightly pinked, full and almost feminine lips. His eyes did the same and eventually, the gap between us got closer and closer and closer until our lips met.
It was nothing but bliss. Mr. Black and I in our little bubble protecting us from reality. Mr. Black’s soft lips against mine was all I needed in this world. His rough hands against my bare tights and my hands in his silky black hair. This was all I needed. He tasted like fresh peppermint, something I happen to love. He was expertly skilled with his tongue. I didn’t even try to keep up because I knew he was the dominant species. He pulled away to take a breath. We were both breathing heavily. I kept my eyes closed and gave a smile.
His hands were still on my thighs and my hands now rested on around his neck. I knew my face was red, no doubt about it. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I opened my eyes to find Mr. Black already staring at me with a smirk on his face. Our breaths were intertwined.
I smiled. I felt happy, extremely happy. I gave a little laugh and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt giddy and I enjoyed the feeling. “Still doesn’t make me yours, Mr. Black.”
He made one elegant sound. “If you say so, princess.” he removed his hand from my thighs, only to lift my face. He leaned his forehead against mine. “You will always be mine, especially now.” He gave me a peck and it immediately went to phase two. He smirked within the kiss. He bit my lip and that has never been as sexy as it was now. “You can’t resist, Princess.”
I smiled at him. “Well, Lucifer. I can’t resist a lot of things but that doesn’t mean, I want them in my life.” I gave him a peck and before he could deepen the kiss, I pulled away. I gave a little smirk. “Looks like am not the only one that can’t resist.”
And that’s when it happened. He laughed. It was like a mystical sound, it was music to my ears. He looked even more beautiful when he laughed. I swear Earth stood still just to hear his laughter. “God, Princess.” I was still trapped in a world where his laughter was my sole reason for existence. “But I know what’s happening around me Candice entered the office and left. She dropped your keys”
I could hear the ‘pop’ of the bubble bursting. I hid my face in Mr. Black’s neck. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because…” he lifted my face. “The world should know who you are and the world will know who you belong too, including my sister.”
“I don’t want them to know,” I whispered. “I want no one to know. “ including myself. I thought to myself. I wasn’t ready to be his queen. I wanted to be at peace and being his queen was something I was ready to do. I wanted to be just Rose and I wanted him to be just Mr. Black, a CEO of a law-binding company.
He kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry, my precious.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and he encircled his arms around my waist. “All good things take time. For now, let's get you home.” he lifted my head and kissed my cheek.
I immediately blushed. “I’m staying at my brother’s place. Your sister told me to get a place for the night.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of it.
“You coming home with me.” He stated. He didn’t ask, no, he stated. I gave him a look. “Your mine, princess and you’ll always have a place at my house.”
“Do you have to claim me like a dog?” I asked him. He helped me down. I fixed myself and collected my things.
“Princess, come on.” He directed me to the door. “I’ll buy us dinner.”
“No,” I said and stopped walking. I turned to look him in his beautiful eyes. “I don’t want you wasting money on me.”
“Money is just money, useless I spend it on you, princess,” he said keeping my eye contact.
Oh my! “Whatever.” I said and turned to hide my smile and my blush. I walked out of the office and went to the elevator. Candice handed me papers with a smile on her face. She gave me a wink and I couldn’t stop my smile from spreading.
The doors opened and I kept it from closing. Mr. Black entered and pressed the ground floor. Today was one of those lucky days where he drove himself. I swear Mr. Black isn’t an ordinary billionaire or a millionaire in that fact because he doesn’t do what an ordinary person would do when he or she has money to waste.
He took us to an Italian restaurant, which I had no problem with. The problem was the menu. I took Spanish classes because one, America had a lot of Spanish speaking natives. Two, I was part Spanish and my Spanish part outweighed the Italian part of my bloodstream and my parents didn’t convey the message of heritage with us.
“You need to learn the language of love, Princess,” He said as he handed the menu to yet another bimbo drooling over my boss. He ordered for me seeing as I couldn’t read the language.
“I do know the love language,” I said. “Just the Spanish one.”
“They not so different.” He said. “There are certain words that are the exact same as it would be in Italian.”
“Well, My Italian King, I happened to love the Spanish-” My sentence was cut short when the bimbo came back.
“Your wine, sir.” She said in that sickly sweet voice of hers. She bent so low that her fake boobs nearly fell from her chest.
Mr. Black could care less if she was a prostitute stuffing her items in his face, he was watching me, watching her. She was the most annoying person I could ever meet and trust me, I met a lot of people working as a researcher. I was a lover, I didn’t like war but this girl was enough to make me start world war flipping three. “Miss…” I lift it for her to finish.
“Rebecca.” she finished and moved to show her nameplate to Mr. Black.
Now the demon has my beautiful sister’s name. I rolled my eyes. “I love the twins.” she seemed to smile brightly because if I noticed her boob job and then, of course, my partner did. “But I see they not identical.” she gasped and made a run for it. I immediately smirked. Victory is once again ours
“Green is a good color on you, my princess.” Mr. Black spoke and breaking my victory dance. I looked at him strangely but when he smirked it hit me like a ton of bricks.
“No, I am not jealous.” was I? I defended myself against that statement because I wasn’t jealous. I knew I wasn’t but that girl, she had done nothing wrong and I attack her. Holy hell, what if I was jealous?
“Mine, Princess,” he said as he laid his hand on my cheek. It took everything and I mean everything not react to his touch, not lean into it because lord knew I wanted to purr like a freaking cat when his rough but gentle big hand touched my skin. “That is our bond. The word ‘mine’ will bond us. For you are mine as very much as I am yours.”